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Freddie Kissoon assaulted PDF  | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Thursday, 16 August 2012 00:46

Political activist, Freddie Kissoon was late Wednesday night assaulted by a man shortly before entering his vehicle outside Parliament Building.
Kissoon said he had just finished participating in a Red Thread-organised vigil against police shootings and killings in Linden and was about to leave the area.,
“This man just came up to me and started swinging. I got a few cuffs to my head and I fell. He  was just there waiting on me. There was no attempt to rob me,” Kissoon told Demerara Waves Online News (
The incident occurred just before midnight.
Kissoon said when he raised an alarm and fellow activists Fitz Ralph and Michael Carrington recognized and sought to pursue the man, he fled and entered a black SUV.
He was expected to file a complaint at the Brickdam Police Station.
Kissoon was attacked in May 2010 when an unidentified man dumped a bucket of faeces on him just outside Nigel’s Supermarket.
The newspaper columnist has been a consistent critic of the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It would appear that Freddie has eyes at the back of his head, given that he told Stabroek News the attacker was tall and well shaven, cuffed him from behind and he fell to the ground. Strangely enough he spoke of his fear of being attacked once again only 2 days ago. Some people will do anything to incite

Originally Posted by albert:

I wonder where Gerhard was............

No we wonder where YOU were.  After all it is YOU who daily berate Kissoon because he is a traitor for loudly criticizing an Indian party.  As with the case with Walter Rodney and Burnham the PPP sternest punishment is for Indians who dare to leave the PPP reservation.  We all remember what you all dd to Ravi Dev in 2001.


Hopefully Nagamootoo has security protection.

Originally Posted by caribny:

No we wonder where YOU were.  After all it is YOU who daily berate Kissoon because he is a traitor for loudly criticizing an Indian party.  As with the case with Walter Rodney and Burnham the PPP sternest punishment is for Indians who dare to leave the PPP reservation.  We all remember what you all dd to Ravi Dev in 2001.


Hopefully Nagamootoo has security protection.

LOL. Don't blow your fuse How do you know the alleged attack actually took place?



Originally Posted by warrior:

fat albert,karma can be a bitch,just remember it might be your turn some day for you and your family.

Ya betta know that yourself and the Third Street Alexander Village folks should know that too

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by caribny:

No we wonder where YOU were.  After all it is YOU who daily berate Kissoon because he is a traitor for loudly criticizing an Indian party.  As with the case with Walter Rodney and Burnham the PPP sternest punishment is for Indians who dare to leave the PPP reservation.  We all remember what you all dd to Ravi Dev in 2001.


Hopefully Nagamootoo has security protection.

LOL. Don't blow your fuse How do you know the alleged attack actually took place?



Headline said KIssoon ASSAULTED.  It didnt say that he reported that he was assaulted. Furthermore other witness were named.


Albert you really need to stop oppressing Guyanese who speak out their minds.  I know you hate the fact that Kissoon, an Indian, is very outspoken about PPP racism against AfroGuyanese and how it abuses grass roots Indians.  That is his right and by attacking him you further illustrate how much like Burnham the PPP has become....down to even assimilating former House of Israel people within your ranks!!!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by caribny:

No we wonder where YOU were.  After all it is YOU who daily berate Kissoon because he is a traitor for loudly criticizing an Indian party.  As with the case with Walter Rodney and Burnham the PPP sternest punishment is for Indians who dare to leave the PPP reservation.  We all remember what you all dd to Ravi Dev in 2001.


Hopefully Nagamootoo has security protection.

LOL. Don't blow your fuse How do you know the alleged attack actually took place?



Headline said KIssoon ASSAULTED.  It didnt say that he reported that he was assaulted. Furthermore other witness were named.



Who were those witnesses Michael Carrington and Kissoon's other colleagues from Red Thread who had just finished promising more mayhem ?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I won't be surprised if it was albert. He has been assaulting Freddie on GNI for a while already.

LMAO ............ Then the folks from Third St better beware

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Sorry to hear about Freddie. Hope they catch the culprits. 

