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Guyanese ‘not hopeful about prospects’ for 2017 – public opinion poll

Less than a week into the year and the optimism among the Guyanese populace is at a low point, according to a recent public opinion poll.

The question asked was: ‘Are you hopeful about the prospects for 2017?’ A whopping 78 per cent of the respondents said no, while the remainder said no.

Among the top issues making headlines and dominating conversations of average Guyanese are the 50 plus new taxes, which are up for debate today in the National Assembly. A total of 12 bills were tabled by Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, to give effect to the tax measures, as well as penalties, which were announced by him in his Budget 2017 speech.

The 11 Bills read for the first time, include:
1.    Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 25/2016
2.    Customs (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 26/2016
3.    Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 27/2016
4.    Capital Gains Tax (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 28/2016
5.    Corporation Tax (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 29/2016
6.    Income Tax (in aid of industry) (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 30/2016
7.    Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 31/2016
8.    Intoxicating Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 32/2016
9.    Miscellaneous Licences (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 33/2016
10.    Tax (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 34/2016
11.    Travel Voucher Tax ((Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill 35/2016
12.    The Financial Administration and Audit (Amendment) Bill 2016 – Bill No. 36/2016

The Finance Minister also introduced regulations related to several of the tax laws including: Travel Tax Regulations 2016; Value Added Tax (Amendment) Regulations 2016; Customs (Amendment) Regulations 2016; Excise Tax (Amendment of Schedules) Regulations 2016; Customs (Amendment of Schedules) Order 2016; and Value Added tax (Amendment of Schedules) 2016.

The tax measures announced by Jordan in the 2017 Budget have been widely criticised by the private sector and other sections of civil society


Readers of this post,pay attention to the  bold in yellow.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django what the rass Freedom House has to do with this 

just to let you know... Guyanese don't give a dam what happens tomorrow, this people are happy where they are ... polls mean nothing to them 

go host a concert and make some noise- you would be king . 

Do you see a positive economic growth in your country Django ( USA) - this is who u give your taxes to 


You sit there in the comfort of the us posting crap. The error, is it the fault of the poll, or of the reporter?

Furthermore, you should move back to Guyana to live so you can really determine if the respondents to the poll  are really hopeful about prospects for the new year. Never in the history of Guyana has so many taxes that affect the working class and poor been imposed by government , and in such a short time. The crime situation is worrying, corruption is rampant, unemployment is still high, the economy is not growing contrary to what Jordan is saying, cost of living increasing, etc. 

You sit there trying to somehow justify your support for the bunch of dunces who are now in government. Why not accept that your judgment was bad, hang  your head in shame, and enjoy living in the belly of the beast which is partially responsible of the situation?


Gullible?/ You asked. YOU, not only Gullible, NAIVE, and plain STUPID but I hope you did not lose your home and bank account hoping for change 18 months after you drank barrels of Snakeoil!!!!!


And next time learn to spell before you come back to GNI.


The question asked was: ‘Are you hopeful about the prospects for 2017?’ A whopping 78 per cent of the respondents said no, while the remainder said no.

If 78% said "no" and the remainder which is 100-78 =22 said "no", isn't this 100% said "no"? Who the hell wrote this piece of shit?

skeldon_man posted:

The question asked was: ‘Are you hopeful about the prospects for 2017?’ A whopping 78 per cent of the respondents said no, while the remainder said no.

If 78% said "no" and the remainder which is 100-78 =22 said "no", isn't this 100% said "no"? Who the hell wrote this piece of shit?

The fellas from FH,headquarters for CitizensReportgy.

Nehru posted:

Gullible?/ You asked. YOU, not only Gullible, NAIVE, and plain STUPID but I hope you did not lose your home and bank account hoping for change 18 months after you drank barrels of Snakeoil!!!!!


And next time learn to spell before you come back to GNI.

All assets are secure,I man know how to run things.

Done deliberately bhai,suh you can find lil fault.

Zed posted:

You sit there in the comfort of the us posting crap. The error, is it the fault of the poll, or of the reporter?


Why don't you answer your own stupid question?  You are one posting crap.

Zed posted:

You sit there in the comfort of the us posting crap. The error, is it the fault of the poll, or of the reporter?

Furthermore, you should move back to Guyana to live so you can really determine if the respondents to the poll  are really hopeful about prospects for the new year. Never in the history of Guyana has so many taxes that affect the working class and poor been imposed by government , and in such a short time. The crime situation is worrying, corruption is rampant, unemployment is still high, the economy is not growing contrary to what Jordan is saying, cost of living increasing, etc. 

You sit there trying to somehow justify your support for the bunch of dunces who are now in government. Why not accept that your judgment was bad, hang  your head in shame, and enjoy living in the belly of the beast which is partially responsible of the situation?

What kind of poll,one that is made up.

Well what can i expect from your types,Blackman can't run Guyana only an Indian like Bharat Jagdeo have the brains,look around the Caribbean you may learn a thing or two.

