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Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG

Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.

“This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.

The letter which is dated December 22, 2014 states that “In the circumstances Mr. Kissoon is entitled to compensation from the University”.

Alexander when contacted this morning for a comment said that he no longer holds the Registrar position and by the time the letter arrived deputy registrar Dr. Theo Velloza had already taken over that responsibility.

Dr. Velloza later told Stabroek News that he has received the letter. He said that it has to be discussed with the UG Vice Chancellor and this has not been done as yet.

The dismissal of Kissoon who is a Kaieteur News columnist, in January 2012 sparked protests at the university which caused the cancellation of classes and a sit-in by staffers for several weeks. Calls for him to be rehired were ignored.

The university had held firm that the dismissal came because of poor performance. Kissoon had been teaching at the University for 26 years before he was sacked.

Based on the information reaching Stabroek News, Justice Moore arrived at this position after correspondence with Senior Counsel (SC) Miles Fitzpatrick and advice sought from the Fraser, Housty and Yearwood law firm.

Copies of Kissoon’s letter of appointment dated August 30, 2011; termination letter dated January 23, 2012; Kissoon’s letter to the University; minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on January 18, 2012 and Statutes of the University revised as of August 22, 2013 were reviewed by both.

The law firm after quoting various sections of the Constitution and the University’s Statutes based its conclusion of wrongful dismissal on Section 25 of the University Statutes. This section deals with disciplinary action.

According to the law firm “Statute 25 is pellucid”, in that if the Council has reasonable cause to believe that any staff member may be guilty of grave misconduct or is unable to perform the functions as might warrant the termination of his employment, the Council shall give the staff member notice of termination in writing; at the request of that person or the council within a period of 14 days, the Council must make arrangements for a special committee to investigate charges and “afford the staff member an opportunity of being heard on his own behalf and to be allowed legal representation at the hearing of the Special Committee and that termination may occur once the Council after reviewing the report of the committee is satisfied.

It was noted that the minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on January 18, 2012 gave “very little indication as to the motivation for the early termination of Mr. Kissoon’s temporary employment with the University”. It was pointed out that it would appear that members of the Council opined that his research profile was unimpressive and that his works were not of any academic claim; this leading to the rescinding of his contract.

The law firm said too that there was nothing in the minutes to indicate that Kissoon may have been guilty of grave misconduct or unable to perform his functions as lecturer, which would warrant termination.

“The contract of employment did not contain any impositions or requirements regarding Mr. Kissoon’s research profile or research works… In these circumstances it appears that the University Council’s dismissal was without reasonable and probable cause and accordingly, in breach of the implied term of trust and confidence. If this is indeed the case damages would be at large”, the Law firm stated before exploring whether Kissoon ought to have been dismissed without cause upon payment in lieu of notice.

It was noted that in the present case, Kissoon would be entitled to damages assessed based on total emoluments for the period during which the hearing procedure might reasonably have been expected to be concluded, plus at least three months’ salary and housing allowances, as provided for in the letter of appointment dated August 30, 2011.

“If it is that the dismissal was indeed arbitrary and in breach of the implied term of trust and confidence, a court if called upon would also want to consider making an award in respect of damages at large”, the law firm said.

Fitzpatrick in his correspondence with the Ombudsman dated September 19, 2014 opined that the alleged failure to invite Kissoon to respond to the reasons put forth for his early dismissal and provisions in the University Statutes, justified further enquiry but only if the Ombudsman was satisfied that taking legal action would not have been a reasonable option for Kissoon.

Fitzpatrick in giving his thoughts based on the relevant legislation and documents sent to him, noted that while the constitution provides that the Ombudsman investigate injustice by designated public bodies, Article 192 (3) states that he “shall not investigate any action in respect of which the complainant has or had a remedy by way of proceedings in a court or access to an independent and impartial tribunal other than a court providing that the Ombudsman may nevertheless conduct an investigation notwithstanding that the complainant has or had a remedy by way of proceeding in a court if satisfied that in the particular circumstances it is not reasonable to expect him to take or to have taken such proceedings and he shall not be precluded from investigation by reason only that it is open to the complainant to apply to the High Court for redress under Article 153(1)”.

The senior counsel indicated that before an investigation is launched it must be first ascertained whether Kissoon took the matter to court or sought legal advice regarding whether he had a right of action in damages for wrongful dismissal.

“On a general law relating to this matter, I believe that …the Statutory status of the University, the provision in Section 6 of the Act barring any political test being imposed on any member of the University in order to entitle him to occupy any position in or on its staff…and the provisions of Statute 25 (Discipline) paragraph 1 (“staff on UA scale&rdquo which may have applied even by analogy, to Mr. Kissoon’s matter and the alleged failure to invite Mr. Kissoon to attend and/or to give a response to particular reasons which may have been advanced for his early dismissal, justify further enquiry provided that you are persuaded that in the circumstances it would not have been reasonable for Mr. Kissoon to take legal action”, Fitzpatrick concluded.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Winston Moore is anti PPP.

