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Kissoon details why he called former President ‘ideological racist’

January 26, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Kaieteur News columnist Fredrick Kissoon

With the Bharrat Jadgeo libel case making its first call for the year, defendant, and Kaieteur News columnist Frederick Kissoon yesterday returned to the witness box for the continuation of his evidence-in-chief before presiding Judge Brassington Reynolds at the Supreme Court.
Kissoon, and National Media and Publishing Company, publisher of Kaieteur News, and Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris, are being sued for over $10M, by the former head of state who is claiming libel in one of Kissoon’s daily columns published in 2010.
Under the direction of Attorney-at-law Nigel Hughes who is partnered with Attorney Christopher Ram, Kissoon started to explain how he came to term the former President an “ideological racist.”
With investigative research materials which have already been provided to the court, Kissoon said he has based his conclusions on his findings.
The columnist and former University of Guyana lecturer stated that from 1978, when he commenced research on Guyana’s political economy, it was revealed that there were two major ethnic communities, distinct in spheres and existence. He said they were the Afro-Guyanese and the Indo-Guyanese who were manifestly different in culture, religion, politics and economy.
From historical data, Afro-Guyanese, he said, maintained an existence with administration of the state, including state activities, education, the Arts and related activities.
With this, Kissoon said, came derived Afro-Guyanese power, authority and influence, while the more land and property based Indo- Guyanese derived their power from their physical possessions and wealth.
Kissoon said the two ethnicities, by (named) political theorist and sociologist, were described as “the Plural model” which provided social stability since each ethnic community was content with their sphere of influence.  Additionally, Kissoon said that the ethnic communities found protection for their future existence in their own political parties.
But from the period of 1966-1992, Kissoon said the “Plural model” worked. That was until the 1992 General elections and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) came into power.
He said prior to that, the ethnic communities saw no perceivable threat to their sphere of existence and thus continued in their varying ways of life.
Subsequent to the 1992 elections to modern day, Kissoon charged that research has shown a “Fundamental shift, pregnant with disastrous possibilities.” It was the attempt by the Administration, Kissoon claimed, to do away with the, “Plural model,” a practice he said, that continued up to the conclusion of his research in June 2010.
During the tenure of the Plaintiff, Kissoon said that it was clear that, “98 percent possession of land, commerce, financial houses, the import and export trade and in general, wealth,” belonged to Indo- Guyanese.  This phenomenon, Kissoon said, occurred with the increased presence of Indo-Guyanese in state sectors and “by decreasing most manifestly the Afro- Guyanese presence in totality in state sectors.”
Kissoon continued that various sectors were included in his research including, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Customs and Excise office, the University of Guyana Council among others.
In looking at GuySuCo, Kissoon said that research showed, statistically, that under Jagdeo’s watch, Indo- Guyanese predominance was facilitated into the upper echelons.
Sixteen Afro-Guyanese administrators all being replaced by Indo-Guyanese.  At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kissoon said his research showed that 15 Afro-Guyanese administrators were removed and replaced with Indo-Guyanese workers.
At the Customs and Excise office, Kissoon again, with the use of research material, said that at about 42 Afro-Guyanese holding pivotal departmental positions were replaced by Indo-Guyanese.
Kissoon went on to say that the University of Guyana Council is encompassed by four non-state appointments and those chosen by the Government. Apart from those not chosen by the Government, Kissoon said all state-appointed members are Indo-Guyanese.
For these examples, the defendant provided the court with names and designations of those who were terminated and those who were implemented.
Prior to Kissoon’s pronouncements, the former UG lecturer provided research on a specific programme that service the totality of state sectors in Guyana which is the Diploma and Degree in Public Management, branching from the Faculty  of Social Sciences.
From 2000-2009, Kissoon said that research showed that less than 10 percent of East Indians graduated in that field yet the vast majority of persons sitting in the upper echelons of total state systems are by Indo-Guyanese.
This, he said, showed a “graphic and preponderant imbalance in ethnic representation,” which led to the conclusion that Indo –Guyanese were being favoured to operate in the upper echelons of state sectors.
The hearing will continue next Monday when Kissoon is scheduled to take the witness box again.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by baseman:

Yea yea, another katahar back-stabber.

Why?  Because he is an Indian who is honest enough to talk about Indian abuse of blacks?


I know people like you hate him because he tells the truth about the IndoNazi tactics of the PPP, which is very reminiscent of the Afro Nazi tactics of the much maligned Forbes Burnham.


