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POLITICS-GUYANA: General Elections Declared Null and Void 3 Years Later

Bert Wilkinson

GEORGETOWN, Jan 16 2001 (IPS) - No one knows exactly what will happen now that a high court judge has nullified the 1997 general elections.
In a stunning landmark decision on Monday, Justice Claudette Singh said she had found that several key institutions in the country, most notably the 65-member parliament, had acted illegally in making the possession of a voter identification card a prerequisite for voting in the elections.

As a result, she ruled that the December 1997 general elections were conducted under rules that clearly contravened the Constitution.

In previous elections, the production of a national passport or the regular national identification card was enough to ensure that an eligible voter, whose name appeared on the official scroll, was allowed to vote. But last time around, thousands of persons were denied the right to vote simply because they did not have cards issued by the elections commission.

In all, the court found that about, 30,000 persons, just under one- tenth of the total eligible voters, were denied the chance to exercise their franchise.

The judge therefore ruled that the elections were null and void because the act that made identification cards the only voting prerequisite, had breached several statutes in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land.

The ruling appears to have plunged this already racially divided former British colony into further political and constitutional turmoil about two months before new elections set for Mar. 19.

Doodnauth Singh, the man who presided over the last elections as Chairman of the National Elections Commission called the decision “unprecedented”.

“This means that Parliament and the Cabinet have been constituted illegally,” he said.

“This is unprecedented in that I have never heard in the Commonwealth of a judge declaring an entire national election as null and void. Usually they do so in a region or constituency, but not in a national election. This is unprecedented and has serious implications for the country,” said Singh, also a prominent lawyer who appeared in the case as respondent and advocate.

The petition was filed by several opposition parties in early 1998, weeks after the country was gripped by daily opposition-organised street demonstrations that necessitated the use of tear gas and pellet guns by police.

Worried that the riots and demonstrations could have spilled over into full-scale anarchy, Caribbean Community leaders forced the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the main opposition People’s National Congress (PNC) to sign an agreement bringing forward elections to this year instead of late 2002.

The ruling has also come at a bad time for the Bharrat Jagdeo administration. The PNC and some smaller opposition parties have been calling for an interim administration to run the country until elections in March.

The special accord had set Jan. 17, 2001 as the outer limit for elections, but the Elections Commission said it was unable to meet that deadline, and postponed the polls to Mar. 19 instead.

PNC Leader and former President Desmond Hoyte has complained that the additional two months in office will give the administration invaluable access to state resources to campaign against its political enemies.

He wants the country to be run by a caretaker administration, a suggestion dismissed as silly by legal pundits given the relatively short time span. Now that the court has voided the elections Hoyte is claiming victory and arguing that the ruling has vindicated his position that the country has been run by an illegal government.

“We are in a constitutional crisis,” said Hoyte.

In the second part of her ruling, Justice Singh said that there were dozens of very clear cases of fraud: switching around of numbers to favour one party over another, disappearances of ballot boxes and other acts of collusion by officials, but these were not enough to overturn the elections.

Close to 300 witnesses gave evidence ranging from ordinary polling day clerks to the chief elections officer. Most corroborated opposition claims that some poll forms were forged and that false entries were made on commission computers that were producing election results.

The court is due to meet again on Tuesday when Justice Singh will detail its implications for the country. One key area of concern is that voters in the upcoming elections will have to again produce special identification cards in order to vote.

“But now that the judge has ruled, it means that Parliament would have to amend the act, but Parliament is illegal and so I am not sure how it is going to be done,” said Doodnauth Singh.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

From December 1997 to March 2001 equals 3 years & 3 months. In other words the 1997 PPP government didn't govern a full 5-year term. It was shortchanged. 

Justice Claudette Singh ruled on the legality of an entire election instead of a disputed section. That was never done before, unprecedented, according to the Attorney General Doodnauth Singh. So Claudette Singh erred.

PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992. Dem power hungry.


In all, the court found that about, 30,000 persons, just under one- tenth of the total eligible voters, were denied the chance to exercise their franchise

I bet most of these were coolies.


