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The Ivelaw Griffith interview sickened me to the core

April 4 2019


The dual citizens that made laws for my country and initiated policies for my country have resigned. They should not have been there in the first place. My position on the diaspora working in Guyana has been pellucid and inflexible in the thirty-one years of my newspaper career.
Guyanese who gave their talent and genius to other countries throughout their working career must not occupy positions which locals are qualified for. The qualificational comparison must not be technically misleading. If a local with an ACCA worked for twenty years in the financial sector of Guyana, a person from the diaspora with five more years experience should not get the edge because of the five years difference. The essential criterion when judging the two applicants must be dedicated service to Guyana.
The United States demands that green-card holders must reside within the US for a specific period in each calendar year or have it cancelled. The point is you must service the land that gives you the right and privilege of residency. There are many reasons why I do not support the APNU+AFC regime, will not vote for it, and want it out of majority control of government.
One of these explanations has to do with the appointment of Dr. Ivelaw Griffith as Vice-Chancellor of UG as against Dr. Mark Kirton. The former is an American citizen who lived 30 years out of Guyana before becoming Vice Chancellor; the other is a Guyanese citizen only. Kirton worked for 34 consecutive years as a UG academic. He is of the same age as Griffith and they have the same academic record.
Before he took up his Guyana job, Griffith gave an interview with the Stabroek News in which he waxed lyrical about his thirty years outside of Guyana. I read that interview and I was in a vortex of uncontrollable rage. I contributed four years as a student fighting to make UG a better place and faced immense victimization for my student activism.
I gave 26 years of academic service to UG and again faced colossal oppression, and I opened up the newspapers to read an American citizen will head UG and this citizen is talking about his positive experience of living outside of Guyana for 30 years; mind you, not 30 months. When I read that, Kirton’s image came right in front of me.
A vacancy exists at one of our primary institutions, and a nationalist with only Guyanese citizenship was overlooked for a foreign applicant. To add insult to injury, the next year, the government awarded this gentleman the CCH award while on that very list, Kirton and Adam Harris were given the lesser award of AA. Do our leaders know who Mark Kirton and Adam Harris are, and what they have contributed while living in Guyana? How could I ever support such a jejune, arid, visionless government?
On Sunday afternoon, we saw with graphic evidence how untenable it is to have dual citizens making priceless changes to our country. At an emergency management committee confabulation of the AFC, Dominic Gaskin told his colleagues he will not renounce his British nationality. All Guyanese must probe the mind of Gaskin when he declared that intention.
Simply put, Gaskin was telegraphing his thoughts on the benefits of British citizenship, which he wants while having the privilege of administering the affairs of the Guyanese people. The goodies that come with British status, Gaskin will receive. They include free top class medical treatment and top class university facilities for his children, but this same Gaskin sits in Cabinet and watches as the Georgetown Hospital kills poor citizens and UG offers tenth rate laboratory facilities to our students.
Diaspora Guyanese only want to come back to fill high-paying jobs. We must stop that. Dr. Baytoram Ramharack, who writes nonsense about my country, once told me after applying to UG, the salary that the job carried was one that he couldn’t work for. A Guyanese with a doctorate from Oxford University, Jewel Thomas, is working for that meagre salary right now at UG.
Two other Guyanese who write nonsense about my country from their base in the US are Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Both didn’t come for the 2015 elections, but both requested high-level positions. The nationalist, patriotic thing to have done was to come to Guyana and work your way up to eventually earn those prestigious positions you wanted.
In other words, show that you want to make a contribution to your country by living here. But no! They are writing about my country while refusing to serve it. Maybe when the PPP comes back in power, they will return. The only problem with that is that the PPP ain’t coming back.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hey hey hey...he vex because TK tell he dat he is wan crab in barrel and wewe-ing in de wind academic. Dat he doan have not one single journal papah and de one paper he gat de editor in de book volume seh is scandal. Dat mean foh 26 year he tek de peopkle salary foh talk crap. Hey hey hey...he vex. Hey hey hey...ayoo let de man wewe in de wind na. 

seignet posted:
  • Freddie, "my country." Your country so fcked up that even the meagre educated Guyanese wishes to escape the perils that the eduucated like you imposed upon them.

George Ramoo words comes to mind, "education do not necessarily makes a person smart."

Backwardness of Comrade Freddie Kissoon logic-dictatorial.

Hey hey hey...Mr Freddie envy dem lil bais like TK who come after he and get full professa wuk and all he can talk bout is how he protest...hey hey hey. He envy dem lil bai like Sase...hey hey hey.


We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

You condone deceitfulness. What a jackass and an idiot. You come here and preach honesty and good morals and you turn and accept fraud. Where is your damn head?

Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

You mean the old bucket of feces and pee? Did he keep some? 


Many years ago a PPP veteran told me that Freddie can turn around and attack anybody.  That's his nature.  He cannot live without writing controversy.  Why should qualified Guyanese from the diaspora be excluded from giving service to their country?  Should they be restricted to just giving donations to families and political parties?  Freddie is talking nonsense.

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

You mean the old bucket of feces and pee? Did he keep some? 

Bai me doan believe it was right foh dem PPP bais foh throw shit pon de man matter how nasty and devious Freddie is. De man gat wan nasty character. But dat doan deserve harming de man. 

Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Bloody Jackass calling Indians crabs and crabdaags like if you are any better. 

 On one thread you playing TEACHER and now you are a blasted hypocrite.

 Why bother post ,when you are going to get caught.


In as much as we decry the political stance of TK during the last election campaign he still remains a competent academic and writer who can  make a difference in his country.  Guyana needs more skilled people to help with development and the diaspora is one of the places where such people can be found. This man Freddie cannot see farther than his nose tip when it comes to many issues.  His daily writings is certainly not boring but it does not offer any viable solutions to the problems Guyana faces.  It is easy to spot his envy and bitterness with many people on the political scene. He is not totally about country but more about his personal ego.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

You should leave that up to the readers to make that judgment. Both of you write for the public to read, right? Both of you can withstand praise and criticism, right? Now I am reading what Freddy said and TK said and making a response to how I see it, right? 

Django posted:

Two other Guyanese who write nonsense about my country from their base in the US are Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Both didn’t come for the 2015 elections, but both requested high-level positions. The nationalist, patriotic thing to have done was to come to Guyana and work your way up to eventually earn those prestigious positions you wanted.
In other words, show that you want to make a contribution to your country by living here. But no! They are writing about my country while refusing to serve it. Maybe when the PPP comes back in power, they will return. The only problem with that is that the PPP ain’t coming back.


On point Freddie. Dem bais vex cause they kiss up black man bamsie and ain't get no ministuh wuk. 

Prince posted:
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

You should leave that up to the readers to make that judgment. Both of you write for the public to read, right? Both of you can withstand praise and criticism, right? Now I am reading what Freddy said and TK said and making a response to how I see it, right? 

Bai why doan yuh go cuss TK pon he FB page or write wan letter? Dis is me and yuh talkin yasuh. Meh ask yu of some of Freddie wewe ketch yu too? Hey hey hey...

Mars posted:
Django posted:

Two other Guyanese who write nonsense about my country from their base in the US are Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Both didn’t come for the 2015 elections, but both requested high-level positions. The nationalist, patriotic thing to have done was to come to Guyana and work your way up to eventually earn those prestigious positions you wanted.
In other words, show that you want to make a contribution to your country by living here. But no! They are writing about my country while refusing to serve it. Maybe when the PPP comes back in power, they will return. The only problem with that is that the PPP ain’t coming back.


On point Freddie. Dem bais vex cause they kiss up black man bamsie and ain't get no ministuh wuk. 

 Ayoo dese family playing it both side...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:

Two other Guyanese who write nonsense about my country from their base in the US are Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Both didn’t come for the 2015 elections, but both requested high-level positions. The nationalist, patriotic thing to have done was to come to Guyana and work your way up to eventually earn those prestigious positions you wanted.
In other words, show that you want to make a contribution to your country by living here. But no! They are writing about my country while refusing to serve it. Maybe when the PPP comes back in power, they will return. The only problem with that is that the PPP ain’t coming back.


On point Freddie. Dem bais vex cause they kiss up black man bamsie and ain't get no ministuh wuk. 

 Ayoo dese family playing it both side...hey hey hey.

That goes to show that I'm an independent thinker and not a soupatunist like you and Sase. Y'all would jump pun any bandwagon fuh lil ministuh wuk. Unlike you two clowns, I don't aspire to join any political party in Guyana, work for them or send them my hard earned cash. I'm satisfied with working in the private sector as I've been doing my entire life. So y'all back with PPP this time around or y'all waiting for ROAR to resurrect itself?

Mars posted:
Labba posted:
Mars posted:
Django posted:

Two other Guyanese who write nonsense about my country from their base in the US are Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Both didn’t come for the 2015 elections, but both requested high-level positions. The nationalist, patriotic thing to have done was to come to Guyana and work your way up to eventually earn those prestigious positions you wanted.
In other words, show that you want to make a contribution to your country by living here. But no! They are writing about my country while refusing to serve it. Maybe when the PPP comes back in power, they will return. The only problem with that is that the PPP ain’t coming back.


