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Dear Editor,  

Somehow, it seems that Freddie Kissoon has an obsession with Annan Boodram, as, ever so often, my name becomes a target in his outpourings. His latest reference designates Annan Boodram as an Indian supremacist, member of a group “based in New York and Guyana” and led by Ravi Dev (let me hasten to add that I cherish my friendship with Ravi Dev whom I consider to be an awesome intellect with encyclopaedic knowledge and razor sharp perception, yet a very humble and eminently approachable individual).  Those who really know me can vouch for the fact that the only organizations I have ever been a part of in the diaspora are all far removed from anything of the nature of Indian or any other ethnic supremacy.

Just to set the record straight, for the benefit of the few who may give what was said about me some credence, the organizations I have been involved with are the Caribbean Voice, Caribbean Network Enterprizes, The Caribbean Voice Awards and the Caribbean Voice Business Awards, of all of which I was a founding member. Others with which I was associated at one or another time include business persons Ramesh Kalicharran and Lal Somwaru; academic and social/cultural activist Dr Juliet Emanuel; photo journalist Roland Hyde; journalist and social/cultural activist Matie Singh; anger management specialist Dr Latchman Narine; social activist Margaret Goldstein; journalist Andrea Bullen; social and cultural activist Juneth Webson; academic and motivational writer/speaker, Dr Anita Defoe; journalist and innovative entrepreneur, Felicia Persaud and a host of others drawn from the many groups within the Caribbean diaspora.

Outside of these organizations my association has been/is with the United Federation of Teachers; Caribbean American Domestic Violence group (CADVA) and a peer mediation/anti-violence entity set up by former New York City Mayor, David Dinkins. Incidentally it is a moot point to indicate that all of these have been/are all multi-ethnic and multinational bodies.

Yours faithfully, Annan Boodram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Freddie has become a nuisance. Even his own friends are now poking fun at him. Only the delusion of the AFC members here see him as a writer, otherwise Freddie belongs to a mental institution. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freddie has become a nuisance. Even his own friends are now poking fun at him. Only the delusion of the AFC members here see him as a writer, otherwise Freddie belongs to a mental institution. 

Freddie is beyond most of you of the pedestrian crowd. He a Las Casas, crying in the wilderness  and as that fellow; he asks that " you listen not with careless attention but with all your heart and senses". With racists like you, your prejudices and penchant for knee bending to power get in the way of your reason.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freddie has become a nuisance. Even his own friends are now poking fun at him. Only the delusion of the AFC members here see him as a writer, otherwise Freddie belongs to a mental institution. 

Freddie is beyond most of you of the pedestrian crowd. He a Las Casas, crying in the wilderness  and as that fellow; he asks that " you listen not with careless attention but with all your heart and senses". With racists like you, your prejudices and penchant for knee bending to power get in the way of your reason.

Your gross weakness to engage in a civilized debate, hence your use of the race card to MASK your weakness and multiple identity. Get it D2/Storm/Danyael/AC/DC ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freddie has become a nuisance. Even his own friends are now poking fun at him. Only the delusion of the AFC members here see him as a writer, otherwise Freddie belongs to a mental institution. 

Freddie is beyond most of you of the pedestrian crowd. He a Las Casas, crying in the wilderness  and as that fellow; he asks that " you listen not with careless attention but with all your heart and senses". With racists like you, your prejudices and penchant for knee bending to power get in the way of your reason.

Your gross weakness to engage in a civilized debate, hence your use of the race card to MASK your weakness and multiple identity. Get it D2/Storm/Danyael/AC/DC ?

Were I equipped as your with as blunt a thinking instrument I would forthwith commit Hari Kari.


You are what you are so I do not play a card. I simply state what is your frame of reference in all discussion. Racism is your grounding.


The rest is such pathetic trolling I would be remiss if I were not to ignore it.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freddie has become a nuisance. Even his own friends are now poking fun at him. Only the delusion of the AFC members here see him as a writer, otherwise Freddie belongs to a mental institution. 

Freddie is beyond most of you of the pedestrian crowd. He a Las Casas, crying in the wilderness  and as that fellow; he asks that " you listen not with careless attention but with all your heart and senses". With racists like you, your prejudices and penchant for knee bending to power get in the way of your reason.

Your gross weakness to engage in a civilized debate, hence your use of the race card to MASK your weakness and multiple identity. Get it D2/Storm/Danyael/AC/DC ?

Were I equipped as your with as blunt a thinking instrument I would forthwith commit Hari Kari.


You are what you are so I do not play a card. I simply state what is your frame of reference in all discussion. Racism is your grounding.


The rest is such pathetic trolling I would be remiss if I were not to ignore it.

Stormy on FIRE. This Girl is on FIRE.


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