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WPA and AFC: People’s Power, No Dictator

Since the debate between me and Eusi Kwayna, I have been receiving emails from several persons who are arguing that Kwayana has shown his “true self” over the controversial dimensions of the 2020 elections. One of the correspondences is from John Peters. He is in his eighties, lives overseas, knows Kwayana well, and was close to Walter Rodney.
John Peters is on the front page of the Guyana Graphic and the Daily Chronicle of Friday, March 3, 1972. He was one of the investigating policemen in the Abdul Malik, AKA, Michael X homicide case. Malik was arrested in Guyana for the murder of British socialite, Gail Ann Benson, committed in Trinidad. Malik made headlines around the world. He was tried and executed in Trinidad.
Peters has a wealth of information on Kwayana, Rodney, etc. At this moment, he is in a torrid exchange with David Hinds, accusing him of creating ethnic confusion, heightening ethnic incitement and betraying Walter Rodney. Peters believes that Kwayana was never faithful to multi-racial politics and his perspectives on the 2020 election saga reveals that he never really changed. He told me he knows dimensions of Kwayana’s younger political career that have never been made public.
In one of my exchanges with Peters, I told him that I was wearing my historian’s hat and not the cap of a social activist in making the following point. I revealed to him what I truly feel in my historian’s mind. The WPA and AFC have produced political leaders that have turned out to be far worse than any flawed politicians the PPP and PNC have birthed; this goes up to the present time. I will make an exception for Hamilton Green. He is irredeemable.
I believe many in the current leadership of the PPP and PNC have better character traits in them than their counterparts in the WPA and AFC. I write with the meticulous awareness I am not going to allow people to libel me. I can pen descriptions that are not defaming and libelous. So here goes.
I believe Rupert Roopnaraine, Bonita Bone and Joycelyn Dow of the WPA are of lesser quality than the past and present leadership of the PPP and PNC. I believe no PPP and PNC leader is as a politically horrible as Tacuma Ogunseye.
At the height of the internecine troubles in Buxton, no PNC or ACDA leader, at the first and second tier leadership, made public statement in support of the degenerate, senseless violence, the criminal minds perpetuated on Guyana as Ogunseye did. Ogunseye sued me for libel over what I knew he did in Buxton. His lawyer, Mortimer Coddette, looked at the evidence and declined to continue. The evidence in court would have shocked the world though not the WPA.
Give ACDA and Eric Philips credit. They both denounced Ogunseye for a racially inciting public speech he gave at Beterverwagting. It was this same Ogunseye that the WPA invited to represent it at the funeral service of Andaiye at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. The main organizers and decision makers were the triumvirate of Joycelyn Dow, Dr. Alissa Trotz and Karen De Souza.
No other party has proven to be so uncaring about the future of Guyana than the AFC. I believe the PNC’s hierarchy and the PPP’s leadership have more patriots in them than the AFC’s. Countless souls come up to me all the time and demonize the PPP and PNC leaders, totally oblivious to how demonic, destructive, degenerate, power-drunk is the AFC top brass.
There are more politicians in the PPP and PNC who would show more fondness for ordinary people than you would find in the AFC. No female minister of the PPP and PNC ever practice the infamy of having their driver open any door for them in any building. I have heard AFC leaders, the top ones, say condescending things about ordinary people that no, I repeat no, PPP or PNC leader would ever say.
None of those things were ever said in my presence else I would have ended up in the Camp Street jail. People say I am crazy and have a loud mouth. I don’t doubt them. These things happened between 2015 and 2019 in the AFC. Simply put; the AFC just wanted power, got a taste of it and became insane with it. Some AFC leaders were simply corrupt. I guess we have reached a stage in the evolution of Guyana where in the coming weeks and months, there will no longer be a WPA and AFC. If you think the PPP and PNC were/are bad for Guyana, what do you say about the WPA and AFC?

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author an

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Good article by Freddy. Ram jat and Cathy still looking for two Russians and a Labyian,  Nigel researching Burnham's speech and Ben Chopsticks enjoying cookup rice cooked by Greene. What a joke the AFC turned out to be.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Good article by Freddy. Ram jat and Cathy still looking for two Russians and a Labyian,  Nigel researching Burnham's speech and Ben Chopsticks enjoying cookup rice cooked by Greene. What a joke the AFC turned out to be.

Freddie has thrown a curved ball.


Freddie is underestimating Roopnarine, Bonita, and Joycelyn Dow. They are three highly educated people who should have never gone into politics. Their contribution elsewhere In Guyana would have been more beneficial.

Bibi Haniffa

" I have heard AFC leaders, the top ones, say condescending things about ordinary people that no, I repeat no, PPP or PNC leader would ever say.
None of those things were ever said in my presence else I would have ended up in the Camp Street jail".  This is a quote from Kissoon's article.  He is an unreliable witness.  I rest my case.

@Totaram posted:

" I have heard AFC leaders, the top ones, say condescending things about ordinary people that no, I repeat no, PPP or PNC leader would ever say.
None of those things were ever said in my presence else I would have ended up in the Camp Street jail".  This is a quote from Kissoon's article.  He is an unreliable witness.  I rest my case.

Totaram keep enjoying the cookup rice.

@Prashad posted:

Totaram keep enjoying the cookup rice.

What would be the national dish of Cooliestan, the country you will form?  Remember you heard it here first "Cooliestan".  

Last edited by Totaram
@Prashad posted:

Same coolie gave birth to you. Don't forget.

Of course , how could I forget?  It is because of what I was exposed to that I know the coolie mentality so well.  So, what would be the national dish of Cooliestan?

@Prashad posted:

Prashad like his cookup rice. Eating it cooked by evil will never happen. As for national dish it will be for the people to decide.


Well there you go. Coolie people like cookup as much as anybody else but yet they somehow try to hide that fact.  Don't be surprised if Cooliestan chooses cookup as its national dish.  You like the name "Cooliestan"?  If you want I could develop a national anthem for you.  


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