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Adam Harris responds to Freddie Kissoon

Dear Editor,

For some people, trouble follows them regardless of where they go or what they do. The most careful motorist would get into an accident through no fault of his. Just this week, a vehicle slammed into a truck driven by a man who was taking all the care in the world.
The vehicle simply drove into the path of the truck.
I have known of people standing on the parapet being struck dead by some careless driver. It has been the case with cyclists who try to take all the care in the world.
There have also been people who took every precaution to avoid COVID-19. They obeyed all the regulations, including avoiding crowds. Lo and behold, some of them actually became infected because a trusted relative who was not as cautious brought the virus into the home.
I have almost all my life tried to avoid confrontation of any kind. There are people who would say to me that they have never seen me angry; that I always smile. Of course, I do get angry but that would be a relatively rare occasion.
I stay out of the maddening crowd but some members of the crowd simply follow me. Freddie Kissoon is one. I have maintained my distance from anything controversial but Freddie Kissoon wrote a few days ago that I did an interview with Mark Benschop less than a fortnight ago.
Freddie Kissoon was a University of Guyana lecturer whom I knew for probably four decades. We shared the same space in Kaieteur News; he wrote and I edited. There were clashes over facts. I remember Bonita Bone-Harris saying to me that Freddie Kissoon was wrong to write that Ronald Waddell was buried in the Gulf—a section in the Buxton backlands.
Waddell was actually cremated on the Lusignan foreshore. When I published Bonita’s objection, Freddie Kissoon became angry.
When he wrote that I appeared on a Mark Benschop programme a fortnight ago and said certain things about him, I called him. Most of what he subsequently wrote was true. He did not write that my objection to his date of the interview got the retort that the date of the interview did not matter.
My last interview with Mark Benschop was April 8, 2021. There were three of us on that programme. One of the persons has gone on to become the Lieutenant Governor of New York.
Freddie Kissoon said that I spent some 10 minutes denigrating him and accusing him of all manner of things. He did say that he had the recording, all 10 minutes of it, featuring me. I did ask him to send the recording and he did say that I should collect the recording from Benschop. I did.
When I asked Kissoon to share his recording, I simply wanted to match it with mine. When he refused, I immediately asked myself whether he actually had a recording. I have since read that three people sent him this recording.
The entire recording is one hour, thirty minutes. I don’t know if these three people sent the entire recording. Perhaps, as Freddie Kissoon suggested, they simply sent the last 10 minutes of me telling the world that the PPP paid Freddie, and all manner of things.
I would normally ignore things said about me whether right or wrong. I remember back in 1992, a fellow named Earl Bousquet writing that if the PPP were vindictive, I would have been in jail for theft. I got angry then said let it ride. Today, all those years later, not even the staunchest PPP supporter would recall that incident.
I remember Freddie Kissoon running afoul of the tax man. At the time, the head was Khurshid Sattaur, God rest his soul. Freddie knows what he did for him. He was so desperate that he came to my home.
Perhaps, I am being childish here to recall something like that. But I am not being childish when for decades I kept telling Freddie to write about issues rather than people. That is an impossible task. And he cannot take the heat. Ralph Seeram, now resident in Florida, gave Freddie a dressing down for an attack against Seeram.
Seeram likened Freddie to Saga Bay, a donkey that roamed New Amsterdam. With tears in his eyes, Freddie went to Glenn Lall and got him to drop Seeram from among his columnists.
Well, this time around, I must state that I shared the video of the so-called interview with Benschop. Dr Asquith Rose was one with whom I shared the video. For the entire one hour and thirty minutes, he could find nothing of what Freddie Kissoon spoke. He then said that perhaps there was another interview.
So I go back to my corner with the words of Dr. Rose ringing in my ears. “Adam, ignore Freddie. Once you reply, he will jump to write something else.”
And as an aside, I noticed that the lack of an invitation to my 70th birthday party is still a sore point. Three years later and Freddie still remembers.

