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Former Member

Nagamootoo in Berbice: No country for young men

Once again, for the umpteenth time, I spent days in hospital after spilling hot coffee on my legs while having breakfast because I saw an unbelievable item in the newspaper. It has happened so often in my life as an activist living in Guyana that if I continue my Guyanese existence, my legs will dissolve in hot coffee, because there will be more unbelievable news once the PPP and APNU+AFC are in power in this land.
So what caused the coffee to burn me down to the bone? Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo gave the feature address at the graduation of the J. C. Chandisingh Secondary School in Berbice, and advised the school to invest in the youths in Guyana. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I thought I was sleep-walking. If any government presides over a country whose population consists of a majority of young people it is Guyana’s. If there is any country that because of that percentage it should invest in youths it is Guyana. If there is any country that does not invest in youths, it is Guyana.
None of the youths at the school was brave enough to get up and say; “Honourable Prime Minister, are you sure you are not the man wearing the emperor’s new clothes?” Just days after the Prime Minister was sworn in, the government of which he is second in charge (really?) did the unthinkable for which the youths of this country should continue to reject – the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport was abolished and youth affairs became a department in the Ministry of Education.
All the harsh words in the dictionary are appropriate to describe such a policy failure. We have more ministers per capita than most countries, yet one of the nations in the world, with one of the youngest populations, chose to abolish the ministry that handles youth affairs. Well all governments make mistakes. When it realized that the society would have wanted the retention of such a ministry, the most commonsensical and decent thing to do was to tell the Guyanese people it was a mistake, and resuscitate the ministry.
I am convinced deeply in my mind that every policy-maker in the APNU+AFC regime possesses a Jagdeoite mentality that sees an apology as a fatal flaw. None of them will acknowledge a wrong direction. Why? Because they are saturated with the ancient, debased, depraved political culture that has dominated the psychology of Guyanese political leadership since the colonial era. This political culture carries it with the fear of losing power once you apologize.
I believe that there will be more mistakes made by President Granger, as with the gross lapse he made with his reaction to the Chief Justice’s ruling on the GECOM issue. It was an imbroglio that he should apologize for, but we will not see it now or before 2020. All Basil Williams, the AG, had to do when Judge Holder displayed genuine anger was to say, “Your Honour, my apology, I didn’t mean it the way you thought.” And that would have been the complete end of the matter right there and then.
It is not only the abolition of the Youth Ministry that is unacceptable, but also the government’s crusade against the elevation of youths in this country, in other words the APNU+AFC leadership does not invest in youths, and the record is not only unpleasant, but horrible.
The PNC replaced an aging Oscar Clarke as General Secretary with another PNC stalwart that is aging too. The PNC has a youth arm with educated, experienced and talented young people. The commonsensical and modern thing to do was to expose one of the young PNC cadres to that leadership role.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ choice of diplomats to serve abroad tells Guyanese that this is no country for young men. Not one front line envoy is in his/her forties. Only one of our ambassadors and high commissioners is in his fifties. All are over sixty. Two are in their late seventies and one in his late eighties.
Many of the important positions in the public service and the public have been filled with locals or expatriates who are way into their fifties. The newly appointed chancellor of UG, Professor Nigel Harris, is 73. The newly appointed UG Vice Chancellor is 66. The man appointed last year as deputy editor-in-chief of the Chronicle is in his early seventies.
This is not a comment on these men and the diplomats. My point is that the government just seems to overlook younger Guyanese. Over to you Moses!


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Freddie ended up in hospital because of what he read about Moses.

His challenge to Moses:

"Over to you Moses!"

Interesting times ahead. I also read an article by him condemning the government regarding GECOM.

yuji22 posted:

Freddie ended up in hospital because of what he read about Moses.

His challenge to Moses:

"Over to you Moses!"

Interesting times ahead. I also read an article by him condemning the government regarding GECOM.

Suh Freddie become your hero,

ironic !!!


Allyuh look how de most esteemed boat Brahmana falling at the feet of FK, whom he called a chammar and other not so nice labels.

The Youths are under represented or not represented at all. Look at the ages of the representatives in the House of Parliament. Most are over the hill. They fall asleep most of the time. You have to wake them up to vote and/or leave when the House is adjourned.

I heard there is new 3rd force in the making with some aggressive and progressive youths. Keeping my option open. 

alena06 posted:

There is nothing for youths to do in Guyana after they finish High School. 

Nagamootoo has too much of an ego to admit anything and so does Williams. 

Good observation. There are no jobs waiting for Grads from UG. Is the current regime hiring their friends and relatives like the PPP did?

alena06 posted:

There is nothing for youths to do in Guyana after they finish High School. 

Nagamootoo has too much of an ego to admit anything and so does Williams. 

There are two sectors of youths, those who are after higher learning and those who have already reached their plateau. The second could be educated on the job.

USAID did a program in Guyana called SKYE. Their efforts were to give some youths the necessities for job hunting or self-employment. Many of programs of this sort is in the citiy, so as usual the majority of blacks attend it.

Now, when the program is completed, the Office of Presidency is inclined to favor individual associated with the PNC to form NGOs who were associated with the training. In this case SKYE.

I read all the time of the training of Native ppl and youths to be self-employed. And I followup with the various Ministries, willing to take those training to the next stage by offering various programs for sel-employment. Too good to be true by the GoG, nothing happens.

