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A no-confidence vote in October is bad strategy


You can look at it a million ways, the AFC’s decision to hold a no-confidence vote and the PNC’s (yes, the PNC not APNU; one has to understand that policies for APNU are made by the PNC) decision to support it, was based on the acceptance that the PPP should no longer remain in office.
If the two opposition parties want the PPP out of office, then why wait until March next year? Why give the PPP three months from December 2014 to March 2015? In that space, the damage and incestuous politics can be nerve-shattering. Facing an election, the PPP is going to embark on a journey of incredible corruption, unbelievable patronage and horrible vindictiveness. Why give them more time to pursue these evils which you have the power to take away?
From the way it appears, the no-confidence vote will be tabled in October. In wanting to appear fair, the Speaker is going to permit the PPP to submit all kinds of stumbling blocks. The objective of the PPP will be to delay as long as possible a vote on the motion.
Let us say that the vote is taken late November, then, the PPP will remain in office from December to the end of February. That still doesn’t mean elections will be held in the first week of March.
Little things could come up that may stretch the elections until the start of April. Let us look at the alternative timing. Parliament is now in recess. But that only has academic value. Parliament can be summoned for an emergency confabulation. If the agenda is a no-confidence vote, then the Speaker in all probability will not reject a request for an emergency session.
A vote taken late in August, then gives the PPP until the end of November of this year to vacate the seat of power. Elections should come into existence in December. My question is what is the reason for having the vote in October, thereby giving the PPP more time in power? The parliamentary recess is not relevant, since Parliament can easily be made to come out of its holiday at the request of the opposition.
I honestly cannot think of an incisive, strategic reason for having the no-confidence in October. One factor could be the answer. The AFC may say that there is no significant time lapse if the poll is in April next year. In power configurations, time is extremely crucial. Whether it is one month or three months, if you give a falling dictatorship time to remain in power, its desperate tentacles will grow longer.
There is absolutely no question in my mind that as soon as that no-confidence motion is passed, there will be gargantuan generosities being dished out by the PPP to its incestuous labyrinths. Enormous contracts involving enormous sums will be assigned to favourite contractors. Handsome job opportunities paying handsome incomes will be born overnight.
Just two examples will suffice. It is estimated that in two years, Mr. Jagdeo’s total post-presidency benefits including everything, that is, annual pension plus other benefits plus medical bills and travels was near to 200 million Guyana dollars. Imagine what the expenditure will be if Mr. Jagdeo feels his party will lose again.
Secondly, if a big wig can use governmental resources to have a book published that was authored by a close one, then think of the scenario after the no-confidence vote. There will be no parliament to scrutinize these insane excesses. And the PPP will not be deterred by public opinion, because they will feel such behaviour will not cost them votes. Such behaviour will cost the taxpayers billions.
Perhaps more sickening will be the authoritarian dimension. This is where the risk comes in for the AFC and PNC. If you do not get votes from particular influential centres, then why bother to think of the consequences if you hurt them.
It will not have any consequences at all. The PNC ought to be scared. What can the PNC and AFC do if Linden is further victimized. What can the AFC and PNC do if channels six, seven, nine and others are harassed?
The PPP will use the extra three months to bulldoze the judiciary and the police, discriminate in the public service even further, and even attack opposition critics. There could be more frightening excesses. My point is if the AFC and PNC know that they have been dealing with a tyrannical regime that is happy with its criminalities, depravities and immoralities, then why give them more time to complete their rampage?
The no-confidence vote must be debated in the next week or two.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The choice is simple, there is no one better. Freddie why hurry to give the PPP a majority. The oppositions need time to rebuild, both parties had recent blunders. Example the APNU selection, and the Hughes


Freddy Kissoon wishes are like "if wishes were horses". He is one of many who would come and say let's get the PPP out immediately. If it's that easy, he (Freddy Kissoon) should try and unseat the PPP without a day more to spare. And, as a professor in political science, he should know that the PPP is a legitimate elected government by the people of Guyana. Freddy has every right to sound off and he's doing so everyday. The PPP has every right given by the people to be in office, and Freddy can't do anything about it.


There is absolutely no question in my mind that as soon as that no-confidence motion is passed, there will be gargantuan generosities being dished out by the PPP to its incestuous labyrinths. Enormous contracts involving enormous sums will be assigned to favourite contractors. Handsome job opportunities paying handsome incomes will be born overnight.
Just two examples will suffice. It is estimated that in two years, Mr. Jagdeo’s total post-presidency benefits including everything, that is, annual pension plus other benefits plus medical bills and travels was near to 200 million Guyana dollars. Imagine what the expenditure will be if Mr. Jagdeo feels his party will lose again.