Kissoon continued that various sectors were included in his research including, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Customs and Excise office, the University of Guyana Council among others.
In looking at GuySuCo, Kissoon said that research showed, statistically, that under Jagdeo’s watch, Indo- Guyanese predominance was facilitated into the upper echelons.
Sixteen Afro-Guyanese administrators all being replaced by Indo-Guyanese.  At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kissoon said his research showed that 15 Afro-Guyanese administrators were removed and replaced with Indo-Guyanese workers.
At the Customs and Excise office, Kissoon again, with the use of research material, said that at about 42 Afro-Guyanese holding pivotal departmental positions were replaced by Indo-Guyanese.
Kissoon went on to say that the University of Guyana Council is encompassed by four non-state appointments and those chosen by the Government. Apart from those not chosen by the Government, Kissoon said all state-appointed members are Indo-Guyanese.


Kissoon continues to detail reasons for calling Jagdeo ‘ideological racist’


Kaieteur News columnist and former University of Guyana lecturer, Frederick Kissoon yesterday continued to explain in detail, reasons for calling former President Bharrat Jagdeo an ‘Ideological racist’. The columnist, with the use of research material said to have been gathered over two years of study, continued to present before Justice Brassington Reynolds, at the High Court, results that are based mainly on state institutions which play pivotal roles in the governance of the country.

Kaieteur Columnist Fredrick Kissoon

Led by his Counsel, Nigel Hughes, Kissoon spoke on findings from studies conducted at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), the Critchlow Labour College, Education Ministry and the Guyana Water Authority.
Along with National Media and Publishing Company, Publisher of Kaieteur News, and Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris, Kissoon is being sued for over $10M, after Jagdeo sued for libel reported to have been in one of Kissoon’s 2010 articles.
Kissoon said that his research showed that at GPHC, at least 22 professional positions; from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the Chief Surgeon, were taken away from Afro-Guyanese and refilled with Indo-Guyanese. He said other health institutions where similar moves were made, included the Jagan Dental School which is a public entity.
The former lecturer recalled that he had done voluntary work at the Critchlow Labour College in 1990, a time when he said his classroom consisted of mainly Afro-Guyanese. The school, he said, was being funded by a government grant, but since the appointment of the plaintiff into office, that grant had been withdrawn.
Kissoon claimed that he based his conclusions on his historical knowledge. He said that these things never occurred under any other president, including the Jagans. The grant, Kissoon said, has never been restored, despite this institution offering a second chance to students who did not succeed at the mainstream CXC examinations.
In relation to the Education Ministry, Kissoon zeroed in that Ms Genevieve Whyte-Nedd who acted as Chief Executive Officer for five years, and retired without being confirmed as the Chief Education Officer. (This meant that she lost half of her service benefits.)
Kissoon said that in the case of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), a similar victim was Ingrid Griffith who acted twice in the capacity of Trade Commissioner, being bypassed for the confirmation of the position, and being replaced by an Indo-Guyanese Colonel from the GDF, despite, Griffith working at the institution for over 20-years.
Kissoon argued that no Indo Guyanese was ever prosecuted when fraud was discovered in the government departments. In terms of the Guyana Water Authority, Kissoon pointed out that despite alleged improprieties against Chief Executive Officer Karran Singh, there was no police investigation into the matter. He continued that like in the case of Nirmal Rekha, Secretary to the Treasury at the Ministry of Finance, who was found by the GRA to have signed off at least 50 bogus duty free letters, there was no prosecution.
When asked, Kissoon said that during his two-year study, he noticed a trend that Indo-Guyanese holding managerial positions were not being prosecuted by the state when found acting in contradiction with their duties.
This however, caused much back and forth between the defence and the Plaintiff’s lawyer, Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos. De Santos was not satisfied with the explanation Kissoon gave in relation to him making the statement that police investigations were not being done. The varying objections and responses were recorded by the court.
Kissoon also told the court those nine Permanent Secretaries, all Afro-Guyanese, were replaced by Indo-Guyanese. He said that despite these persons holding University degrees, some with Masters and Doctorates, they were all removed, while no Indo-Guyanese holding the same position, were replaced by Afro-Guyanese.
Last Friday Kissoon started to explain how he came to term Bharrat Jagdeo an ‘ideological racist’. He pointed out through studies, the societal trend of both Indo and Afro-Guyanese in early Guyana up to current day, and claimed that under the Jagdeo Administration and the PPP take over in 1992; massive changes were made removing the balance of ethnic representation in the public sector.
Kissoon spoke then of the ‘Plural model’ which he said was used to describe a satisfied Guyanese society and the co-habitation of the citizens. He continued yesterday to highlight the entities and the changes that were being made to the public sector, destroying that model which he described.
The court hearing is scheduled to continue on February 4 when the defendant will continue his testimony.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Yea yea, another katahar back-stabber.