SKYPE, will end in this month. Still fresh, I called the Local Director of the Program with the idea of identifying just two young ppl that I will mentor into a self-employment project. From what I see in the pictures of the attendees, there were no Indians. The Director was hesitant when I spoke to her. All kinds of excuses about how difficult it is. Just plain not interested.

She probably is puzzled and thinking, there must be someting wrong. Why would an Indian want to do this for a Black person. If she is not, then Granger surrounds himself with the wrong kind of ppl responsible for the youths of Guyana. 


Despite the criticism from Django and Mitwah of this post, everyone including themselves have made positive contributions here. 

There is a lot of anger and disappointment towards AFC/PNC politicians with their broken promises and that has been the lightening rod that ignited the flame of discontent and Freddie is no exception.

I am no fan of Freddie but I always give jack his jacket.

Mitwah hit the nail on the head regarding his observations on youths in Guyana. We must rewind back to the election when the AFC/PNC masterfully promoted an agenda of change and youths bought into this package.

The AFC/PNC made a huge blunder by leaving the Youths behind with their administration of "No country for Young men".

Mitwah, what third party are you referring to, were you not the one who sold the AFC as the greatest thing since slice Bread ? How about democracy in the AFC ? Why not take back your party or has Moses and Ramjattan hijacked the party ?


Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

There is nothing for youths to do in Guyana after they finish High School. 

Nagamootoo has too much of an ego to admit anything and so does Williams. 

True, it's a classic story of the chicken and the egg.  How do you transform the economy without educated people, and how do you create the jobs as fast as they get educated?  The two are never fully in sync.  India, for example, was exporting most of their advanced educated until domestic demand in India can catch up.  Still there is an over supply, but the balance have improved where some are even returning home.

In the end, the Govt has to ensure people are educated and then have domestic industrial policy which encourages businesses to grow and employ the educated.

What Guyana needs is economic depth to engage the educated.  A basic commodity-based economy is very limiting in this regard. PPP or PNC, this will come with affordable energy, then business-friendly policies.  The PPP plan on Amelia would have provided this transformation, but let's see about this [PNC] piped gas they talking about!  Hope it's not a bunch of wasted gas!


If there is any country that does not invest in youths, it is Guyana. Get all the education, 25 subjects CXC and a UG degree and you go "kick brick on the road". Dis time nah lang time.


skeldon_man posted:

If there is any country that does not invest in youths, it is Guyana. Get all the education, 25 subjects CXC and a UG degree and you go "kick brick on the road". Dis time nah lang time.



We all agree on this.

There is a sense of hopelessness among youths in Guyana. The PPP was weak in this area and the AFC/PNC promised change and ended up doing 100 percent worse that the PPP.

I am almost positive that this sense of hopelessness contributes to depression and substance among youths in Guyana.

Base's response above is an excellent read.


Bhai Yugi, you will recall when some of us who supported the campaigns of the Coalition, tried to speak up about the abolishing of the Ministry of Culture, Youth & sport, we were called all kinds of names like Namakaram, Shit Heads, Jackasses, Slop Can Carriers. 

The Youths are the backbone of the country and they are under-represented in the policy making decisions. 

I have no allegiance to any political party. 


Djangy and the other pnc/afc supporters will not acknowledge that the PNC are merely squatting in office with no clear plans for the economy or development of the youth.  All they argue is jagdeo this and jagdeo that, blaming a man who has not been in office for 6 years. 

Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Why the Namakaram Crabdaag who told the people he will be the Check and Balance QUIET??  Is it because his mouth up his ass????

Or maybe he has one black bigan stuck in his mouth and another stuck up his rear. Both orifices blocked. 

Drugb posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Why the Namakaram Crabdaag who told the people he will be the Check and Balance QUIET??  Is it because his mouth up his ass????

Or maybe he has one black bigan stuck in his mouth and another stuck up his rear. Both orifices blocked. 


you are a sick puppy.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Why the Namakaram Crabdaag who told the people he will be the Check and Balance QUIET??  Is it because his mouth up his ass????

Or maybe he has one black bigan stuck in his mouth and another stuck up his rear. Both orifices blocked. 

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Why the Namakaram Crabdaag who told the people he will be the Check and Balance QUIET??  Is it because his mouth up his ass????

Or maybe he has one black bigan stuck in his mouth and another stuck up his rear. Both orifices blocked. 


ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Why the Namakaram Crabdaag who told the people he will be the Check and Balance QUIET??  Is it because his mouth up his ass????

Or maybe he has one black bigan stuck in his mouth and another stuck up his rear. Both orifices blocked. 


Heh! Teck dis. 

cain posted:

Another good informative thread heading for the outhouse because of a couple lice.

Another example of you PNC supporters who run away and detract whenever they are criticized. Take your dhall like a man, when PPP was in power you folks criticized them day and night without letup, now wear rose colored glasses under the PNC watch. 

Drugb posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Why the Namakaram Crabdaag who told the people he will be the Check and Balance QUIET??  Is it because his mouth up his ass????

Or maybe he has one black bigan stuck in his mouth and another stuck up his rear. Both orifices blocked. 

I wonder how Mr. Zed, Mr. KP and Miss BiBi respond to this porn?


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