On point Freddie. Dem bais vex cause they kiss up black man bamsie and ain't get no ministuh wuk. 

 Ayoo dese family playing it both side...hey hey hey.

That goes to show that I'm an independent thinker and not a soupatunist like you and Sase. Y'all would jump pun any bandwagon fuh lil ministuh wuk. Unlike you two clowns, I don't aspire to join any political party in Guyana, work for them or send them my hard earned cash. I'm satisfied with working in the private sector as I've been doing my entire life. So y'all back with PPP this time around or y'all waiting for ROAR to resurrect itself?

Bai why doan yu go and cuss Mr TK and Mr Sase pon dem FB or write dem letter in KN? Me is Labba. Me ask yuh if yu get some Freddie pee? Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact.

Hey hey hey...

De man pee ketch yu bai...

hey hey hey.

Per'aps, alsuh dee ting fram dee adda side.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact.

Hey hey hey...

De man pee ketch yu bai...

hey hey hey.

Per'aps, alsuh dee ting fram dee adda side.

TK, look how you and DG are good frenno now. When you used to write as TK, de ole man despised you. Now you clowning around here as Labba and de man gushing wit glee every time he see you post.

Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact.

Hey hey hey...

De man pee ketch yu bai...

hey hey hey.

Per'aps, alsuh dee ting fram dee adda side.

TK, look how you and DG are good frenno now. When you used to write as TK, de ole man despised you. Now you clowning around here as Labba and de man gushing wit glee every time he see you post.

Bai...Labbuh is Labbuh...not Mr TK. Me doan know ayoo tek me wan cane juice man fok TK

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...he vex because TK tell he dat he is wan crab in barrel and wewe-ing in de wind academic. Dat he doan have not one single journal papah and de one paper he gat de editor in de book volume seh is scandal. Dat mean foh 26 year he tek de peopkle salary foh talk crap. Hey hey hey...he vex. Hey hey hey...ayoo let de man wewe in de wind na. 

Freddie is a Jackass, period.

Labba posted:
Prince posted:
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

You should leave that up to the readers to make that judgment. Both of you write for the public to read, right? Both of you can withstand praise and criticism, right? Now I am reading what Freddy said and TK said and making a response to how I see it, right? 

Bai why doan yuh go cuss TK pon he FB page or write wan letter? Dis is me and yuh talkin yasuh. Meh ask yu of some of Freddie wewe ketch yu too? Hey hey hey...

I am not out to cuss TK. But why would I want to go on Facebook when you are TK jumbie on GNI? Meh nah get doctorate degree but meh nah stupid. Don't ever take you rass and pass me to talk about Freddy piss when you and he are the open book piss we're discussing here, banna. 

Prince posted:
ot out to cuss TK. But why would I want to go on Facebook when you are TK jumbie on GNI? Meh nah get doctorate degree but meh nah stupid. Don't ever take you rass and pass me to talk about Freddy piss when you and he are the open book piss we're discussing here, banna. 

Cobbie meh like yuh new profile bai. Yu tryin foh be fair. When yu goin back to cobbie?

Labba posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

You mean the old bucket of feces and pee? Did he keep some? 

Bai me doan believe it was right foh dem PPP bais foh throw shit pon de man matter how nasty and devious Freddie is. De man gat wan nasty character. But dat doan deserve harming de man. 

I agree that was bad and uncalled for.

Django posted:

The Ivelaw Griffith interview sickened me to the core

April 4 2019


The dual citizens that made laws for my country and initiated policies for my country have resigned. They should not have been there in the first place. My position on the diaspora working in Guyana has been pellucid and inflexible in the thirty-one years of my newspaper career.


So if UG burns down I don't want to hear people roaming around Canada or the USA demanding that overseas Guyanese must donate funds in excess of what they have because they "owe" Guyana something.

While there is some validity in some of the comments about overseas Guyanese so too are the comments that we have about those who never left Guyana.

Labba posted:
Prince posted:

We should not harass Irfaan Ali for his fake credentials when genuine academics are proven to be crabs in a barrel. On this note, we must refrain from telling the little, uneducated man not to be like crabs in a barrel to pull down eeh matty. Am I correct, Labba? Abee parents work hard to send abbe to school so we don't have to be crabs and crabdaags like TK and Freddy.  

Hey hey hey...Freddie is de crab in barrel bai. Hey hey hey...he does wewe in de wind in de hope dat somebady like yu will tink he sayin fact. Hey hey hey...De man pee ketch yu bai...hey hey hey.

I question the grounding of much of what he writes given he was so way off with what happened in the AFC and classifying the financier as ROAR.  We know that man for years, he had little interest in Guyana politics until his wife's mamu was a candidate!


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