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Former Member

The polygraph and the insane power Guyanese accept

May 17, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

On a television programme with me on Channel 6 to discuss Jagdeo’s radio licence madness, Mr. Lincoln Lewis made the point that too many citizens supported the PPP Government only to find out later that they, themselves were victims. The list is long and they courted their own disaster because they waited too long to speak out. Dictatorship inevitably becomes a devouring monster if you do not clip its wings at birth. The example I use all the time to drive this lesson home is then PPP member, attorney Sadie Amin. I had a conversation one evening at the downstairs restaurant of the trade union, NAACIE, with Ms Amin. The conversation naturally revolved around the PPP’s domineering attitude at UG since Ms. Amin was a member at the time of the UG Council. Ms. Amin’s inflexible position is that she is a member of the PPP, is loyal to her party and is morally compelled to support everything the party does. I took objection to her use of the word, “everything” but she said that that is the way she feels as a party member. About a year later, I met with Amin on Croal Street in the vicinity of the magistrates’ courts. During our conversation she was compellingly frank and honest. She left the PPP and its women’s arm Women Progressive Organization because she could not accept what her party did to her husband. He was overlooked for the second highest position at GuyOil, even though he met all the requirements. Her argument was pellucid – the PPP did an unacceptable wrong to her husband and she could no longer continue in the PPP (don’t know if she has since rejoined). This was the very human being a year earlier who told me she had to vote for James Rose as the Vice Chancellor of UG, because that was what her party wanted. But she rejected what her party wanted when she became a victim. Civilization will never advance towards freedom and progress if we cannot see that the irrationality and non-logic we accept in the world will one day head in our direction and devour us. Mr. Lewis was right. This entire country, with the exception of this columnist – and yes let me beat my drum – did not protest when the Jagdeo regime gave lie detector tests to nine CANU officers including the head, and dismissed all of them after claiming that they all failed. The lie detector test can be reduced to scientific nonsense at times. My wife would fail a thousand polygraphs on matters in which she is totally innocent given her psychological make-up. She is a very quiet person with tendencies to be introverted. Nervousness can lead to answers that are misleading. On the other hand, a street-wise culprit like me can pass a million lie detector tests even though I may be guilty as sin. When you grow up in rough times and learnt a lot from the streets, your psychology is a hardened one. For this reason, polygraphs are not reliable scientific processes. Had this country adopted a no-nonsense approach to the first set of sacking (at CANU) after the polygraph was (to my mind, illegally) introduced, maybe we could have saved the twenty-one employees of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA). You play with dictatorship you get burnt. You give dictatorship an inch, it takes the whole nine yards. Guyanese stayed silent over the CANU dismissals. The Government got its way now the floodgates are open. Yesterday it was the GEA. Today the polygraph morbidity will move to another section of the public sector until it comes your way. What makes any Guyanese feel that after this denunciation of the lie detector scandal at the GEA, it will not be repeated? The people of this country are not learning the lessons of life. We let the insanity that occurred at the GEA go unprotected and more manifestations of insane power will visit this nation. Dictatorship will only stop if and when it is confronted, and you don’t have to do it with violence. The great Mahatma Gandhi did not use force against the British Raj. But it was Gandhi who said that “non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty.” Where do we go from here with the lie detector madness at GEA? The head of GAWU, Komal Chand, felt that it was too much to take. He denounced the GEA depravity. As a trade unionist, he knows you just don’t dismiss workers because they failed a polygraph. And Chand was angrier when he heard about the asinine questions that were asked. So what’s next?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Another good piece by the maestro Mr Freddie Kisoon.

HEHEHEHE Great indeed.  He learn from the Taliban so naturally it is great for you.

someday ur beloved guyana will erupt.


The people that complain about polygraph tests are the ones that fail them. Of course Freddie would complain as he is a certified liar and would never pass a polygraph. Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

intentional vagueness to camouflage lack of knowledge is not evidence of 'smarts' . . . arite druggie?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

intentional vagueness to camouflage lack of knowledge is not evidence of 'smarts' . . . arite druggie?

Do your own research and ketch sense. Almost all police jobs in the US now require a polygraph. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

intentional vagueness to camouflage lack of knowledge is not evidence of 'smarts' . . . arite druggie?

Do your own research and ketch sense. Almost all police jobs in the US now require a polygraph. 

gie we sum detail fuh context nuh . . . yuh friken I gon clap sum jumbie lash pun yuh, eh?


i thought u does enjoy meh whip

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

intentional vagueness to camouflage lack of knowledge is not evidence of 'smarts' . . . arite druggie?