Originally Posted by kp:

The choice is simple, there is no one better. Freddie why hurry to give the PPP a majority. The oppositions need time to rebuild, both parties had recent blunders. Example the APNU selection, and the Hughes

Your view that there is no one better is simply not true. The best the PPP do is steal. We need people who do not steal and who do not facilitate the pillage of our national resources as they are facilitating with Bai Shan lin.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
We need people who do not steal and who do not facilitate the pillage of our national resources ...

Which political organization meets this proposal?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Freddy has every right to sound off and he's doing so everyday.


The PPP has every right given by the people to be in office, and Freddy can't do anything about it.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra, what new does the PPP have to offer?

They already give you the freedom to chose, vote and to assemble peacefully. They need to retake the house of parliament and then you will see every action in accelerated mode. The Hydro Power, specialty hospital, CJIA beautification and expansion, world class tourism, infrastructure developments, road from Lethem to G/T., Suspension bridge across D_G river, Dr. Jagdeo LCDS program, and much, much more. Too numerous to mention. BTW, most of you become blind overnight to see what the PPP done for Guyana and the people and still asking what they will do. They will move mountains to build bridges. That's what they will do.


Snake how about skeldon we gonna see another 200 million USD spent on another chiney goadie?


Or how about the berbice bridge? Berbicians will be able to cross at reasonable fares?


What other promises your PPP gat that the people want, maybe you also gat a "lawyer friend" who knows what Guyanese want?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra, what new does the PPP have to offer?

They already give you the freedom to chose, vote and to assemble peacefully. They need to retake the house of parliament and then you will see every action in accelerated mode. The Hydro Power, specialty hospital, CJIA beautification and expansion, world class tourism, infrastructure developments, road from Lethem to G/T., Suspension bridge across D_G river, Dr. Jagdeo LCDS program, and much, much more. Too numerous to mention. BTW, most of you become blind overnight to see what the PPP done for Guyana and the people and still asking what they will do. They will move mountains to build bridges. That's what they will do.

so how come them collie a run away 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
We need people who do not steal and who do not facilitate the pillage of our national resources ...

Which political organization meets this proposal?

are we admitting that we do steal 

Originally Posted by kp:

The choice is simple, there is no one better. Freddie why hurry to give the PPP a majority. The oppositions need time to rebuild, both parties had recent blunders. Example the APNU selection, and the Hughes

a sheep in wolf clothing

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

A no-confidence vote in October is bad strategy


You can look at it a million ways, the AFC’s decision to hold a no-confidence vote and the PNC’s (yes, the PNC not APNU; one has to understand that policies for APNU are made by the PNC) decision to support it, was based on the acceptance that the PPP should no longer remain in office.
If the two opposition parties want the PPP out of office, then why wait until March next year? Why give the PPP three months from December 2014 to March 2015? In that space, the damage and incestuous politics can be nerve-shattering. Facing an election, the PPP is going to embark on a journey of incredible corruption, unbelievable patronage and horrible vindictiveness. Why give them more time to pursue these evils which you have the power to take away?
From the way it appears, the no-confidence vote will be tabled in October. In wanting to appear fair, the Speaker is going to permit the PPP to submit all kinds of stumbling blocks. The objective of the PPP will be to delay as long as possible a vote on the motion.
Let us say that the vote is taken late November, then, the PPP will remain in office from December to the end of February. That still doesn’t mean elections will be held in the first week of March.
Little things could come up that may stretch the elections until the start of April. Let us look at the alternative timing. Parliament is now in recess. But that only has academic value. Parliament can be summoned for an emergency confabulation. If the agenda is a no-confidence vote, then the Speaker in all probability will not reject a request for an emergency session.
A vote taken late in August, then gives the PPP until the end of November of this year to vacate the seat of power. Elections should come into existence in December. My question is what is the reason for having the vote in October, thereby giving the PPP more time in power? The parliamentary recess is not relevant, since Parliament can easily be made to come out of its holiday at the request of the opposition.
I honestly cannot think of an incisive, strategic reason for having the no-confidence in October. One factor could be the answer. The AFC may say that there is no significant time lapse if the poll is in April next year. In power configurations, time is extremely crucial. Whether it is one month or three months, if you give a falling dictatorship time to remain in power, its desperate tentacles will grow longer.
There is absolutely no question in my mind that as soon as that no-confidence motion is passed, there will be gargantuan generosities being dished out by the PPP to its incestuous labyrinths. Enormous contracts involving enormous sums will be assigned to favourite contractors. Handsome job opportunities paying handsome incomes will be born overnight.
Just two examples will suffice. It is estimated that in two years, Mr. Jagdeo’s total post-presidency benefits including everything, that is, annual pension plus other benefits plus medical bills and travels was near to 200 million Guyana dollars. Imagine what the expenditure will be if Mr. Jagdeo feels his party will lose again.
Secondly, if a big wig can use governmental resources to have a book published that was authored by a close one, then think of the scenario after the no-confidence vote. There will be no parliament to scrutinize these insane excesses. And the PPP will not be deterred by public opinion, because they will feel such behaviour will not cost them votes. Such behaviour will cost the taxpayers billions.
Perhaps more sickening will be the authoritarian dimension. This is where the risk comes in for the AFC and PNC. If you do not get votes from particular influential centres, then why bother to think of the consequences if you hurt them.
It will not have any consequences at all. The PNC ought to be scared. What can the PNC and AFC do if Linden is further victimized. What can the AFC and PNC do if channels six, seven, nine and others are harassed?
The PPP will use the extra three months to bulldoze the judiciary and the police, discriminate in the public service even further, and even attack opposition critics. There could be more frightening excesses. My point is if the AFC and PNC know that they have been dealing with a tyrannical regime that is happy with its criminalities, depravities and immoralities, then why give them more time to complete their rampage?
The no-confidence vote must be debated in the next week or two.