No you dont.  It will reveal things about the PPP that you dont want to hear.

It's amazing how the apostle of hate knows what is in the minds of others.  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Sorry to hear about Freddie. Hope they catch the culprits. 

No you dont.  It will reveal things about the PPP that you dont want to hear.

It's amazing how the apostle of hate knows what is in the minds of others.  

Just need to check your posts to se your blind support of the PPP.



Now run along and wail about how black people killed and raped 3,000 Indians as you were doing a few weeks ago.


Knowing Big Coat Freddie, I wouldn't put it beyond him to set up this assault. He has been crying lately that he is a victim, why not pay a man to beat him so he could add more fire to the flame. ahahhaha

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:

I wonder where Gerhard was............

No we wonder where YOU were.  After all it is YOU who daily berate Kissoon because he is a traitor for loudly criticizing an Indian party.  As with the case with Walter Rodney and Burnham the PPP sternest punishment is for Indians who dare to leave the PPP reservation.  

This business about the PPP being an "Indian party" is crap. And Freddie doesn't identify with either Indians or non-Indians -- he identifies with his One True Love, the fellow he sees in the mirror. Like the AFC, Freddie carefully assesses every political situation in terms of how it might best be exploited for the purposes of his own greater glory/notoriety.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Sorry to hear about Freddie. Hope they catch the culprits. 

No you dont.  It will reveal things about the PPP that you dont want to hear.

It's amazing how the apostle of hate knows what is in the minds of others.  

Just need to check your posts to se your blind support of the PPP.



Now run along and wail about how black people killed and raped 3,000 Indians as you were doing a few weeks ago.

Blind support for the PPP? You trippin' yo. As the genuine apostle of hate you have nothing to offer except your babble about coolie hate.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Knowing Big Coat Freddie, I wouldn't put it beyond him to set up this assault. He has been crying lately that he is a victim, why not pay a man to beat him so he could add more fire to the flame. ahahhaha

He wrote an article about "I beg my country to protect me" a week after he was assasulted. He also knew the man was clean shaven.  He will cry wolf until the real wolf gets him.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Knowing Big Coat Freddie, I wouldn't put it beyond him to set up this assault. He has been crying lately that he is a victim, why not pay a man to beat him so he could add more fire to the flame. ahahhaha

He wrote an article about "I beg my country to protect me" a week after he was assasulted. He also knew the man was clean shaven.  He will cry wolf until the real wolf gets him.


Low class Freddie is a crook trying to incite hate by claiming that he was assaulted while he set this up so that he can appear to be a victim. Shame on low class toilet paper writer Freddie.


Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I won't be surprised if it was albert. He has been assaulting Freddie on GNI for a while already.

LMAO ............ Then the folks from Third St better beware

Bray all you want about where I live.  I am not afraid of you and your ilk.  My facebook info has my real address and phone number - my address is 133 Third St. Alexander Village and my number is 640 4627.  I do not hide as you and the others do.  One of your paid bloggers went after my wife on facebook and posted a picture of her and my son.  This is why now you have the gall to say "the folks from Third St better beware" meaning my family included.  But let me tell you something, we will not be fazed in the struggle for equality and justice for our people by cowards like you.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Knowing Big Coat Freddie, I wouldn't put it beyond him to set up this assault. He has been crying lately that he is a victim, why not pay a man to beat him so he could add more fire to the flame. ahahhaha

He wrote an article about "I beg my country to protect me" a week after he was assasulted. He also knew the man was clean shaven.  He will cry wolf until the real wolf gets him.


Low class Freddie is a crook trying to incite hate by claiming that he was assaulted while he set this up so that he can appear to be a victim. Shame on low class toilet paper writer Freddie.


He he he, the ship Brahmin and his caste obsession! I am more inclined to believe Freddi than the PPP. They have morphed into the PNC of the 70's with their cadre of strong arm goons, little punks who do their dirty deeds. I saw what they did to Lincoln Lewis car so I know they are a filthy lot.