They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

For Guyanese mole who knew very little about Guyana, you know a lot about Guyanese politics and history. Can you declare you other handles?

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

For Guyanese mole who knew very little about Guyana, you know a lot about Guyanese politics and history. Can you declare you other handles?

He is doing a paper in school and utilizing GNI's talent to assist. He is playing dead to see his own funeral. He only acting stupidee.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

For Guyanese mole who knew very little about Guyana, you know a lot about Guyanese politics and history. Can you declare you other handles?

He is doing a paper in school and utilizing GNI's talent to assist. He is playing dead to see his own funeral. He only acting stupidee.

If he is trying to do that, then he is brain dead.


I have read the post,apparently there is no answer, if the irregularities of 1997 election are considered rigging.

Why the rules were changed to identify voters,breaching several statutes in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land ?

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

You fight fire with fire. People respect force.  Indians are not the type to go looting and burning down property and raping women as a political weapon.  However, there are ways to deal with it and get the outcome and reset the paradigm. 

We can always punt saying two wrongs don’t make it right, but we can also pick up the ball and fight fire with fire.  That’s a leadership decision.  

Take a leaf from America’s play book.  Greatest democracy, strong rule of law.  When faced with an extraordinary threat, they did things like Extraordinary Rendition and also “accidentally” suffocated over 1,000 taliban/al qaeda fighters in the deserts of Afghanistan.  

If you don’t, you are doomed to be dominated, oppressed and exploited.

If jagan had done what was needed in the 60s, then people like you would not be posting that Indians are timid and blacks confident. 

From reading, I can see jagan surrounded himself with p.u5syfooters and weaklings more interested in their loser ideology than taking in the real challenge.  Sheer antimanism!

I don’t give one flying fk who calls me a racist!  They can suck me!

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

I have read the post,apparently there is no answer, if the irregularities of 1997 election are considered rigging.

Why the rules were changed to identify voters,breaching several statutes in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land ?

 Here is an overview

Gilbakka posted:

PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang.


please explain exactly how "PNC" was "wrang & strang" in cutting short PPP rule at the years cited . . . especially 1964 and 2015


Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Gilly, dont even try to Heducate an IDIOT!!

BJ and RG was wrong to punch back at the Buxton terrorists!  Doing so make them the equivalent.  So Ronan is correct!  There was nothing ever wrang, just the PNC is strang!

D2 posted:
Django posted:

I have read the post,apparently there is no answer, if the irregularities of 1997 election are considered rigging.

Why the rules were changed to identify voters,breaching several statutes in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land ?

 Here is an overview

Registration of citizens and electors

Guyana has a civil registry, called the National Register, under provisions of the National Registration Act, which collects birth and death information and issues civilian identification cards.Registration in the National Registry is mandatory for all persons over the age of 14 at the time the census is taken. Under Guyanese law, the responsibility for civil registration rests with the Commissioner of Registration.

However, in 1997 the Elections Commission decided on a separate collection of data on all persons over 14 with the intention of using that information exclusively for producing a voter identification card. The registration of electors falls under the general direction and supervision of the Elections Commission. The Commissioner of Registration is not a member of the Elections Commission.

Voter identification cards

According to the Elections Commission, an identification card for voting purposes only was required in 1997 for the first time. They were intended to overcome problems that had developed in previous elections, when a variety of documents--such as, for example, national identity cards passports, and other records--were allowed as adequate identification.

To assure that voter identification was both recent and uniform, the Commission decided to use a distinctive card containing updated information.

Its strong advocacy resulted in an amendment to the electoral code requiring the presentation of a card as the only way individuals could be identified to vote; in essence, “no voter identification card, no vote.”

The 1997 elections to the electoral code requiring the presentation of a card as the only way individuals could be identified to vote; in essence, “no voter identification card, no vote.”

Further delay occurred while the Commission decided what company to choose to manufacture fraud-proof cards. Ultimately, the cards were prepared electronically and showed the information on each elector on the final voters’ list.Initially, the cards were distributed from the district registration centers. However, when thousands of them failed to be picked up, the Commission arranged for distribution house-to-house.The distribution deadlines were continually extended so that there would be every opportunity for citizens to obtain their cards.