Adam Harris

Link to video

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Adam Harris and I: The evidence that should change African Guyanese

Kaieteur News – Humans wherever they live would never understand the mentality of a nationality named Guyanese. I am going on to 33 years as a columnist, and suddenly, over Adam Harris, I am going to throw away my entire media career by writing an entire column for the newspaper I work for the past 25 years by inventing a tape that does not exist.If you think I will do that you are a consummate jackass. I would never embarrass the newspaper I have wrote for the past 25 years like this. I would never embarrass my wife and daughter like this. I am sending the tape to those who believe Harris on one condition only. They must write a letter in the press acknowledging that if the tape does exist then Adam Harris and Mark Benschop are fooling African Guyanese and are dangerous men.

But how do you see Benschop now? Do you believe anything this man says from now on? This big and bad man has not written a line denying he interviewed Adam and Adam said those things about me. Benschop lied to all his radio listeners when he told Adam he hasn’t got the tape. Well Benschop, I am calling you a liar again. You did an interview with Adam, in which he scandalised my character for 10 minutes based on questions you asked about me. And you don’t have the tape? Well Guyanese have finally seen what Benschop is made of (not that they didn’t know). I am waiting to read the letter in the press about me and the “fictional tape” from Benschop.

Well, if you hate me and believe that Adam never said those things and did not do that interview with Benschop, then put your money where your mouth is. Each one of you who believe Adam never said those things about me then bet your money if you have testicular courage and prove to the world you are not a jackass.Lodge your money at Kaieteur News ASAP, I will lodge mine. I will then ask Kaieteur Radio to broadcast the section where Benschop and Adam went after me, then, I will collect your money and throw it in the gutter that runs alongside the Kaieteur News building. Mind you, it was not Adam only that vilified me in that interview, Benschop got into the act too. He went on about how I have changed and asked Adam for his take on the nasty things I am writing. Now read this. Before Adam went after me, he told Benschop that he has not read any column of mine since April 2020.Well I guess this is my last article for Kaieteur News because I cannot see the newspaper retaining me after all the things I wrote about that tape. Well, man oh man, what kind of people African Guyanese listen to? African Guyanese need to know the nature of the people that preach to them.

To think you did an interview scandalising me for 10 minutes then to be so idiotic to deny it. How can any human be so stupid? The tape is there. I have it. Benschop had two other guests (African Americans) who did not show any facial expression when Benschop and Adam were attacking me.So let’s get down to business. Here is a question for Rickford Burke, Sherod Duncan, David Hinds, Jermaine Figueria, and others who criticise me – do you think no such interview took place between Benschop and Adam?

Let me ask those people on social media who hate Freddie Kissoon. Do you think there is no such tape? And if there is such an interview what do you think now of Mark Benschop? Benschop in the interview said I have changed. Well Benschop has changed too. He has become a coward. He is running. But I am not done with him. I will keep writing that he should make the tape available.Why should I give Adam Harris the tape when he could get it from Benschop? I will only give the tape to three sets of people – the publisher and editor of the Kaieteur News, my colleagues in the media and those whose money I will collect, tear it up, then, throw it in the gutter.
What I like about this column here is the curiosity Benschop is going to get out of this. He normally likes to use the American slang, “let’s rock n’ roll”. Well, Benschop, let’s rock n’ roll.

Last edited by Django

AH said......"But I am not being childish when for decades I kept telling Freddie to write about issues rather than people. That is an impossible task. And he cannot take the heat. Ralph Seeram, now resident in Florida, gave Freddie a dressing down for an attack against Seeram.
Seeram likened Freddie to Saga Bay, a donkey that roamed New Amsterdam. With tears in his eyes, Freddie went to Glenn Lall and got him to drop Seeram from among his columnists."

this bitch complaining now

anything freddie says has to be taken with a pinch of salt

@seignet posted:

Yuh should pay heed to Mr. Harris's advice, "let things slide." Intelligent people do that. And secure individuals too.

Guyana falling apart and you are assisting it over the precipice.



Adam should not have included Freddy tax problems. That is the man personal business.

Freddy holds himself out to be some moral paragon, so hell yes, he is fair game. He delves into people's personal business also. Of all the politicians etc. Fraudie is one of the most useless creatures in that country. No wonder he hates expats.

