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Why then would Vic write a letter in the newspaper and say he spit on me? But he did that. This “spit” letter was followed by another in which he praised President Ramotar as a good man who will change Guyana. I met Vic and asked him about what I considered was his treachery. He said he was finished completely with politics. Then he told me why. I was speechless. I will not reveal that secret unless I get permission from Vic’s business partner, the co-owner of his agricultural farm which he was visiting when he died.
I hope Freddie read what I call him. I also knew Vic when he rode a racing bike and then worked at Office of the Prez. The man was a survivor, not a loser like Freddie. Now Freddie is revealing "secrets" and trying to sound important.

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Originally Posted by TI:
Why then would Vic write a letter in the newspaper and say he spit on me? But he did that. This “spit” letter was followed by another in which he praised President Ramotar as a good man who will change Guyana. I met Vic and asked him about what I considered was his treachery. He said he was finished completely with politics. Then he told me why. I was speechless. I will not reveal that secret unless I get permission from Vic’s business partner, the co-owner of his agricultural farm which he was visiting when he died.
I hope Freddie read what I call him. I also knew Vic when he rode a racing bike and then worked at Office of the Prez. The man was a survivor, not a loser like Freddie. Now Freddie is revealing "secrets" and trying to sound important.

I do not know Vic or Freddie but if the share a secret then that is their business. I remember Vic being flayed by the PPP before he was PPP. He wrote a lot and was favorable to ROAR at one time and we discussed some of  it on this board.


Freddi is important. He obviously is a gadfly to the PPP so they use the resources of the state to sanction him like the punks they are. I do not care much for Freddi for many reasons inclusive of his habit of hinting like a mystery writer at something ominous and often not ever telling us.


He could have told us I know something about what affected Vic politically and was advised by one of his confidante and business associate that  it was inconvenient to speak of it now.


However, that does not make Freddie an ass or ignorant. He is bloody smart if inconsistent.  Were you concerned with what he writes that makes him relevant as a political commentator you could have nit picked over his monumentally important piece in yesterday papers.


He hit on precisely what ails us and why we are doomed to be in a state of perpetual low level internecine war among the major groups. However, the bloody society is populated with myopic asses and need to pay attention to the only thing that broaches the  analytical in the land.


If Freddie Krueger knows so much, why doesn't he write a book and expose it all?  Bad joke I guess, wasn't he the one who stole library books and hid under his large coat? 

Originally Posted by warrior:

bai NEHRU I AM happy you see the light mother durga put a little honesty in your heart,guyana is a backward country thank you

Mainly because of People like YOU!


Freddie plays a very important role to society.  In a free society we need to hear the other side of the story.  We need more Freddies to expose the wrongs of governments.  He is a whistle blower and he has caused the corrupt PPP no end of headaches.   The PPP wants to keep this stuff out of the public domain but the people have a right to know what their government is actually doing.   Now this burns the ass of the PPPites because they cannot face the embarrassment and shame it brings to them.    You see they would rather keep the populace in the dark and use race based politics to win elections.    This model is broken now thanks to the like of Freddie and the AFC.  People are now better informed how their elected officials and government is operating.   I say big up to that.  We need transparency.


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