Preliminary voter list

The National Registration Center began the re-registration of voters at the end of December 1996 and finished at the end of May 1997. By the end of June 1997, the Preliminary Voters List,containing 461,415 registered voters whose photographs had been taken, was produced.In its report dated December 13, 1997, the Elections Commission noted that owing to the lapse of time between the closure of registration at the end of May and the start of the production of the cards in September, some information collected during the registration period had become obsolete: some addresses had changed, some people had moved out of Guyana, and a number of people had died.

According to the report, there were 461,369 electors and a total of 423,209 electors’ identification cards, representing 91.73 percent of the total registered, had been issued.

Source: OAS Observation Report 1997 Elections


This is cheating plain and simple "no if or buts"

The PPP crooked like the PNC,two peas of the same pod.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

For Guyanese mole who knew very little about Guyana, you know a lot about Guyanese politics and history. Can you declare you other handles?

Whats us Skeleton Brain?

There is something call "Google". 

Dont let it scare you....say something meaningful next time, OK?

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

They were rewarded with bullyism in the 60s and 1997.  They know that it works because the PPP, and coolies, come across as weak, so they tried again in the 2000’s.  But they ran into BJ who punched back rather than fold.  He gave them exactly what they should have got since the 60’s.  Anyone drawing a moral equivalency between PNC terrorism and the extraordinary measures taken to end it, is treacherous.  

This is a good point by you and Gilbakka. And one that I think has not received much attention and analysis...namely the fact that the PPP governments were cut short and not allowed to complete its full term. 

Gilly: "PNC caused PPP government terms to be cut short in 1964, 2001 and 2015. Dem wrang & strang. Dem PNC ruled beyond the 5-year limit to 7 years from 1985 to 1992."

These elections when the terms were cut short were marred by violence and street protests.

It goes to show that the PPP has a difficult time dealing with the street violence and their leaders catapulted under force....the PNC will never do do. 

However, the bigger picture here is the fact that despite these problems of governing, the PPP still has not come up with a credible plan to deal with such a situation, like moving the seat of government, creating multi-racial institutions, etc.

 The reality is even if the PPP win in 2020, this historical pattern means that the PPP will have a difficult time governing the state. 

You fight fire with fire. People respect force.  Indians are not the type to go looting and burning down property and raping women as a political weapon.  However, there are ways to deal with it and get the outcome and reset the paradigm. 

We can always punt saying two wrongs don’t make it right, but we can also pick up the ball and fight fire with fire.  That’s a leadership decision.  

Take a leaf from America’s play book.  Greatest democracy, strong rule of law.  When faced with an extraordinary threat, they did things like Extraordinary Rendition and also “accidentally” suffocated over 1,000 taliban/al qaeda fighters in the deserts of Afghanistan.  

If you don’t, you are doomed to be dominated, oppressed and exploited.

If jagan had done what was needed in the 60s, then people like you would not be posting that Indians are timid and blacks confident. 

From reading, I can see jagan surrounded himself with p.u5syfooters and weaklings more interested in their loser ideology than taking in the real challenge.  Sheer antimanism!

I don’t give one flying fk who calls me a racist!  They can suck me!

Banna, your post is confusing. 

You fight fire with fire.

How do you do this? Which Indo leader has led in this manner and "fight fire with fire"? And which one of the current PPP leader is willing to lead in this manner? Look at thus video:

Indos are good and aggressive when it comes to their own, but which of these people are willing to march in Guyana and fight fire with fire? I remember seeing another video of protesting sugar workers in front of Parliament where a women walked and tore up their plackards. If Indos carried themselves with confidence, this would not happen. You should blame your leaders for this.

If jagan had done what was needed in the 60s, then people like you would not be posting that Indians are timid and blacks confident. 

Jagan was a communist. His greatest failure lies in the fact that he was impotent in removing a dictatorship for 28 years...a new generation grew up under this time period...following a leader known for his inability to remove a dictatorship. If there was no Jimmy Carter or US, Jagan would have never been in office in the early 1990s. 

The other mistake he made was his willingness to pardon all dem PNC people who run the country down for 28 years. 