Why?  Because he is an Indian who is honest enough to talk about Indian abuse of blacks?


I know people like you hate him because he tells the truth about the IndoNazi tactics of the PPP, which is very reminiscent of the Afro Nazi tactics of the much maligned Forbes Burnham.

Understand one thing bai, PNC-GDF ain't gon enslave Indians again in Guyana.  Get used to that.  If that axis of evil could be mitigated, I'm ready to listen and look at what the PNC has to offer...and I know they do have a lot to offer.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Yea yea, another katahar back-stabber.

Why?  Because he is an Indian who is honest enough to talk about Indian abuse of blacks?


I know people like you hate him because he tells the truth about the IndoNazi tactics of the PPP, which is very reminiscent of the Afro Nazi tactics of the much maligned Forbes Burnham.

Understand one thing bai, PNC-GDF ain't gon enslave Indians again in Guyana.  Get used to that.  If that axis of evil could be mitigated, I'm ready to listen and look at what the PNC has to offer...and I know they do have a lot to offer.

You read what Freddie Kissoon ha sto say and you scream "collie time now, ahbe pan tap", black man time done".  Now you should be appalled by suchblatant racism as it pro0ves that my claims of Indo clannishness are CORRECT.  Those Indians who reject this behavior are branded by other Indians like you for being traitors.


Please no one on GNI need deny that there isnt rampant anti African racism in Guyana.  Thanks to Kissoon's research it is all there. 


As Burnham squeezed out Indians and reduced them to subservience so the PPP does the same to Africans.


Guyana is an Indo Nazi nation and people like you wish it to be renamed Indesh with a new flag with a spinning wheel and a cup.


I wonder how long do you think that the 55% of the population which is NOT Indian will tolerate this.  Black and mixed voters REJECT the PPP and as we speak Amerindians are marching in Gtwn protesting abuse of their rights.


As Burnham squeezed out Indians and reduced them to subservience so the PPP does the same to Africans


Baseman, This FOOL just advocated the same thing on the Lowe KFC Thief thread. Don worry with this RACIST FILTH!!!!   Rickford Burke and he are all the same.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

As Burnham squeezed out Indians and reduced them to subservience so the PPP does the same to Africans


Baseman, This FOOL just advocated the same thing on the Lowe KFC Thief thread. Don worry with this RACIST FILTH!!!!   Rickford Burke and he are all the same.

You missed completely what he said because your head is so completely far up your rear. He asked in light of the competing tradition of race centered parties how long do you think the current majority will continue willingly to submit to a minority? Indeed you will one day get your a self fulfilling prophesy.  It is the way of things inevitably in need of balance. It is the second law of thermodynamics seeping into social life.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Yea yea, another katahar back-stabber.

Why?  Because he is an Indian who is honest enough to talk about Indian abuse of blacks?


I know people like you hate him because he tells the truth about the IndoNazi tactics of the PPP, which is very reminiscent of the Afro Nazi tactics of the much maligned Forbes Burnham.

Understand one thing bai, PNC-GDF ain't gon enslave Indians again in Guyana.  Get used to that.  If that axis of evil could be mitigated, I'm ready to listen and look at what the PNC has to offer...and I know they do have a lot to offer.

You read what Freddie Kissoon ha sto say and you scream "collie time now, ahbe pan tap", black man time done".  Now you should be appalled by suchblatant racism as it pro0ves that my claims of Indo clannishness are CORRECT.  Those Indians who reject this behavior are branded by other Indians like you for being traitors.


Please no one on GNI need deny that there isnt rampant anti African racism in Guyana.  Thanks to Kissoon's research it is all there. 


As Burnham squeezed out Indians and reduced them to subservience so the PPP does the same to Africans.


Guyana is an Indo Nazi nation and people like you wish it to be renamed Indesh with a new flag with a spinning wheel and a cup.


I wonder how long do you think that the 55% of the population which is NOT Indian will tolerate this.  Black and mixed voters REJECT the PPP and as we speak Amerindians are marching in Gtwn protesting abuse of their rights.

