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@Former Member posted:

Freddy Kissoon had an obsession with Indo-Guyanese when the coalition was seeking office and he was staunchly against Jagdeo and the PPP. I think Freddy Kissoon is riding with the waves.

I have to agree on one thing, he doesn't have prejudice when it comes to making his point.   

LOL ,that fella forgave Kwame who throw shit in his face.


Freddie feels that his responsibility to society is to highlight the words and actions of those who at the time pose a threat to the community. Not so long ago he was regarded by some influential Afro-Guyanese as their brother because of his crusade against the PPP for what he regarded as PPP wrongdoings. After the Coalition took over but more so following the NCM and especially after the March elections Freddie became very critical of the words and actions of some prominent Afro-Guyanese and they turned against him. According to him they forgot how hard he campaigned for them to be elected in 2015. That is generally how people of all influences react to criticism. Even Peter Wickham was accused to hating blacks when he criticized the attempted rigging of the PNC followed by Granger's holding the country hostage for 5 long months.

@Django posted:

LOL ,that fella forgave Kwame who throw shit in his face.

That is a sign of magnanimity bai. Freddie is a straight shooter and say things he sees them. That is why Lewis and Hinds are upset with him. He called out their racial actions and especially their blatant support for the PNC rigging attempt. He has also lost all respect for Kwayana. But he is about to switch sides again as his focus will be trained more on the PPP government.

@Former Member posted:

That is a sign of magnanimity bai. Freddie is a straight shooter and say things he sees them. That is why Lewis and Hinds are upset with him. He called out their racial actions and especially their blatant support for the PNC rigging attempt.He has also lost all respect for Kwayana. But he is about to switch sides again as his focus will be trained more on the PPP government.

Freddie can't match Hinds and Kawana no day , the have a right to speak or not.

2020 elections bring out a lot of hate ,it will continue in the coming years.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Freddie can't match Hinds and Kawana no day , the have a right to speak or not.

Sure they have a right to speak or not but everyone also has a right to assess what they say and right now they have both placed themselves on the wrong side of history and democracy where as Freddie at his own peril chose to speak out against theirs and others depravity.  

@Django posted:

Freddie can't match Hinds and Kawana no day , the have a right to speak or not.

2020 elections bring out a lot of hate ,it will continue in the coming years.

Of course the 2020 elections brought out a lot of hate. What else can be expected when the PNC had no intention of respecting the rights of the voters of Guyana. First they did everything to violate the consequences of the NCM and then they perverted the CCJ ruling in their slow drag to the March 2020 elections and when they lost that election fair and square they first attempted to rig it and then painstakingly and foolishly dragged on consequences of those elections for 5 long months even risking the health and lives of Guyanese during a global pandemic. They caused all the hate and Kwayana, Lewis and Hinds were in full support of it. Hinds even wanted to burn all the votes totally disregarding the difficulties that all those voters withstood waiting in the hot sun in long lines to cast their votes.

@seignet posted:

Freddie behaves kraw-ci-ty, complains bout everything.

Django, I think you is a lil biased bout Freddie.

Ilum, I think you is a resurrection from the recent past, however, some of your commetaries gat me wondering if were here once before. I think you were. On Freddie, yuh pegged him correct.

Naah , singing to the paymaster tune ,so everyday Afro Guyanese have to be mentioned in his articles ,some folks call it showing supremacy in Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

Of course the 2020 elections brought out a lot of hate. What else can be expected when the PNC had no intention of respecting the rights of the voters of Guyana.

First they did everything to violate the consequences of the NCM and then they perverted the CCJ ruling in their slow drag to the March 2020 elections and when they lost that election fair and square they first attempted to rig it and then painstakingly and foolishly dragged on consequences of those elections for 5 long months even risking the health and lives of Guyanese during a global pandemic.

They caused all the hate and Kwayana, Lewis and Hinds were in full support of it. Hinds even wanted to burn all the votes totally disregarding the difficulties that all those voters withstood waiting in the hot sun in long lines to cast their votes.

Yep most folks knows Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of hate , and especially the PNC ,while Indo Guyanese and the PPP are saints ,they do no wrong ,they are law abiding upright citizens of the country.

@Django posted:

Yep most folks knows Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of hate , and especially the PNC ,while Indo Guyanese and the PPP are saints ,they do no wrong ,they are law abiding upright citizens of the country.

Bai, I didn't make any comparisons between Afro Guyanese and Indo Guyanese. My statement was on the actions of the PNC regarding the March 2020 elections.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Does Freddie speak the truth always?

Freddie says things the way he sees them. He does not seek favors from anyone. He spoke out against the PPP at the heights of their power in government and did the same against the Coalition at the height of their power in government. I think Django is incorrect to think that Freddie sings to the tune of his paymaster. If that was the case he would have sung to the PPP tune prior to May 2015 and to the Coalition's tune from May 2015 to August 2020.

@Django posted:

Yep most folks knows Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of hate , and especially the PNC ,while Indo Guyanese and the PPP are saints ,they do no wrong ,they are law abiding upright citizens of the country.

Don't get carried away.  The PPP is not without fault. They sometimes make mistakes but they also take responsibility for their actions which the PNC does not. Most of the critics of the PPP are indo_guyanese.

@Former Member posted:

Freddie says things the way he sees them. He does not seek favors from anyone. He spoke out against the PPP at the heights of their power in government and did the same against the Coalition at the height of their power in government. I think Django is incorrect to think that Freddie sings to the tune of his paymaster. If that was the case he would have sung to the PPP tune prior to May 2015 and to the Coalition's tune from May 2015 to August 2020.

That fella have to be controversial to food on the table.

@Django posted:

What make you believe what can't be done in two decades ,will be done in this current term.

Ayuh knows who will manage the Finance ? no one taking up the position as yet or what was predicted will become truth.

No different from those people who disregarded what the PNC couldn't do in their first 28 years rule yet believed the 2015 crew can do it. That photo of all those Coalition people on the Parliament balcony with all that promise in their expressions is still vivid in my memory.

@Django posted:

What make you believe what can't be done in two decades ,will be done in this current term.

Ayuh knows who will manage the Finance ? no one taking up the position as yet or what was predicted will become truth.

Finance will be in good hands, don’t worry.  Things moving.

As for current term, well they will have around 25 years to be worried again.....and billions and billion and billions of petro-dollars to play with.  PNC gangsters lost corn and husk. 


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