Your leaders set the tone, and they act as role models for others. 

Yes, Jagdeo is perceived as a strong leader who went after the people who terrorized people, but he has done some pretty nefarious things that raise the ire of people, like allowing Roger Khan to run an underground economy.  

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Gilly, dont even try to Heducate an IDIOT!!

BJ and RG was wrong to punch back at the Buxton terrorists!  Doing so make them the equivalent.  So Ronan is correct!  There was nothing ever wrang, just the PNC is strang!

For the record,

There is no moral equivalent here. Government has a right to protect its citizens at all costs from terrorists and terrorist activities. 

For me, these acts of Jagdeo is tainted by the fact that a high profile drug dealer was coopted to assist in this national problem. 



Re: OAS Observation Report 1997.

I've read what you posted above. Thanks. Of course, you know that, like now, the Elections Commission in 1997 comprised a Chairman, 3 PPP & 3 PNC members. So within GECOM, the PNC was a party to decisions on voter ID in the 1997 election. It was an expedient action in light of thousands failing to uplift their registration cards.

 Therefore both PPP & PNC should have been blamed for allegedly violating the Constitution. Unfair to blame PPP only.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Gilly, dont even try to Heducate an IDIOT!!

BJ and RG was wrong to punch back at the Buxton terrorists!  Doing so make them the equivalent.  So Ronan is correct!  There was nothing ever wrang, just the PNC is strang!

For the record,

There is no moral equivalent here. Government has a right to protect its citizens at all costs from terrorists and terrorist activities. 

For me, these acts of Jagdeo is tainted by the fact that a high profile drug dealer was coopted to assist in this national problem. 

For the record, this was a PNC inspired insurrection piggybacking on a drug turf battle!

For the record, the security forces, charged with protecting the people, were an integral part of this effort as a way to get another PPP capitulation!

For the record, the PNC terrorists issued statements like 2 for 1, boldly stating for every terrorist cadre killed, they are killing two "Indians" as surrogates for getting to the PPP!

For the record, it was racist and could have descended into a Rwanda-style genocide!

For the record, members of the armed forces found cooperating with the Govt were gunned down in cold blood!

For the record, I have relatives who live there, one gunned down with several friends in a terror raid in Kitty!

For the record, Baseman supports by "whatever means necessary" to protect the people.  If the only readily available force was from another organized gang, then so be it!

For the record, the USA used Al Qaeda to fight their enemies and then destroyed it when they got out of hand!

For the record, Baseman will never second-guess the actions and motivations of the GoG at that moment in time.  Circle the wagons, shoot first and ask questions excuses, no apologies!

For the record, Baseman can care less what anyone thinks, enemies or traitors!!

Baseman posted:
So Ronan is correct!

banna, i know you still smarting because i lift up your dress and expose yuh disease

however, that is no excuse for collating weird stuff bouncing about in your head, curating same in your BIG LIE folder and attributing them to me just so you can PRETEND at 'rebuttal' sarcasm

psycho shyte

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:


Re: OAS Observation Report 1997.

I've read what you posted above. Thanks. Of course, you know that, like now, the Elections Commission in 1997 comprised a Chairman, 3 PPP & 3 PNC members. So within GECOM, the PNC was a party to decisions on voter ID in the 1997 election. It was an expedient action in light of thousands failing to uplift their registration cards.

 Therefore both PPP & PNC should have been blamed for allegedly violating the Constitution. Unfair to blame PPP only.

"According to the report, there were 461,369 electors and a total of 423,209 electors’ identification cards, representing 91.73 percent of the total registered, had been issued. Source: OAS Observation Report 1997 Elections"

Population Census:Source 2002 Census.



































East Indian











































The entire Elections Commission should be blamed for disenfranchising 38,160 voters in the 1997 elections,this is considered to be electoral fraud.Taking a look at the Population Census of 2002,the political party to benefit from the electoral fraud was the PPP/C.

In conclusion after Free and Fair Elections was restored in 1992,Electoral Fraud was prevalent in subsequent  elections,although declared Free and Fair by the observing bodies.

Last edited by Django

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