Did you actually understand what I said?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Yea yea, another katahar back-stabber.

Why?  Because he is an Indian who is honest enough to talk about Indian abuse of blacks?


I know people like you hate him because he tells the truth about the IndoNazi tactics of the PPP, which is very reminiscent of the Afro Nazi tactics of the much maligned Forbes Burnham.

Understand one thing bai, PNC-GDF ain't gon enslave Indians again in Guyana.  Get used to that.  If that axis of evil could be mitigated, I'm ready to listen and look at what the PNC has to offer...and I know they do have a lot to offer.

You read what Freddie Kissoon ha sto say and you scream "collie time now, ahbe pan tap", black man time done".  Now you should be appalled by suchblatant racism as it pro0ves that my claims of Indo clannishness are CORRECT.  Those Indians who reject this behavior are branded by other Indians like you for being traitors.


Please no one on GNI need deny that there isnt rampant anti African racism in Guyana.  Thanks to Kissoon's research it is all there. 


As Burnham squeezed out Indians and reduced them to subservience so the PPP does the same to Africans.


Guyana is an Indo Nazi nation and people like you wish it to be renamed Indesh with a new flag with a spinning wheel and a cup.


I wonder how long do you think that the 55% of the population which is NOT Indian will tolerate this.  Black and mixed voters REJECT the PPP and as we speak Amerindians are marching in Gtwn protesting abuse of their rights.

Did you actually understand what I said?

i do


u want me to translate de 'same ole same ole . . .' for everybady?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:



As Burnham squeezed out Indians and reduced them to subservience so the PPP does the same to Africans.


Guyana is an Indo Nazi nation and people like you wish it to be renamed Indesh with a new flag with a spinning wheel and a cup.


I wonder how long do you think that the 55% of the population which is NOT Indian will tolerate this.  Black and mixed voters REJECT the PPP and as we speak Amerindians are marching in Gtwn protesting abuse of their rights.

Did you actually understand what I said?

I read what you had to say. No where did you condemn the current ethnic genocide against Africans that is as bad as Burnham's treatment of Indians.


You scream that Africans need to stop illtreating Indians, even as they are illtreated by Indians.  Well the PPP is in power, so the onus is on them.  The PPP controls the GDF and the police force so the onus is on them.  The PPP cannot scream about people being unfair to them when they as the govt are brutal to others. 



How can they bray about the PNC when they behave WORSE then Burnham did in the blatant exclusion of people for racist reasons?


What Kissoon said has to be an embarrassment for a PPP supporter if you had the most minute degree of interest in the future of Guyana.  Excluding 40% of the population from opprtunity to lead, from contributing its opinions and perspectives, and from governance is a recipe for disaster.  Especially as the treatment of teh 10% Amerindian population might be even worse, when we consider that they are usually treated like kids to be pandered to, but not taken seriously.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the Indo Nazi Rev is avoiding this thread? Is it because he is an ideological racist?

Never again a PNC-GDF axis of evil in Guyana.  Never again the enslavement of the Indian masses.  As I said, when there is substantive changes preventing such an axis being formed, then we could talk "PNC".  Until then, Redux and the rest of the tribe have to keep their day job in NY.


I don't think the PNC is all bad, but with their binary buddy, the GDF, they are very toxic.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the Indo Nazi Rev is avoiding this thread? Is it because he is an ideological racist?

Never again a PNC-GDF axis of evil in Guyana.  Never again the enslavement of the Indian masses.  As I said, when there is substantive changes preventing such an axis being formed, then we could talk "PNC".  Until then, Redux and the rest of the tribe have to keep their day job in NY.


I don't think the PNC is all bad, but with their binary buddy, the GDF, they are very toxic.

In looking at GuySuCo, Kissoon said that research showed, statistically, that under Jagdeo’s watch, Indo- Guyanese predominance was facilitated into the upper echelons.
Sixteen Afro-Guyanese administrators all being replaced by Indo-Guyanese.  At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kissoon said his research showed that 15 Afro-Guyanese administrators were removed and replaced with Indo-Guyanese workers.
At the Customs and Excise office, Kissoon again, with the use of research material, said that at about 42 Afro-Guyanese holding pivotal departmental positions were replaced by Indo-Guyanese.
Kissoon went on to say that the University of Guyana Council is encompassed by four non-state appointments and those chosen by the Government. Apart from those not chosen by the Government, Kissoon said all state-appointed members are Indo-Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the Indo Nazi Rev is avoiding this thread? Is it because he is an ideological racist?