Do your own research and ketch sense. Almost all police jobs in the US now require a polygraph. 

gie we sum detail fuh context nuh . . . yuh friken I gon clap sum jumbie lash pun yuh, eh?


i thought u does enjoy meh whip

Why should I do your research for you? Whenever I ask you for evidence of your claims in the past your run for cover. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

intentional vagueness to camouflage lack of knowledge is not evidence of 'smarts' . . . arite druggie?

Do your own research and ketch sense. Almost all police jobs in the US now require a polygraph. 

gie we sum detail fuh context nuh . . . yuh friken I gon clap sum jumbie lash pun yuh, eh?


i thought u does enjoy meh whip

Why should I do your research for you? Whenever I ask you for evidence of your claims in the past your run for cover. 

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

intentional vagueness to camouflage lack of knowledge is not evidence of 'smarts' . . . arite druggie?

Do your own research and ketch sense. Almost all police jobs in the US now require a polygraph. 

gie we sum detail fuh context nuh . . . yuh friken I gon clap sum jumbie lash pun yuh, eh?


i thought u does enjoy meh whip

Why should I do your research for you? Whenever I ask you for evidence of your claims in the past your run for cover. 

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

The longer an thicker the whip, the mo he loves it. You might even hear im lickin his lips during his cries of "stop stop , stop it I like it"

Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

The last time I asked you to substantiate your claim you launched into your usual diatribe of "har de har har" and other nonsensical diatribe. ahahahah 

It is a waste of time to respond to you, I might just have to put you on ignore. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

The last time I asked you to substantiate your claim you launched into your usual diatribe of "har de har har" and other nonsensical diatribe. ahahahah 

It is a waste of time to respond to you, I might just have to put you on ignore. 



Redux is one a dem boys who does waste most of his time responding to you in a proper manner and now you wan dis the man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

The last time I asked you to substantiate your claim you launched into your usual diatribe of "har de har har" and other nonsensical diatribe. ahahahah 

It is a waste of time to respond to you, I might just have to put you on ignore. 

i made NO claim(s) mr hapless; they're all yours . . . stop struggling


har de har har har har

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

The last time I asked you to substantiate your claim you launched into your usual diatribe of "har de har har" and other nonsensical diatribe. ahahahah 

It is a waste of time to respond to you, I might just have to put you on ignore. 



Redux is one a dem boys who does waste most of his time responding to you in a proper manner and now you wan dis the man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!

Well knowing your intellect you would think this is the proper manner, the fool can't even construct a proper sentence, he is definitely in your league:


ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

The last time I asked you to substantiate your claim you launched into your usual diatribe of "har de har har" and other nonsensical diatribe. ahahahah 

It is a waste of time to respond to you, I might just have to put you on ignore. 



Redux is one a dem boys who does waste most of his time responding to you in a proper manner and now you wan dis the man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!

Well knowing your intellect you would think this is the proper manner, the fool can't even construct a proper sentence, he is definitely in your league:


ahmmm . . . if u haven't noticed mr wile e coyote, the "claims" here are ALL YOURS


har de har har har . . . u do enjoy my whip

again, i made NO claim(s) mr hapless; they're all YOURS


stop struggling lil dankey, u only making the bridle more uncomfortable


har de har har har har

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So you are now blocked redux, goodbye. Cain next if he continues to harass me. 

dese bannas decide to cover their ears because they can't tek de heat and, for some strange reason, feel a need to announce their weakness to the BB . . . reminds me of yugee 'declaring' self-exile because he upset


does anyone care . . .? har de har har har har har

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So you are now blocked redux, goodbye. Cain next if he continues to harass me. 

You are the one who usually starts with the name calling and accusing others with your blatant lies and you expect us to have respect for you. You can stick your hand up your ass then your ears to block me out for all I care.

Others will read what I have to say to you . You need to learn good manners and I will teach you no matter how long it takes. I've got lil spare time.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So you are now blocked redux, goodbye. Cain next if he continues to harass me. 

You are the one who usually starts with the name calling and accusing others with your blatant lies and you expect us to have respect for you. You can stick your hand up your ass then your ears to block me out for all I care.

Others will read what I have to say to you . You need to learn good manners and I will teach you no matter how long it takes. I've got lil spare time.

You normally are cordial, but recently you have been following the wrong crowd.  I find the ignore button helpful. For years I used it successfully against Mitwah, now he is blocked again. You continue with the name calling and I will block you too. None of you folks that I block have anything constructive to say anyway, you just engage in personal attacks when you lack proper rebuttal. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So you are now blocked redux, goodbye. Cain next if he continues to harass me. 