FREDDIE is not a political scientist.  Please forgive him, for he does not know the art of politics.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

A no-confidence vote in October is bad strategy


You can look at it a million ways, the AFC’s decision to hold a no-confidence vote and the PNC’s (yes, the PNC not APNU; one has to understand that policies for APNU are made by the PNC) decision to support it, was based on the acceptance that the PPP should no longer remain in office.
If the two opposition parties want the PPP out of office, then why wait until March next year? Why give the PPP three months from December 2014 to March 2015? In that space, the damage and incestuous politics can be nerve-shattering. Facing an election, the PPP is going to embark on a journey of incredible corruption, unbelievable patronage and horrible vindictiveness. Why give them more time to pursue these evils which you have the power to take away?
From the way it appears, the no-confidence vote will be tabled in October. In wanting to appear fair, the Speaker is going to permit the PPP to submit all kinds of stumbling blocks. The objective of the PPP will be to delay as long as possible a vote on the motion.
Let us say that the vote is taken late November, then, the PPP will remain in office from December to the end of February. That still doesn’t mean elections will be held in the first week of March.
Little things could come up that may stretch the elections until the start of April. Let us look at the alternative timing. Parliament is now in recess. But that only has academic value. Parliament can be summoned for an emergency confabulation. If the agenda is a no-confidence vote, then the Speaker in all probability will not reject a request for an emergency session.
A vote taken late in August, then gives the PPP until the end of November of this year to vacate the seat of power. Elections should come into existence in December. My question is what is the reason for having the vote in October, thereby giving the PPP more time in power? The parliamentary recess is not relevant, since Parliament can easily be made to come out of its holiday at the request of the opposition.
I honestly cannot think of an incisive, strategic reason for having the no-confidence in October. One factor could be the answer. The AFC may say that there is no significant time lapse if the poll is in April next year. In power configurations, time is extremely crucial. Whether it is one month or three months, if you give a falling dictatorship time to remain in power, its desperate tentacles will grow longer.
There is absolutely no question in my mind that as soon as that no-confidence motion is passed, there will be gargantuan generosities being dished out by the PPP to its incestuous labyrinths. Enormous contracts involving enormous sums will be assigned to favourite contractors. Handsome job opportunities paying handsome incomes will be born overnight.
Just two examples will suffice. It is estimated that in two years, Mr. Jagdeo’s total post-presidency benefits including everything, that is, annual pension plus other benefits plus medical bills and travels was near to 200 million Guyana dollars. Imagine what the expenditure will be if Mr. Jagdeo feels his party will lose again.
Secondly, if a big wig can use governmental resources to have a book published that was authored by a close one, then think of the scenario after the no-confidence vote. There will be no parliament to scrutinize these insane excesses. And the PPP will not be deterred by public opinion, because they will feel such behaviour will not cost them votes. Such behaviour will cost the taxpayers billions.
Perhaps more sickening will be the authoritarian dimension. This is where the risk comes in for the AFC and PNC. If you do not get votes from particular influential centres, then why bother to think of the consequences if you hurt them.
It will not have any consequences at all. The PNC ought to be scared. What can the PNC and AFC do if Linden is further victimized. What can the AFC and PNC do if channels six, seven, nine and others are harassed?
The PPP will use the extra three months to bulldoze the judiciary and the police, discriminate in the public service even further, and even attack opposition critics. There could be more frightening excesses. My point is if the AFC and PNC know that they have been dealing with a tyrannical regime that is happy with its criminalities, depravities and immoralities, then why give them more time to complete their rampage?
The no-confidence vote must be debated in the next week or two.