Never again a PNC-GDF axis of evil in Guyana.  Never again the enslavement of the Indian masses.  As I said, when there is substantive changes preventing such an axis being formed, then we could talk "PNC".  Until then, Redux and the rest of the tribe have to keep their day job in NY.


I don't think the PNC is all bad, but with their binary buddy, the GDF, they are very toxic.

In looking at GuySuCo, Kissoon said that research showed, statistically, that under Jagdeo’s watch, Indo- Guyanese predominance was facilitated into the upper echelons.
Sixteen Afro-Guyanese administrators all being replaced by Indo-Guyanese.  At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kissoon said his research showed that 15 Afro-Guyanese administrators were removed and replaced with Indo-Guyanese workers.
At the Customs and Excise office, Kissoon again, with the use of research material, said that at about 42 Afro-Guyanese holding pivotal departmental positions were replaced by Indo-Guyanese.
Kissoon went on to say that the University of Guyana Council is encompassed by four non-state appointments and those chosen by the Government. Apart from those not chosen by the Government, Kissoon said all state-appointed members are Indo-Guyanese.


Trading places, he is not talking about the instances where Afros replaced Indos.  He counting on one hand.

Originally Posted by warrior:

kissoon is a brave man,he is a true indian,i am hoping more guyanese indian can be like kissoon.truth and non violence is my god.the greatest indian that ever live.

Kissoon is ashamed he was born to Indian parents. Someone needs to save another bucket of his tonic and throw it in his face again. I would pay to watch it.

Originally Posted by warrior:

you will pay to watch somebody do that i will love to kick your face in for free.i will beat you until you get a heart nasty low life collie

Dear ignaramus,

I did not know you are Kissoons's lover. Sorry if I offended you and your domestic partner.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the Indo Nazi Rev is avoiding this thread? Is it because he is an ideological racist?

Never again a PNC-GDF axis of evil in Guyana.  Never again the enslavement of the Indian masses.  As I said, when there is substantive changes preventing such an axis being formed, then we could talk "PNC".  Until then, Redux and the rest of the tribe have to keep their day job in NY.


I don't think the PNC is all bad, but with their binary buddy, the GDF, they are very toxic.

In looking at GuySuCo, Kissoon said that research showed, statistically, that under Jagdeo’s watch, Indo- Guyanese predominance was facilitated into the upper echelons.
Sixteen Afro-Guyanese administrators all being replaced by Indo-Guyanese.  At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kissoon said his research showed that 15 Afro-Guyanese administrators were removed and replaced with Indo-Guyanese workers.
At the Customs and Excise office, Kissoon again, with the use of research material, said that at about 42 Afro-Guyanese holding pivotal departmental positions were replaced by Indo-Guyanese.
Kissoon went on to say that the University of Guyana Council is encompassed by four non-state appointments and those chosen by the Government. Apart from those not chosen by the Government, Kissoon said all state-appointed members are Indo-Guyanese.


Trading places, he is not talking about the instances where Afros replaced Indos.  He counting on one hand.

If what Freddie said there is true  where would there be an option for trading places as you suggested. Note there were no trading places in the foreign service which until last year had no African Representation.


We cannot continue in this manner. There must be constitution reform so there is no domination by race.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the Indo Nazi Rev is avoiding this thread? Is it because he is an ideological racist?

Never again a PNC-GDF axis of evil in Guyana.  Never again the enslavement of the Indian masses.  As I said, when there is substantive changes preventing such an axis being formed, then we could talk "PNC".  Until then, Redux and the rest of the tribe have to keep their day job in NY.


I don't think the PNC is all bad, but with their binary buddy, the GDF, they are very toxic.

If the PPP treats blacks as the PNC treated Indians, then why scream when blacks illtreat Indians when they get the opportunity?


It makes no sense for any one to justify 45% of the population illtreating 40% when each have the power to do serious damage to the other, and indeed do whenever they get the opportunity.


Now if I were you I would think that the best insurance for Indians is treating blacks properly, and vice versa.


But then you and I are different so you will remain happy with the never ending cycle of abuse that Indians and blacks hurl on each other when they are able to.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Trading places, he is not talking about the instances where Afros replaced Indos.  He counting on one hand.

And why was Luncheon unable to speak of these instances when Indos were dismissed without cause and replaced by blacks?