He was appointed by Ramotar after a thorough vetting and Ramotar at the time said he was the most suitable person for the position of Ombudsman.


This appointment has brought justice to the NBS men who were framed by the DPP and CIOG who both engaged in criminal activity to persecute these men at the behest of the to thief Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Winston Moore is anti PPP.

He was appointed by Ramotar after a thorough vetting and Ramotar at the time said he was the most suitable person for the position of Ombudsman.


This appointment has brought justice to the NBS men who were framed by the DPP and CIOG who both engaged in criminal activity to persecute these men at the behest of the to thief Jagdeo.

Freddie was a contracted employee. His contract expired and they decided not to renew it. What's wrong with that? You don't bash your employer and expect them to reward you handsomely.


Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

Anti PPP bashers fail to recognise that the fool was a contracted employee. 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this

Mumma dankey, they can terminate your contract at anytime if they so choose to do so.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this


well well we have a lawyer on board

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this


well well we have a lawyer on board

Anything is better than your brain.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this


well well we have a lawyer on board

Anything is better than your brain.

ppp shit brain,freedum house need some new ideas why not teach them to hunt wild cabbage instead of stealing the tax payers money 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this

Mumma dankey, they can terminate your contract at anytime if they so choose to do so.

which a court have to determine if it was a wrongful dismissal 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this


well well we have a lawyer on board

Contracts for employees can end ...


1. At the terminate date of their employment.

2. Prior to the terminate date of their employment.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this

Mumma dankey, they can terminate your contract at anytime if they so choose to do so.

which a court have to determine if it was a wrongful dismissal 

Somebody in the courtroom will throw another well deserved bucket of stale human feces mixed with urine(like before) on him again.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this

Mumma dankey, they can terminate your contract at anytime if they so choose to do so.

which a court have to determine if it was a wrongful dismissal 

Somebody in the courtroom will throw another well deserved bucket of stale human feces mixed with urine(like before) on him again.

your family must love you a lot your kindness is overflowing 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has advised the University of Guyana (UG) that based on legal advice, former lecturer Freddie Kissoon was wrongly dismissed in January 2012 and as such should be compensated.


This office has been advised that Mr. Kissoon was wrongfully dismissed, his dismissal being in breach of statute 25 of the University of Guyana Statutes which provides for notice and a hearing, as pre-conditions for dismissal”, Justice Moore said in a letter to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander.


Freddie Kissoon wrongfully dismissed – Ombudsman tells UG, Posted By Stabroek editor On January 6, 2015 @ 12:26 pm In Local News | No Comments


Freddie Kissoon was a contract employee at the university.


Freddie Kissoon was not a permanent employee.


He was provided adequate notice of termination.

fools they terminate the man before his contract but you pest know this


well well we have a lawyer on board

Contracts for employees can end ...


1. At the terminate date of their employment.

2. Prior to the terminate date of their employment.

This kind of response from the PPP dictatorship is exactly why the people of Guyana voted en masse against them in the last election and that trend will continue in the next election.


Worry not your contract will soon come to an end as well.

Last edited by Former Member

Succinct items regarding contract employees worldwide; Canada, US_of_A, Britain, European countries, Guyana, West Indies, Africa, etc., etc., ...


Specific conditions contract employees know before being employed.


1. Start and end date of employment.

2. Termination of employment on or before the end date.

3. Can be terminated at an earlier date.

4. General and individual contracts have conditions regarding termination.


Permanent employees have separate and specific conditions regarding termination. These employees indeed have a process with their employers and/or the legal process regarding termination of their services which may or may not be successful.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Succinct items regarding contract employees worldwide; Canada, US_of_A, Britain, European countries, Guyana, West Indies, Africa, etc., etc., ...


Specific conditions contract employees know before being employed.


1. Start and end date of employment.

2. Termination of employment on or before the end date.

3. Can be terminated at an earlier date.

4. General and individual contracts have conditions regarding termination.


Permanent employees have separate and specific conditions regarding termination. These employees indeed have a process with their employers and/or the legal process regarding termination of their services which may or may not be successful.

Do you know the specific terms of Freddie Kissoon's employment contract? If you do, please share them with us since employment contracts the world over can have varying terms. I currently have contract employees working for me with 5 year retention periods and they cannot be terminated early without due cause. If they are let go early, then the company has to pay them for the duration of the 5 year contract.


