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Ghost Ship starring C. Hughes, N. Nagamootoo, K. Ramjattan and Mingo Mango

The lead for Tuesday’s edition of the Kaieteur News was: “Mingo conjured 15, 000+ ghost votes.” I really liked that headline because I have consistently described how the APNU+AFC leaders were in touch with dead people on a cruise liner in the movie “Ghost Ship”.
The entire political edifice of the APNU+AFC crumbled like when waves hit a sand castle on the beach because the figures they produced were from the jumbies on that ghost ship. On reading the Kaieteur News headline of Mingo 15,000 plus ghost votes, it turned out that I was right about the presence of certain coalition leaders in the movie.
I know Nagamooto was there on the ship. I saw the captain (a ghost, of course) giving him a number of papers. Those were the figures on the election results which he reproduced in his Sunday Chronicle column of March 8, titled, “Confidence and Crisis”.
Nagamootoo’s choice of words for the title was disturbing. First he was confident that the people on the ship, including the beautiful Italian woman, Francesca Rettondini, who was singing the, Italian love song, “Senza Fine” were real. He actually did a few steps to the song while some of the ghosts cheered him.
Here are some words in that column that drove Nagamootoo to believe the apparitions on the liner were in fact living people: “I was full of confidence that the APNU+AFC coalition was heading for a Triple Crown, having taken majority votes in two previous elections – 2011 and 2015. This is my 12th elections, and I am not worried about the outcome.”
So why did he put the word, “crisis” in his caption? Let’s quote him again: “Then someone dramatically disclosed that the PPP/C had claimed victory. Its backers in Trinidad were popping champagne on the basis of that leak.” Who made the leak? This is where Nagamootoo came close to realizing that he was dancing with jumbies. The disclosure on the ship that APNU+AFC did not win was made through telecommunication to the dead captain, but it was real communication that came from real people from the real world – the entire entourage of international observers including two former prime ministers of globally respected CARICOM states – Jamaica and Barbados.
Nagamootoo, nevertheless, returned to his comfort zone, dancing with a dead singer and reading non-existent election numbers from non-existent people on a ghost ship. Why? Because Cathy Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan were on the ghost ship too talking to Nagamootoo and deceiving him. Let’s quote Nagamooto again from that infuriatingly jejune and jaundiced Chronicle column: “…the Russians were here, three of whom were arrested and deported after they were found with cyber equipment.”
It was Hughes and Ramjattan who announced to the world the Russians came to Guyana and tried to take control of the election process to invent a victory for the PPP (see my column of Monday, April 6, 2020 headlined: “The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!). Yes the Russians were here with Hughes and Ramjattan also announcing that a Libyan man named, Marwan Al Ayed and an American with the name, Brent Karcher accompanied the Russians.
The trouble is that up to now, like Nagamootoo, Hughes and Ramjattan have not realized that the Russians, Al Ayed and Karcher were all part of the dead guests on the ship and that beautiful Italian woman was a jumbie too singing to her fellow jumbies. This explains why in the movie when Nagamootoo went up to the singer, stretched out his hand, and touched her, his fingers were touching pure air. She didn’t have flesh. She was dead.
Interestingly, also on the ghost ship, where Nagamootoo, Hughes and Ramjattan were busy in deep, discussion, was Mingo Mango. But he did not approach his APNU+AFC handlers. He was preoccupied with collecting “ghost ballots,” the words Kaieteur News used in its lead for Tuesday. Go to the movie and look at the scene where Mingo Mango is present. I will describe it for you.
The opening sequence has Francesca Rettondini singing, “Senza Fine”. People are dancing and enjoying themselves. Rettondini looks stunning in a red evening gown with long sleeves that stop at her elbow. A little girl sits on a chair looking lost. She appears to be the only person not happy. A man comes up and gives the girl some numbers. They look like mathematical figures. The girl takes them, shuffles them, and smiles at the man. The man is Mingo Mango. He is giving the girl the ghost votes that APNU+AFC finally collected. Please go to Youtube and look at that opening scene.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@seignet posted:

I think Freddie is gearing up to be a novelist.

Ju ju spirits was always his past time, so long possessed, he now attacking His Excellency the Prime Minister.

The PNC give up yet?


@Totaram posted:

Wa kin a gyal gat juju?

JUJU is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft.

Becareful, they are coming for you.


Go to my Economic thread and post something intelligent.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

JUJU is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft.

Becareful, they are coming for you.


Go to my Economic thread and post something intelligent.

I know some pandits that incorporate things like coconuts and other objects, markings on the ground, etc... Would this be like witchcraft?

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

I know some pandits that incorporate things like coconuts and other objects, markings on the ground, etc... Would this be like witchcraft?

You ever been to a Kali Mai church!

@Mitwah posted:

I know some pandits that incorporate things like coconuts and other objects, markings on the ground, etc... Would this be like witchcraft?

It would depend on the rituals, most of which I don't pay attention to.

That is why I attended an Aryan temple in Cove and John.   


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