Hasnt happened and will not because the PPP is an Indo nazi party.  And yet is bold enough to condemn AfroNazi behavior from Burnham.


BTW Ramotar is Commander in Chief so dp not look ridiculous by pretending as if the PPP doesnt control the GDF.  Jagdeo was sure to select one of his "boys" to run it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you will pay to watch somebody do that i will love to kick your face in for free.i will beat you until you get a heart nasty low life collie

Dear ignaramus,

I did not know you are Kissoons's lover. Sorry if I offended you and your domestic partner.

You get orgasms at the mere mention of this abuse of blacks.


I hope you are equally excited when they get revenge for this on you.Blatant abuse NEVER goes unpunished.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

kissoon is a brave man,he is a true indian,i am hoping more guyanese indian can be like kissoon.truth and non violence is my god.the greatest indian that ever live.

Kissoon is ashamed he was born to Indian parents. Someone needs to save another bucket of his tonic and throw it in his face again. I would pay to watch it.

Interesting.  Because Kissoon is an Indian who hates when Indians treat blacks the way that Burnham treated Indians, he is a self hating Indian.


You know it is Indians like him who are the best friends of other Indians, because Kissoon knows full well that the longer this continues, the angrier Africans get and who knows what will happen when they are unable to contain their rage any longer.


It is in the interest of BOTH Indians and Africans to ensure that BOTH groups receive fair treatment and that neither group is abused.


But you prefer the "collie time now" screams from Indians between 1961-1964.  This was followed by "black man time now" between 64-92, then you were able to scream "****** time now" since then.


Note that one form of ethnic domination and abuse is always followed by revenge from the other side.  Arent you tired of this?



Former Guyana president under pressure to disprove racism

Posted: Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:59 pm

Interesting testimony is beginning to emerge from an ongoing libel suit trial brought against a former University of Guyana professor and newspaper columnist by former President Bharrat Jagdeo in which Jagdeo is being asked to disprove widespread allegations of systematic racism against Blacks during his 11 years as head of state of the Caribbean trade bloc nation.

Angry after being called an “ideological racist” by columnist Freddie Kissoon, Jagdeo, now 50, rushed to the courts confident that a libel suit would not only shut Kissoon up for a long period of time, but also the huge sum he would have to pay would wipe Kissoon out financially.


But from the evidence so far, Kissoon, who is incidentally a born but not practicing Hindu like Jagdeo and is of similar Indo-Caribbean descent, appears to be getting ready to unload tons of damning evidence that might prove his allegations of deep-seated racism against Afro-Guyanese by Jagdeo’s governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

On the witness stand before Justice Brassington Reynolds, Kissoon, 62, has systematically produced evidence showing clear cases where Blacks were bypassed for promotion over Indians or were dismissed unfairly; Indians involved in criminal activities like fraud and conspiracy were not charged; and, in one instance, 16 Black managers in the state sugar industry were either dismissed or forced out and replaced by Indo-Guyanese.

Jagdeo has said that he will not take the stand in his own defense, making it harder for him to explain to the nation, Afros especially, why he was the first and only head of state to withdraw annual funding from the historically Black Critchlow Labor College, forcing it almost to closure and destitution. His successor and close friend Donald Ramotar, another Hindu, has not reinstated the subvention to this day while other colleges get grant funding from the state.

Kissoon also pointed to the fact that the top 22 positions at the state-run Georgetown Hospital are all held by Indo-Guyanese, while pointing to Afros in senior positions of state who were never substantively appointed to positions and retired earning smaller monthly pension payments because of this.

He detailed research at most state departments, noting that “Indian dominance” is everywhere and that Blacks are left to fend for themselves despite being taxpayers like all other groups. Pointing to the local university council, which dismissed him a year ago, Kissoon said all state-appointed members are of Indian descent and made his case for a pattern of Indian preference in all spheres of life. Until recently, not a single Black Guyanese had served as an ambassador for Guyana overseas. A few were appointed after a national outcry.

Kissoon is scheduled to return to the witness stand on Monday. The libel suit has been ongoing since late 2011. The journalist is involved in several other libel cases brought against him by government officials, all designed to destroy him.

Race has been the bugbear of national life in Guyana for decades, but tension is rising at the moment with constant media reports of Indians involved in widespread corruption with impunity, given preference for contracts and all the high-paying jobs and overseas travel and support by the government and particular judges. Guyanese also vote strictly along racial lines.



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