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Freddie is a ‘jackass’, says colleague KN columnist Seeram


September 25, 2014, Source - Guyana Chronicle


POLITICAL activist and Kaieteur News columnist, Mr. Freddie Kissoon, who is no stranger to controversy, has apparently ruffled the feathers of another well-known Kaieteur News columnist, Mr. Ralph Seeram.


Kissoon criticized Seeram’s friend, Mr. Oscar Ramjeet, in one of his daily publications – criticisms that Seeram found to be unfounded.

“You can’t communicate with a jackass, which incidentally is what I called his attacker some three years ago,” Seeram said, taking Kissoon to task in his last column.


Freddie is a ‘jackass’, says colleague KN columnist Seeram


The column, under the headline ‘From the Diaspora… cheating spouses, lovers etc., and character assassination’, stated that Ramjeet’s character was “attacked by a self-styled intellectual, political activist” who pens more fiction than facts.

Seeram said, “Last Friday, the jackass who thinks he has a monopoly on opinions attacked Ramjeet again. The problem with this looney, (he actually said in an article that he is crazy) is if you express an opinion that does not fit his tunnel vision view of the world, he feels that he has the right to attack your character.

“His world is black or white, you either support the PPP [People’s Progressive Party] or you are against the PPP, and his whole world revolves around the PPP. He thinks everyone should share his obsession.”

The columnist went on to outline what he believed to be the achievements of Kissoon, citing that: “He spent over 20 years as a mediocre lecturer at University of Guyana living off the Guyanese taxpayers, repeating the same thing. His writing skills are limited to criticizing the PPP government, and if your views are not in conformity with his warped thinking then you are a PPP supporter.”

“Any fool can tell you that having a university education does not necessarily make you an educated person and he has proven this to be true,” Seeram said.

The publication of the in-house conflict has now left many wondering over the reasons scathing onslaughts between two columnists were allowed by Editor-in- Chief Mr. Adam Harris.

One insider expressed the view that Harris deliberately allowed Seeram’s column to pass muster since he has had many problems with Kissoon in the past several years. Kissoon, however, enjoys the support of the owner of Kaieteur News, Mr. Glenn Lall – a fact that angers Harris, according to an insider.


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Freddy is fighting a personal war with PPP government through his columns in (KN). His writing is also aimed to create controversy with the religious communities. He is famous for getting into brawls in public, but that's Freddy. I have no gripe with him. However, he reminds me of some of the bitter members we have on board here that relies on vile language just to get by. Ramjattan, Freddy and some members on GNI are cut from the same cloth. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Freddy is fighting a personal war with PPP government through his columns in (KN). His writing is also aimed to create controversy with the religious communities. He is famous for getting into brawls in public, but that's Freddy. I have no gripe with him. However, he reminds me of some of the bitter members we have on board here that relies on vile language just to get by. Ramjattan, Freddy and some members on GNI are cut from the same cloth. 

Someone silenced him a few years ago when the person splashed a stale bucket of human feces and urine in his face. Maybe it's time for a repeat performance?


I can't take away Freddy's intelligence even if I disagree with him. But sometime you have to ask yourself a question, why intelligent people behave like this in public? This Freddy like attitude is displayed right here on GNI, and it's being done by members with greater knowledge and journalistic skills. This is what bothers me.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I can't take away Freddy's intelligence even if I disagree with him. But sometime you have to ask yourself a question, why intelligent people behave like this in public? This Freddy like attitude is displayed right here on GNI, and it's being done by members with greater knowledge and journalistic skills. This is what bothers me.

Ask yourself this serpent what makes the PPP thief like de wuss thiefman dem to ever hit this planet.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I can't take away Freddy's intelligence even if I disagree with him. But sometime you have to ask yourself a question, why intelligent people behave like this in public? This Freddy like attitude is displayed right here on GNI, and it's being done by members with greater knowledge and journalistic skills. This is what bothers me.

Ask yourself this serpent what makes the PPP thief like de wuss thiefman dem to ever hit this planet.

If you know it do something about it, or you can remain a sucker for the PPP. What else can I tell you?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Extra Special Serpent piss on discount today.....come and get your serpent piss....

That's the way Granger and Ramjattan intended to run Guyana. But the PPP will not allowed them to give people piss to drink.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Extra Special Serpent piss on discount today.....come and get your serpent piss....

That's the way Granger and Ramjattan intended to run Guyana. But the PPP will not allowed them to give people piss to drink.

correct, the PPP so scraven they would keep it to themselves...and drink it allll up,followed by a shot o'shit.

Last edited by cain

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