Apparently, the learned Ombudsman Justice Winston Moore has examined the specific terms of Kissoon's contract and determined that he was wrongfully dismissed instead of being a blowhard like you.


Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Winston Moore is anti PPP.

He was appointed by Ramotar after a thorough vetting and Ramotar at the time said he was the most suitable person for the position of Ombudsman.


This appointment has brought justice to the NBS men who were framed by the DPP and CIOG who both engaged in criminal activity to persecute these men at the behest of the to thief Jagdeo.

Is the ambudsman's finding advisory or is it binding? If the former then it is a waste of time since the PPP in their habit of vindictiveness against those who cross them will never pay attention to this ruling.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Succinct items regarding contract employees worldwide; Canada, US_of_A, Britain, European countries, Guyana, West Indies, Africa, etc., etc., ...


Specific conditions contract employees know before being employed.


1. Start and end date of employment.

2. Termination of employment on or before the end date.

3. Can be terminated at an earlier date.

4. General and individual contracts have conditions regarding termination.


Permanent employees have separate and specific conditions regarding termination. These employees indeed have a process with their employers and/or the legal process regarding termination of their services which may or may not be successful.

You should fly down to Guyana and schedule a meeting with the Ombudsman to discuss. The man is very knowledgeable on the law and the contract in question. You on the other hand don't know shit.


Freddie Kissoon's employment was on a contract basis.


When Freddie Kissoon's contract was terminated, he received three months' salary which was the obligation of the University of Guyana.


A person's contract can be terminated under the conditions that adequate notice is provided or due payment in lieu is made to the individual.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Freddie Kissoon's employment was on a contract basis.


When Freddie Kissoon's contract was terminated, he received three months' salary which was the obligation of the University of Guyana.


A person's contract can be terminated under the conditions that adequate notice is provided or due payment in lieu is made to the individual.

That of course is your opinion which is as valuable as a stinky fart.


The Ombudsman is a very qualified respectable man and the law is not an ass he has ruled and we should respect his ruling.


The PPP keeps racking up victims..........Persecuting innocent Guyanese citizens......


Aishalton wants teacher who heckled President to be transferred for “shaming community”


The Village council of the Region 9 Amerindian community of Aishalton wants school teacher John Adams who complained about being slapped by a Presidential guard after he heckled the President, to be transferred from the community over the incident and “previous incidents”.

According to the one of the councillors of the Village Council, Regis James, a decision was made  on Monday to expel Adams from the community and request that he be transferred to a school outside of the community.

James said the decision was made at a public village meeting which looked at a number of issues including the slapping incident. James told News Source that the teacher has brought great shame on the community and it was time for him to leave.

The official noted that “All of his files came up at the public meeting and not just about when the President was here. And what came up was all the news about Aishalton, Aishalton, Aishalton in the media  and in the public and its shameful that one village name is being called and so the public statutory meeting was held and everything came up”.

“He is a Guyanese but Aishalton is ruled by a village council”, the village councillor said, as he sought to explain the council’s decision.

“We are not saying that he must get knock off but he must at least be transferred to another secondary school”, he said.

On December 3rd, 2014, President Donald Ramotar was campaigning in the amerindian community when the school teacher objected to some of his statements at the meeting. When the teacher raised the concerns related to former President Jagdeo, Mr. Ramotar told him that he was lucky Jagdeo was not at the meeting, since he would have “slapped you up because you stupid”.

Ramotar and his office have brushed aside the incident.

The teacher said it was just after that meeting that he was accosted by Presidential guards who questioned him about why he was heckling the President. He said when he stood his ground, he was slapped several times to the face. A police report was made against the Presidential guard but its unclear how the investigations have been progressing.

 Teacher John Adams has been working in the community for a number of years as a mathematics teacher at the secondary school in the village. His wife is also a teacher.

He said members of the ruling party would always have an issue with him because he would voice issues affecting the community whenever there are meetings.


Only the PPP are allowed to be Feral Blasters................The people of Guyana are not allowed to Feral Blast their corrupt crooks in government.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP keeps racking up victims..........Persecuting innocent Guyanese citizens......


Aishalton wants teacher who heckled President to be transferred for “shaming community”


The Village council of the Region 9 Amerindian community of Aishalton wants school teacher John Adams who complained about being slapped by a Presidential guard after he heckled the President, to be transferred from the community over the incident and “previous incidents”.

According to the one of the councillors of the Village Council, Regis James, a decision was made  on Monday to expel Adams from the community and request that he be transferred to a school outside of the community.

James said the decision was made at a public village meeting which looked at a number of issues including the slapping incident. James told News Source that the teacher has brought great shame on the community and it was time for him to leave.