Freddie Kissoon attacked again


- WPA, AFC issues condemnation  

The police are once again being called upon to investigate another physical attack on popular Kaieteur News columnist and former senior lecturer of the University of Guyana, Frederick Kissoon.
Just after midnight Wednesday, a man walked up to Kissoon and dealt him several cuffs to his head and body before jumping into a waiting Sport Utility Vehicle, PPP 1395, and speeding off.
The brazen attack was carried on in the plain view of several persons and occurred outside the Parliament buildings at the Brickdam and Avenue of the Republic junction.

Freddie Kissoon

It bore a sinister resemblance to a previous attack on the columnist a few years ago when a bucket of feces was thrown into his face.
No one has been arrested for that attack and it is hoped that since the licence number of the vehicle linked to the recent attack was given to the police, swift justice will prevail.
Only hours earlier, Kissoon had been one of the speakers at a Working People’s Alliance (WPA) meeting at the Stabroek Market Square, which dealt with the Linden crisis.
He told this newspaper that after the meeting, which ended at around 21:00 hours, he, together with well known WPA and AFC activists went over to High Street just outside Parliament buildings where he kept vigil with some Red Thread activists.
“I knew it was a security risk to leave my car alone in the dark for over four hours while I was not near to it. I do not make those mistakes. Unfortunately, I did last Thursday…,” Kissoon said.
He said that at midnight he decided to leave. Two other colleagues, Dr. David Hinds and Michael Carrington departed in different directions to their means of transportation while Kissoon headed towards his car which was parked in the DEMICO lot on Brickdam.
“As I crossed over from northern Brickdam to get my car…, this figure came towards me and pelted a cuff in front of my face. I moved my face and it caught the right side of my head. I screamed and he continued. I fell and he appeared to be going into his waist when Carrington ran towards him screaming. Dr. Hinds, the Red Thread women and some other persons at the vigil converged on the scene. Carrington and two gentlemen from the vigil gave chase but the man ran into a black SUV which was circling the vigil the entire night.”
Kissoon described his attacker as being about six feet tall and clean shaven with short hair.
He said that while he has become accustomed to these attacks, he is fearful that it could cost him his life.
“I believe there is someone high up the chain of command in the corridors of power that has an obsession with me in the mistaken belief that I am Guyana’s greatest threat to the PPP Government. I don’t think I am but how does one deal with an obsession?”
Meanwhile, Kaieteur News has learnt that the motor vehicle licence number, PPP 1395, is registered to former police Divisional Commander, Steve Merai.
When contacted, Merai admitted that the licence number is registered to him but it is the licence number of a car he owns and not that of a Sport Utility Vehicle.
He said that he was asked by investigators to prepare a statement on his whereabouts at the time of the incident.
Meanwhile, both the Working People’s Alliance and the Alliance For Change have strongly condemned the recent attack on Kissoon.
The WPA in a statement said that the attack, according to eyewitness accounts, seems to have been well orchestrated.
The party is of the view that Kissoon seems to have been singled out for special treatment by the “rulers”.
“WPA views this as yet another manifestation of the intent by the ruling class to silence its critics at all cost. We have reached the point where political protest against the government is a crime which attracts the full force of the state and its phantom forces. Despite persistent harassment, including loss of employment at the University of Guyana, Kissoon continues in the frontline of the resistance against oppression. WPA stands in solidarity with him and calls on the powers that be to respect the right to protest.”
And Attorney-at-law Moses Nagamootoo, speaking on behalf of the AFC, described the attack as a “crude and cruel one on someone who is an outspoken critic of the government.”
Nagamootoo recalled the first attack on Kissoon two years ago and warned that these acts should not be allowed to continue.
“It has to be traced back to the earlier attack. The first time we shrugged our shoulders but the second time, this is a pattern,” Nagamootoo said.
“Whoever is behind this should know they cannot shut people up. It is an attack on all who believe in constitutional rights,” Nagamootoo declared.