I don't even bother reading what he writes, not even when he attacked the PPP whom I do not support. He is useless.


Adam should not have included Freddy tax problems. That is the man personal business.

Fraudie should have been working on his thesis for his PhD rather than writing about people. I like when he writes about his wife and his dog.


Po Freddie Kissoon missed me so much, he's going crazy again. Imagine this COWARD who hides behind the Kaietuer News to throw bricks at people who don't agree with his filth and lies is upset because of a "facial expression" I made when as he claimed Adam Harris (allegedly) accused him of being paid by the Installed PPP regime to write.

Well, the interview that he alleged that I did last week with Adam Harris is just another figment of his always. The truth is, the said interview was a rebroadcast of the original which was aired on April 8, 2021 when both Adam and Mr. Brian Benjamin (now the Lieutenant Governor of New York) were my guests --- and Adam Harris did not accuse he de Freddie Kissoon of anything.

However, if this COWARD of a "man" is referring to some other interview I conducted with Adam, then I wouldn't know (or can't remember) if Adam accused him of what he says. And, I just don't have any precious time to spare by looking to see whether Adam is guilty of what Mr. Coward Kissoon has accused him of.

In fact, Mr. COWARD claims to have the recording which was sent to him ALLEGEDLY by three persons --- maybe those persons are: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. 😂

But seriously, Mr. COWARD Kissoon is the last "man" on this earth to call others liars. After all, his few readers have already figured that out about him...too bad he hasn't been able to read the verdict.

In photo: Mr. COWARD Kissoon is up under the Lion of the Jungle for protection, as it was always the case back then when the very STRONG and BRAVE Lion was also there to dry his tears and assist him in removing his fears of the murderous PPP regime...and now he got lil teeth fuh bark...ruff ruff ruff. Ah, and I'm so scared. 🙏😂
#PoMrCoward 😎


Freddy has been writing about his dog now for about 20 years. That is one old dog.

Maybe it's not the same dog.
Maybe he has more than one dog.

Just like Prashad is not always Prashad.
Just like Prashad can be Roy Khan and Ali Khan Azad


I guess this is my last article for Kaieteur News because I cannot see the newspaper retaining me after all the things I wrote about that tape. Well, man oh man, what kind of people African Guyanese listen to? African Guyanese need to know the nature of the people that preach to them.

I will only give the tape to three sets of people – the publisher and editor of the Kaieteur News, my colleagues in the media and those whose money I will collect, tear it up, then, throw it in the gutter.

Freddie need to prove his mettle ,shut up all the African Guyanese who listens to Benschop ,Adam ,Rickford Burke, Sherod Duncan, David Hinds and Jermaine Figueria.

I watched Benschop talk show ,done some search to find the tape ,can't find the recording.

Provide the tape or retire the pen ,his credibility at stake.

Last edited by Django

freddie bai

reminds me of a song by the great south african reggae star lucky dube: the way it is
the lyrics goes:
didn't i raise my voice high enough for you
risking rejection from my own people

didn't i raise my fists high enough for you
i guess i can pat myself on the shoulder
for a job well done

now you got what you wanted
you don't even know my name

@Django posted:

Freddie caught with pants down -

Adam Harris responds to Freddie Kissoon

Dear Editor,

For some people, trouble follows them regardless of where they go or what they do.

Adam Harris

Link to video

Eh-eh ... Since when Freddie wears pants ???

Kissoon perhaps hoping that a gyal will Kiss him soon.

Last edited by Former Member

Basic English language...sadly Freddie Kissoon has missed Adam's point, or maybe he has deliberately taken everything out of context in order to suit his questionable political agenda in disrespecting persons of African ancestry.
The truth 👇...yall be the judge. #PoGuyana 😪

Freddy took a lot of koolies crabdog fight up of a fellow koolie from the PPP.

Jorgon PYO use to pelt the man with rocks when he would ride his bike.

Ali Khan Azad = aka = Jorgon = aka = Prasad = living between the sun and the moon and frequently visits GNI/GCDF.

Last edited by Former Member

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