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Drama as press conference ends… De Freitas, Kissoon in heated argument at City Hall - ‘I will deal with you…You’re one of them crosses in the Government’ -  Freddie told DeFreitasPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Savitri Laikram   
Friday, 26 April 2013 23:04

A HEATED argument, between two political activists, Malcolm DeFreitas and Freddie Kissoon, took place at City Hall yesterday, at the end of a very tense press conference.



Malcolm DeFreitas

The disagreement came about when DeFreitas asked Mayor Hamilton Green a question that seemed to anger Kissoon who, in turn, called the questioner a ‘Jagdeo supporter’ and ‘one of them crosses in the government’. However, De Freitas became quite agitated and went to the other side of the room, away from the table where he was seated and to where Kissoon was sitting. The two men started hurling verbal abuses at each other, with De Freitas declaring that Kissoon has a completely different context of political understanding as a result of his general ignorance. Kissoon responded, telling De Frietas: “I will deal with you” and the latter started to advance angrily towards Kissoon. In a fit of rage, Freddie jumped off his seat, dropping what looked like a diary in the process, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and started to advance menacingly toward DeFreitas.

Freddie Kissoon

Councillors and other persons present, sensing danger as the cross talk continued and became more intense, tried to move De Freitas who struggled against those holding him back from getting closer to Kissoon in a violent manner.


THREATENING WAY Kissoon, who began approaching De Freitas in a threatening way, was also restrained. Mayor Green tried to make peace between the two men but neither held back on what they had to say to one another. Kissoon complained, loudly, about what he called the idiotic behaviour of De Freitas, calling him names such as ‘Jackass’ and issuing threats. Most of those present at City Hall yesterday and who witnessed the incident, agree it was an “unprovoked attack” by Freddie against DeFreitas. The two men were once considered good friends but parted ways after politics ruined their bond of friendship.



De Freitas should have thrown a Posey of SHIT on Kruger.

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from what i read on this article is DEfraties is the one who went over to kissoon the man have a right to comment in guyana i hope guyana need more indian people like kissoon guyana is lacking in fair justice people like kissoon can help bring about equal rights in guyana


" However, De Freitas became quite agitated and went to the other side of the room, away from the table where he was seated and to where Kissoon was sitting. "



"Kissoon responded, telling De Frietas: “I will deal with you” and the latter started to advance angrily towards Kissoon."



...So here's the question.


What would be your reaction?

Would you stand your ground or run?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Kissoon is a low-life class-less katahar.

Hwee you are with this class categorization (as a designation of social  status ie dalit vs brahamin!) again. The fact remains that Mr Defreitas show lack of restraint  and became " agitated and went to the other side of the room, away from the table where he was seated and to where Kissoon was sitting." He ought to have used his wits to insult Mr Kissoon and let the chips fall. Being a Jadeoite surely is a cross one has to bear.


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