You got to be the stupidest poster on this board. Someone tell the general public that he is afraid of being attacked and that's inciting? Your wife in trouble. Imagine she goes to the police and say that she's afraid you're going to do something to her. You do it and then claims she incited it. God bless people like you.Originally Posted by albert:

It would appear that Freddie has eyes at the back of his head, given that he told Stabroek News the attacker was tall and well shaven, cuffed him from behind and he fell to the ground. Strangely enough he spoke of his fear of being attacked once again only 2 days ago. Some people will do anything to incite



This  attack  on Freddie  has  the  stamp  of security  personnel all over it.  Mirai's  license  plate is no  mere coincidence. The  perp would   have  known  that the plate   belong  to Merai, who in the past, as  the  head of the STU (Black Clothes)   was  at the  receiving  end  of  some  of Kissoon's barb.  Further,  before  retiring  Mirai  ruffled a lot of feathers among  Police  top  brass along with that of Rohee. They were  trying  to kill two birds  with  one  stone,  but   like most criminals, a minute detail was overlooked.   

Originally Posted by Henry:

This business about the PPP being an "Indian party" is crap.

1.  Last year when Nigel Hughes raised points the PPP couldnt disprove him.  Luncheon said that there were no qualified AfroGuyanese suitable for teh diplomatic corp, yet immediately after the elections they suddenly found some........


2.  When a replacement was being determined for Jagdeo no credible non Indian was in the pool from which the candidate would be selected.  Please dont say Gail because you know full well that she didnt stand a chance.



So if the PPP is run by Indians, with only Indians being seen as credible leaders, and if they are almost totally dependent on the Indian vote, rejected by the vast majority of non Indians, and rejected by 95% of the second largest voting bloc,  then the PPP is as much an Indian party as APNU is an African party.  


It doesnt matter whether you think that the PPP is an Indian party or not.  The votes of the African/mixed bloc shows that almost all of them think that they are, just as almost every Indian thinks that APNU is African.  The same criteria that you will use to claim that APNU is not a party of National Unity can also be used to show that the PPP isnt either.


The sooner that you and others are honest about this the sooner will politics in Guyana not be thwarted by this unhealthy ethnic polarization.

Originally Posted by Mara:

This  attack  on Freddie  has  the  stamp  of security  personnel all over it.  Mirai's  license  plate is no  mere coincidence. The  perp would   have  known  that the plate   belong  to Merai, who in the past, as  the  head of the STU (Black Clothes)   was  at the  receiving  end  of  some  of Kissoon's barb.  Further,  before  retiring  Mirai  ruffled a lot of feathers among  Police  top  brass along with that of Rohee. They were  trying  to kill two birds  with  one  stone,  but   like most criminals, a minute detail was overlooked.   

So went the PNC in 1980 against Walter Rodeny so goes the PPP today under Jagdeo/Ramotar.  Jagdeo must be having fun possibly master minding these deeds but being able to escape any blame.

Originally Posted by albert:


Headline said KIssoon ASSAULTED.  It didnt say that he reported that he was assaulted. Furthermore other witness were named.



Who were those witnesses Michael Carrington and Kissoon's other colleagues from Red Thread who had just finished promising more mayhem ?

Prem Misir I know that you are old enough to remember the repression of independent debate in Guyana in 1980.  I see that Guyana has returned back to those wonder just before the electgion you all welcomed the Burnham thuggish element into your fold.


I see that they are busy at work.


Ronald Sugrim you have to be mad if you think that I will return to a Guyana which is once again as oppressive as it was in the early 80s when I left.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

So stay where you are and deal with the problems there. Who cares?  

Ronald why are you getting so worked up?  I know that I have exposed the fact that you have nothing sensible to contribute to GNI and the low caliber of your posts has become increasingly obvious as redux, stormborn and I have exposed you.


Its really not our fault that you are a simpleton.


Freddy should be given protection by the police.  Donald is not going to do Freddy anything.  But there are some crazy people out there who may so he should be protected by the police.


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