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BREAKING: Marcus Bisram set free after State fails to establish case against him

Marcus Bisram

March 30 2020


The flambouyant philanthropist Marcus Bisram was on Monday freed of the murder of Berbice carpenter Faiyaz Nariendatt after Magistrate Renita Singh found the State did not have evidence against him.

Bisram walked free from the Whim Magistrate’S Court in a case that had fascinated the nation. Bisram now says he will sue the State.

Bisram made his first appearance at the Whim Court on November 21, hours after he was extradited to face the charge which alleged that between October 31 and November 1, 2016, he coerced, procured and demanded Nyron Yacoob, Deodat Datt, Orlando Dickie, Haripaul Parasram and Radesh Motie to murder the carpenter.

Narinedatt was found dead on the Number 70 Village Public Road on the Corentyne Coast.

Police at first treated the case as a road fatality but Georgetown Police was sent to the Corentyne and took on the case as a homicide.

The Police’s claim is that at the party on the night of October 31, Bisram made sexual advances against Narinedatt, including touching his penis, and when Narinedatt refused, by slapping him, he told others to kill the carpenter.

He leaves to mourn two minor children and a young wife.

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Django posted:

This case should be appealed. Few persons are imprisoned for the incident.

Sad for the wife  who was pregnant ,children and parents of the victim ,where the alleged mastermind walks free.

That's  justice in backwater countries.

The same way PNC hand the election petition case to Justice Holder. 

Last edited by Former Member

Exactly. The real killers are already behind bars. The man has been proven innocent by the courts because the prosecution failed to prove that he conspired to commit murder.  These jackasses need to understand how the legal system works. 
Bisram is now lawyering up in the US to recover cost and some more.

You don’t put wood ants to combat a tiger in court.  

Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey shithole banana republic. hey hey hey...dem bais lass away file under PPP and now dem lass away file under Granja. De court dem good foh protect eleckshun riggers...bai me gaffo get wan visa and go live NY wid me family. Cyant handle wid de shithole banana republic...hey hey hey.

Banna shet yuh rass. Come NY yuh gaffuh get license fun sell cane juice ah street carna. If not, dem put yuh rass pon choke-hold, yuh rass dead!

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

Was this the trial? I think it was the PI. It should be appealed.

Judge threw case out. You cannot try what you have no evidence on.  Me thinks it over.  What will be the basis for appeal?

The article said  Magistrate Renita Singh. Appeal can be on technicality of the law.

Me thinks it’s over.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I think a no-case submission verdict is the end of the matter. Would this be double jeopardy?

It doesn't end with the magistrate. The family can still bring a civil suit against Marcus.

How so?  If he was tried and acquitted of murder yes!  But I guess they can say it was his party.  I still want to see that fly in Guyana!

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I think a no-case submission verdict is the end of the matter. Would this be double jeopardy?

It doesn't end with the magistrate. The family can still bring a civil suit against Marcus.

I agree. A civil suit is different from a criminal case. There is no custodial penalty if you lose the case.

Reeper posted:

Certainly an outcome of the rife corruption in the Guyanese judicial system. Some time back the papers was saying that the mother had been paying off witnesses and possibly the relatives of the victim. Appears that this fellow bought himself out of this dilemma. 

Rass, just imagine if we had our resident "play lawyer" attorney representing Marcus Bisram? He/she would have sent MB to the gallows without a trial.

Sheik101 posted:
cain posted:
Tom posted:

This banna was born with a horseshoe up his rear. 

I bet he'd much prefer the horse up there. This crap stunk since he arrived in Guyana just as RK's story.

Guyana, land of many criminals.

Caine, I cannot say with any degree of certainty, but if I were to hazard a guess,  I'd say $$$$ pass.

I feel sorry for that key witness. Dem boyz will make him sing like a canary.


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