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Former Member

If powers that be think Canada is a joke they will end up being the jokers

The Police Commissioner told a press conference that Charrandass Persaud is being investigated for bribery and if possible could be extradited from Canada. If the Police Commissioner and the Cabinet think that the RCMP (the Canadian equivalent to the FBI) is a joke, they will get a rude awakening.
If the Police Commissioner and the Cabinet think that you could give the RCMP bubble gum and call it evidence, then they will be reduced to jokers by one of the top law agencies in the world. If the Police Commissioner and the Cabinet think that Canadian authorities are going to send back Charrandass without studying all the angles into the investigation of Charrandass, then they don’t know a damn thing about the role of Canada in world politics.
If the Police Commissioner and the Cabinet think that the world is not watching how the Charrandass scandal is unfolding then, they know nothing about the world. People have started to laugh at the APNU+AFC regime. They turned out to be more deceitful that the politicians that lied to the UK population about the benefits of Brexit.
The APNU+AFC got into government denouncing corruption and bribery during the Jagdeo/Ramotar years yet to date they cannot come up even with evidence of a pen stolen although they have the great Clive Thomas leading the battlefield at SARA and SOCU is on the warpath. In fact, so incompetent is the anti-corruption investigations that the troops on the ground are facing humiliation.
Jennifer Westford was freed. Nizam Hassan was freed. The court has stopped the trial of Irfan Ali. They still can’t find the killer of Courtney Crum-Ewing. They still can’t extradite Aeshwar Deonarine for accusation of defrauding GPL of $27 M. They can’t locate $5M American that was paid for government’s shares in GTT. Despite a Commission of Inquiry, they cannot come up with any accusation of the act of killing against one security officer, not even one in the massacre at Lindo Creek. But they know Charrandass was bribed. And they think the world is not watching at the circus.
? Is this country destined to suffer eternally? The Police Commissioner was preferred to the person who was next in line, David Ramnarine. It was said that he was the better choice. One would like to think so. One hopes so. My opinion is that that we are returning to authoritarian culture where the public service is forced to take unprofessional edicts from party bosses. Timothy Jonas of ANUG is the latest victim of a creeping fascistization in Guyana. His senior counsel status has been revoked
The Chronicle is oceanic evidence of this fascistization. The Chronicle has published personal data relating to Charrandass that should never be released on request by politicians but only by an order of a court of law. Those are private data that should be protected by the state. The intention by ruling politicians to manipulate the Chronicle since the no confidence motion is incandescent.
In the reign of the PPP, the Chronicle did not go consistently after a particular party leader as the Chronicle has done to Mr. Shuman of the Amerindian oriented Liberal and Justice Party. I have been informed that the Shuman onslaught is a campaign birthed in the Office of the Prime Minister with the knowledge of the Prime Minister.
The chairman of the board of the Chronicle, Geeta Chandan is a personal friend. Her husband, Joel Edmond, is a personal friend. Both are lawyers. How can Geeta tolerate what the Chronicle is doing, the gutter level that the Chronicle is mired in? The board’s seminal role is policy-making. The Chronicle is violating the sacred norms of journalism. Geeta was a victim of authoritarian government. Fate works strangely. She turns around and becomes a puppet of authoritarian mandarins.
Do our rulers think Guyanese are fools that we do not see perverted and lustful political instincts behind the denunciation of Charrandass, then they are fooling themselves. Politicians live in a world of make belief. If certain people think that they can come up with flimsy evidence and tell the nation they have discovered criminal conduct against Charrandass, then they are into crass self-deception.
If powerful politicians think that they can get away with political persecution so that illegal power can occupy and control Guyana, then their minds are living back in the days of Forbes Burnham. We are living in the 21st century.


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O rass, Freddie really fish up the AFC PNC. Moses and Ramjattan must be shyting their pants. The RCMP should question Ramjattan about his fabrication when he visits Canada.