The official noted that “All of his files came up at the public meeting and not just about when the President was here. And what came up was all the news about Aishalton, Aishalton, Aishalton in the media  and in the public and its shameful that one village name is being called and so the public statutory meeting was held and everything came up”.

“He is a Guyanese but Aishalton is ruled by a village council”, the village councillor said, as he sought to explain the council’s decision.

“We are not saying that he must get knock off but he must at least be transferred to another secondary school”, he said.

On December 3rd, 2014, President Donald Ramotar was campaigning in the amerindian community when the school teacher objected to some of his statements at the meeting. When the teacher raised the concerns related to former President Jagdeo, Mr. Ramotar told him that he was lucky Jagdeo was not at the meeting, since he would have “slapped you up because you stupid”.

Ramotar and his office have brushed aside the incident.

The teacher said it was just after that meeting that he was accosted by Presidential guards who questioned him about why he was heckling the President. He said when he stood his ground, he was slapped several times to the face. A police report was made against the Presidential guard but its unclear how the investigations have been progressing.

 Teacher John Adams has been working in the community for a number of years as a mathematics teacher at the secondary school in the village. His wife is also a teacher.

He said members of the ruling party would always have an issue with him because he would voice issues affecting the community whenever there are meetings.


Only the PPP are allowed to be Feral Blasters................The people of Guyana are not allowed to Feral Blast their corrupt crooks in government.

Stay on the topic feral boy. This topic is about your mamoo sh*t bucket Kissoon. Looks like your bipolar behaviour is kicking in. 


Aishalton villagers launch petition for teacher’s removal

Posted By Staff Writer On January 7, 2015 @ 5:21 am In Local News | No Comments

Aishalton villagers are signing a petition to have the teacher who says he was slapped by a presidential guard to be transferred because he has “shamed” the village, according to councillor Regis James.

“We do not appreciate this type of behaviour in our community… he has put our village in the media and the public agree that he be transferred,” James told Stabroek News via phone yesterday.

James explained that a statutory village meeting was held on Monday and attended by over 130 persons, all of whom said that they would support a move to have secondary school teacher John Adams expelled from the village.

He said Adams’ behaviour during the meeting with the president was raised by a businesswoman, Joyce Lawrence, and a decision was made to petition to have him transferred from the village.

On December 3rd, Adams alleged that he was slapped by a presidential guard after he criticised President Donald Ramotar and his government during a meeting in the village.

John Adams

John Adams

He said as he was making his way through the crowd after saying his piece at the meeting, the guard collared him and asked him who had accompanied him. “The man ask me, ‘Weh de other two that went with you?’ And I told him I don’t know what he talking about, it was just me,” he recounted.

“The man said I lying and as I continued to explain to him that it was just me speaking my mind, he hand me one slap to the left side of my jaw,” he recalled.

Bernard Conrad, Aishalton’s Toshao, says Adams should not have heckled the president because it was disrespectful and he believes the man should be sent back to his hometown in Region 7.

“It is very shameful for John Adams [to] be disrespecting the public. He is from Region 7, not from here. He spoil Aishalton good name. He put us on all the news,” Conrad said.

“You expect someone to respect the daddy and His Excellency is the daddy of the country. Adams [is] wrong. He is not put [to] judge any man on the earth. He must be like us; he must respect the Toshao, he must respect elders,” he added.

James said Adams’ heckles were embarrassing to the villagers. “During the meeting, Mr. Adams was throwing remarks at the president—‘You lie’ and other things—he was under the influence of alcohol, had [a] beer bottle in his hands. He asked questions and was answered but he disturbed the peaceful meeting,” he added.

According to him, it was not the first time that the village has had a problem with Adams. He recalled Adams being a part of a protest a while ago and he opined that as a school teacher he should not have been.

Reached for comment, Adams told Stabroek News that he was not surprised by the feelings of the councillor and Toshao.

“I was waiting to see what would happen and look. I am not surprised but just disappointed by their actions that they would yield to the pressure by the current administration,” he said.

“When I attended that meeting, I was there as John Adams, resident of Aishalton. I was not on school duty. Should I not have my concerns aired? This is modern times and we have a government touting democracy but where is it here? A man speaks and not only is he abused but a community is now pressured into turning against him,” he added.

The mathematics teacher says that he will not allow the petition to stop him from either executing his job as a teacher or being vocal on issues he feels needs highlighting. “I have to speak and when I do and people all over the world hear. The pressure will be on the government to change its ways… I will not stop speaking or loving my brothers and sisters of Aishalton because I know the pressure they are under,” Adams said.



The PPP are shameless rogues.......constantly victimizing the people of Guyana.


This should not be tolerated by society the people of Aishalton should be ashamed of themselves.


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