I don't have to be ashamed,i support democracy and change of government in multiracial societies,Guyana needs that no party should have continuous rule because of raced base voting.

The PPP lost twice,

accept and move along,blaming USA is like throwing mud on a wall that does not stick.

Mitwah posted:
Zed posted:

You sit there in the comfort of the us posting crap. The error, is it the fault of the poll, or of the reporter?


Why don't you answer your own stupid question?  You are one posting crap.

Mitts, you seem to be having problem this day. What is "crap" with what I posted.

what really gets me is all of these supposed experts who Sit in their comfortable places abroad and think they know something of what is really happening in Guyana, or solutions to problems there. 


Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Zed posted:
Mitwah posted:
Zed posted:

You sit there in the comfort of the us posting crap. The error, is it the fault of the poll, or of the reporter?


Why don't you answer your own stupid question?  You are one posting crap.

Mitts, you seem to be having problem this day. What is "crap" with what I posted.

what really gets me is all of these supposed experts who Sit in their comfortable places abroad and think they know something of what is really happening in Guyana, or solutions to problems there. 

I wonder the same with these so call expert who have never went back to sweet Guyana to get a bitch slap from a black man and them gold chain / wallet gone 

Chris Gale show them rass what's missing though - let them sit in them comfy chairs 

I go back and kiss the soil of my birth every month but now as I bend down ... I gone remember Poor Uncle Chief- wondering who is behind me 

Zed posted:

Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Well from some of your responses,I may have assumed their is a dislike for a section of the population,by the way i give Jack his jacket in the political arena.

My bad for the assumption and sincerely you have my apology.

As for the history of Guyana i have numerous articles stored in my computer that i gather from different sources,i am aware of the involvement of the US in Guyana affairs,we all know the reason,during that era i had no clue what was happening,was just a kid,i found out by doing my own research a few years ago,my conclusion is both Jagan and Burnham are to be blamed for the problem the country experienced.

Imran posted:

I wonder the same with these so call expert who have never went back to sweet Guyana to get a bitch slap from a black man and them gold chain / wallet gone 

Chris Gale show them rass what's missing though - let them sit in them comfy chairs 

I go back and kiss the soil of my birth every month but now as I bend down ... I gone remember Poor Uncle Chief- wondering who is behind me 

Oii Imran I lived 43 yrs in the homeland and have nuff family there,suh after i left i don't have no say,and i planned to visit more often in the coming years.

Now i will change me mind.

Zed posted:

Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Django too young to remember Friday 16, 1962 also called Black Friday. Compliments of the CIA and John Kennedy.

skeldon_man posted:
Zed posted:

Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Django too young to remember Friday 16, 1962 also called Black Friday. Compliments of the CIA and John Kennedy.

Django never talked about how his Portuguese brothers and sisters suffered at the hands of PNC rioters.  They ran from Guyana because of those same hooligans who bullied and harassed James Abdullah and then turned around and played the victim by pressing charges against him for assault. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Do you think the APNU people would send an audit request to Brian Tiwari of BK International??  

Big contract his company got the other day.

Wondering how much Harmun got in the paper bag.

skeldon_man posted:
Zed posted:

Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Django too young to remember Friday 16, 1962 also called Black Friday. Compliments of the CIA and John Kennedy.

How i guh remember duh when i was a lil bhai,I read about it later.

I remembered the noise of the helicopter hovering over my grandfather rice field early morning and then we are awoken,seeing white soldiers with guns tumbling up the house.

After inquiring i was told they were looking for guns.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Zed posted:

Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Django too young to remember Friday 16, 1962 also called Black Friday. Compliments of the CIA and John Kennedy.

Django never talked about how his Portuguese brothers and sisters suffered at the hands of PNC rioters.  They ran from Guyana because of those same hooligans who bullied and harassed James Abdullah and then turned around and played the victim by pressing charges against him for assault. 

Me notice alyuh praising the bodyguard and shit thrower.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Zed posted:

Django, please tell me what my 'type' is since you know. You do not see me here supporting any political parties, unlike you. When have I postedcabout b------n, or supported Jagdeo. One post please!  You do not know history. Read how the US instigated the violence in the 1960s. 

Django too young to remember Friday 16, 1962 also called Black Friday. Compliments of the CIA and John Kennedy.

Django never talked about how his Portuguese brothers and sisters suffered at the hands of PNC rioters.  They ran from Guyana because of those same hooligans who bullied and harassed James Abdullah and then turned around and played the victim by pressing charges against him for assault. 

Me notice alyuh praising the bodyguard and shit thrower.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Do you think the APNU people would send an audit request to Brian Tiwari of BK International??  

Big contract his company got the other day.

Wondering how much Harmun got in the paper bag.

I hope I don't see you cutting from the man when takes his drinks at Spice Restaurant on Atlantic. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Big contract his company got the other day.

Wondering how much Harmun got in the paper bag.

I hope I don't see you cutting from the man when takes his drinks at Spice Restaurant on Atlantic. 

I deh far from there,can't run in to the fellas.


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