They should revoke Ramjattan's his visa for his assault on a Canadian Citizen, that would teach him a lesson !

Someone on social media should start a petition !


Moses is a very vindictive person. It is only a matter of time before he end up calling Granger a Judas for making him a second class Prime Minister. This Police Chief is far from that uncorrupted person Granger was looking for. But then again, Granger is far from that uncorrupted person he and his supporters made him out to be before the 2015 elections. Police officials don't comment on ongoing cases until there is an arrest or indictment. And FK is correct, the RCMP is not idiotic who will return Charrandas to Guyana until Charrandas has an opportunity to defend himself against an extradition. But my suspicion is that neither the Police Chief or any of the people who have made these charges have any evidence and they are just trying to win a PR war as they seek to delay the elections in their effort to remain illegally in office. 

yuji22 posted:

O rass, Freddie really fish up the AFC PNC. Moses and Ramjattan must be shyting their pants. The RCMP should question Ramjattan about his fabrication when he visits Canada.

They should revoke Ramjattan's his visa for his assault on a Canadian Citizen, that would teach him a lesson !

Someone on social media should start a petition !

We can get the ball going by calling on our MP.

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

O rass, Freddie really fish up the AFC PNC. Moses and Ramjattan must be shyting their pants. The RCMP should question Ramjattan about his fabrication when he visits Canada.

They should revoke Ramjattan's his visa for his assault on a Canadian Citizen, that would teach him a lesson !

Someone on social media should start a petition !

We can get the ball going by calling on our MP.

Good idea. I will contact my MP. More Canadian should do that to stop these AFC PNC criminals.

Prashad posted:

FK is right.  Only a certified jackass or D2 will believe that someone is stupid enough to give Charrandas one million US in raw gold for a yes.

Get outta here banna...given what went on with their..ahem...democratic vote....I would say yes they are stupid enough to do so.

Prashad posted:

FK is right.  Only a certified jackass or D2 will believe that someone is stupid enough to give Charrandas one million US in raw gold for a yes.

Get outta here banna...given what went on with their..ahem...democratic vote....I would say yes they are stupid enough to do so.


It is ni

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

FK is right.  Only a certified jackass or D2 will believe that someone is stupid enough to give Charrandas one million US in raw gold for a yes.

Get outta here banna...given what went on with their..ahem...democratic vote....I would say yes they are stupid enough to do so.

For me, it is plausible that someone, especially a lawyer will accept a bribe to commit an illegality and then openly phone around or sent emails to government agency or others to enquire about shipping gold out of the country. I do believe that this is a false narrative that a desperate group is using to justify at a public level to hang on to the gravy train, that is, being in government.

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

FK is right.  Only a certified jackass or D2 will believe that someone is stupid enough to give Charrandas one million US in raw gold for a yes.

Get outta here banna...given what went on with their..ahem...democratic vote....I would say yes they are stupid enough to do so.

Hearsay is no evidence. It does not stand up in court. Hearsay (false evidence) can lead to perjury and some serious jail time.

Prashad posted:

FK is right.  Only a certified jackass or D2 will believe that someone is stupid enough to give Charrandas one million US in raw gold for a yes.

You take your *** eyes and pass me. I am on record of insisting that no bribe is necessary and even if he was persuaded with promises of position etc it is not illegal. The bribe hypothesis for me is completely unnecessary since he can make millions being on the PPP band wagon.  And what makes you smart...your implacable desire to partition our nation into coolie and black states?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

O rass, Freddie really fish up the AFC PNC. Moses and Ramjattan must be shyting their pants. The RCMP should question Ramjattan about his fabrication when he visits Canada.

They should revoke Ramjattan's his visa for his assault on a Canadian Citizen, that would teach him a lesson !

Someone on social media should start a petition !

We can get the ball going by calling on our MP.

Good idea. I will contact my MP. More Canadian should do that to stop these AFC PNC criminals.



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