FREDDIE is not a political scientist.  Please forgive him, for he does not know the art of politics.


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

A no-confidence vote in October is bad strategy


You can look at it a million ways, the AFC’s decision to hold a no-confidence vote and the PNC’s (yes, the PNC not APNU; one has to understand that policies for APNU are made by the PNC) decision to support it, was based on the acceptance that the PPP should no longer remain in office.
If the two opposition parties want the PPP out of office, then why wait until March next year? Why give the PPP three months from December 2014 to March 2015? In that space, the damage and incestuous politics can be nerve-shattering. Facing an election, the PPP is going to embark on a journey of incredible corruption, unbelievable patronage and horrible vindictiveness. Why give them more time to pursue these evils which you have the power to take away?
From the way it appears, the no-confidence vote will be tabled in October. In wanting to appear fair, the Speaker is going to permit the PPP to submit all kinds of stumbling blocks. The objective of the PPP will be to delay as long as possible a vote on the motion.
Let us say that the vote is taken late November, then, the PPP will remain in office from December to the end of February. That still doesn’t mean elections will be held in the first week of March.
Little things could come up that may stretch the elections until the start of April. Let us look at the alternative timing. Parliament is now in recess. But that only has academic value. Parliament can be summoned for an emergency confabulation. If the agenda is a no-confidence vote, then the Speaker in all probability will not reject a request for an emergency session.
A vote taken late in August, then gives the PPP until the end of November of this year to vacate the seat of power. Elections should come into existence in December. My question is what is the reason for having the vote in October, thereby giving the PPP more time in power? The parliamentary recess is not relevant, since Parliament can easily be made to come out of its holiday at the request of the opposition.
I honestly cannot think of an incisive, strategic reason for having the no-confidence in October. One factor could be the answer. The AFC may say that there is no significant time lapse if the poll is in April next year. In power configurations, time is extremely crucial. Whether it is one month or three months, if you give a falling dictatorship time to remain in power, its desperate tentacles will grow longer.
There is absolutely no question in my mind that as soon as that no-confidence motion is passed, there will be gargantuan generosities being dished out by the PPP to its incestuous labyrinths. Enormous contracts involving enormous sums will be assigned to favourite contractors. Handsome job opportunities paying handsome incomes will be born overnight.
Just two examples will suffice. It is estimated that in two years, Mr. Jagdeo’s total post-presidency benefits including everything, that is, annual pension plus other benefits plus medical bills and travels was near to 200 million Guyana dollars. Imagine what the expenditure will be if Mr. Jagdeo feels his party will lose again.
Secondly, if a big wig can use governmental resources to have a book published that was authored by a close one, then think of the scenario after the no-confidence vote. There will be no parliament to scrutinize these insane excesses. And the PPP will not be deterred by public opinion, because they will feel such behaviour will not cost them votes. Such behaviour will cost the taxpayers billions.
Perhaps more sickening will be the authoritarian dimension. This is where the risk comes in for the AFC and PNC. If you do not get votes from particular influential centres, then why bother to think of the consequences if you hurt them.
It will not have any consequences at all. The PNC ought to be scared. What can the PNC and AFC do if Linden is further victimized. What can the AFC and PNC do if channels six, seven, nine and others are harassed?
The PPP will use the extra three months to bulldoze the judiciary and the police, discriminate in the public service even further, and even attack opposition critics. There could be more frightening excesses. My point is if the AFC and PNC know that they have been dealing with a tyrannical regime that is happy with its criminalities, depravities and immoralities, then why give them more time to complete their rampage?
The no-confidence vote must be debated in the next week or two.

FREDDIE is not a political scientist.  Please forgive him, for he does not know the art of politics.


art of war, art of love, art of influence, art of politics.


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