You are the one who usually starts with the name calling and accusing others with your blatant lies and you expect us to have respect for you. You can stick your hand up your ass then your ears to block me out for all I care.

Others will read what I have to say to you . You need to learn good manners and I will teach you no matter how long it takes. I've got lil spare time.

You normally are cordial, but recently you have been following the wrong crowd.  I find the ignore button helpful. For years I used it successfully against Mitwah, now he is blocked again. You continue with the name calling and I will block you too. None of you folks that I block have anything constructive to say anyway, you just engage in personal attacks when you lack proper rebuttal. 

["the great"?] drug_b, hapless klown, "successfully" covers his ears to block out his tormentors . . . takes particular pride in announcing this triumph of estrogen over testosterone in his man sacs


mmmmm . . . ok

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Another good piece by the maestro Mr Freddie Kisoon.

HEHEHEHE Great indeed.  He learn from the Taliban so naturally it is great for you.

someday ur beloved guyana will erupt.

Guyana gat an  active Volcano???

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So you are now blocked redux, goodbye. Cain next if he continues to harass me. 

You are the one who usually starts with the name calling and accusing others with your blatant lies and you expect us to have respect for you. You can stick your hand up your ass then your ears to block me out for all I care.

Others will read what I have to say to you . You need to learn good manners and I will teach you no matter how long it takes. I've got lil spare time.

You normally are cordial, but recently you have been following the wrong crowd.  I find the ignore button helpful. For years I used it successfully against Mitwah, now he is blocked again. You continue with the name calling and I will block you too. None of you folks that I block have anything constructive to say anyway, you just engage in personal attacks when you lack proper rebuttal. 

You are an incorrigible liar. You cannot block me, except  getting your head up your poop chute and keeping it there with your goadee resting on your chest.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So you are now blocked redux, goodbye. Cain next if he continues to harass me. 

You are the one who usually starts with the name calling and accusing others with your blatant lies and you expect us to have respect for you. You can stick your hand up your ass then your ears to block me out for all I care.

Others will read what I have to say to you . You need to learn good manners and I will teach you no matter how long it takes. I've got lil spare time.

You normally are cordial, but recently you have been following the wrong crowd.  I find the ignore button helpful. For years I used it successfully against Mitwah, now he is blocked again. You continue with the name calling and I will block you too. None of you folks that I block have anything constructive to say anyway, you just engage in personal attacks when you lack proper rebuttal. 

You are an incorrigible liar. You cannot block me, except  getting your head up your poop chute and keeping it there with your goadee resting on your chest.


Mitwah bai, you off the deep end banna.  PPP driving alyuh crazy.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The people that complain about polygraph tests are the ones that fail them. Of course Freddie would complain as he is a certified liar and would never pass a polygraph. Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

You are an incorrigible liar and a trait you inherited from your mother.

Looks like admin will have to take a close look at the vile behaviour of Mitwah. His behaviour is become like the previous Mitwah who was suspended. Another sentence might do him good. AFC posters have zero substance hence their personal attacks.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Looks like admin will have to take a close look at the vile behaviour of Mitwah. His behaviour is become like the previous Mitwah who was suspended. Another sentence might do him good. AFC posters have zero substance hence their personal attacks.

Mitwah is a sicko.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Looks like admin will have to take a close look at the vile behaviour of Mitwah. His behaviour is become like the previous Mitwah who was suspended. Another sentence might do him good. AFC posters have zero substance hence their personal attacks.

You are a weakling. Show me which one of my posts you consider vile.

I think you can run faster than Bolt.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Looks like admin will have to take a close look at the vile behaviour of Mitwah. His behaviour is become like the previous Mitwah who was suspended. Another sentence might do him good. AFC posters have zero substance hence their personal attacks.

Mitwah is a sicko.

But certainly not a congenital racist like you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have given up on admin reigning him in, so now I block:


I thought you had resilinence.  You like to label folks but when I lable you you fraaff up. I was right to lable you Bcourd_SeeSee. hahahahahahahahahahahah!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I have given up on admin reigning him in, so now I block:


I thought you had resilinence.  You like to label folks but when I lable you you fraaff up. I was right to lable you Bcourd_SeeSee. hahahahahahahahahahahah!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The people that complain about polygraph tests are the ones that fail them. Of course Freddie would complain as he is a certified liar and would never pass a polygraph. Polygraph tests are fast becoming the norm for law enforcement jobs. Refusal to take the test is grounds for immediate dismissal in most nations. 

He (Freddie) also failed his exams in Canada and had other "issues" while he was here. De man could not get rid of his bad habits. 


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