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US police not charged for pepper-spraying UC students

Police used pepper-spray at the Davis campus of the University of California on November 18, 2011.

Police used pepper-spray at the Davis campus of the University of California on November 18, 2011.
Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:9AM GMT
US prosecutors will not file criminal charges against police officers who pepper-sprayed peaceful protesters at the University of California (UC), Davis last November.

On Wednesday, the UC officials agreed to pay about $1 million in damages to 21 students and recent graduates, who had prosecuted the university officials for the incident, Reuters reported.

The amount includes a payment of $30,000 to each plaintiff, and a total $250,000 to cover their attorney fees.

"I want the university and the police to understand what they did wrong. Police should be accountable to students," a UC undergraduate said in a statement.

On November 18, police officers violently confronted anti-corporatism protesters camping on the UC Davis campus, sprayed the chemical irritant on students that were sitting on the ground and arrested 10 of them.

The demonstration was being held in solidarity with the worldwide Occupy movements that began in September 2011 after a group of people gathered in New York's financial district with the motto of "Occupy Wall Street" to protest "corporate greed," corruption, poverty, and social and economic inequality in the US.

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The Christian world is everywhere Adam walked when he walked about giving names to all of God's creation. All OVER DE WORLD, even the Muslim world.


With no malice or prejudice. The muslims are moving out of the mid-east and settling into a world uncommon to them. A people lost in many different culture struggling to maintain their nomadic beliefs in highly civilized societies. Confused-they resort to honour killings of their daughters to purge them for satanic practices of the west. But yet they immigrate.


These migration is geared to a prophetic timing. A time when muslims will place the mark of the beast on all non-muslims.  Even a minority as muslims in many countries, the resident people will NOT know Christ. They will be lost in beliefs while the nomadic ranting of the early muslims in their chants and sword weilding quest will overwhelm everyone. There will be killings, sufferings, crying and moaning. So loud that it reaches the heavenly realm.


Then angel of death shall come upon the earth. First Enoch returns. Then the Christ, Then righteous shall be taken up.


Then Fire anmd brimstone.


TI, try to be counted among the righteous.    

Originally Posted by Daren David:

Was Adam a Christian?

No he was not a Christian, but I have to comment so that a muslim mind can comprehend. They cannot understand anything else other that the bad christians.


If I had said that Adam was made similar to angels who should not have experienced death, and he was simply a being that commune with God. They would not understand. But the Iranian President knows it.


All humans should commune with God. Man simply kills ppl to impose their will-like the muslims-they forget about the God of Adam and resort to Allah and Mohammad to justify their bad behaviour. 


You seem to be confused: "Allah" is just the Arabic word for "God". It is also the Malay word for "God." Actually, the Arab Christians (even in the USA) use the word "Allah" in their prayers. As far as I know, all the prophets named in the Bible are also named as prophets in the Quran. In other words, all the prophets from Adam through to Jesus - and Mohammad - are regarded as Muslim prophets. One of the biggest problems in the world today is that religious zealots (of all religions) do not observe the commonalities in the teachings of all religions - they tend to emphasize the differences.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Daren David:

Was Adam a Christian?

No he was not a Christian, but I have to comment so that a muslim mind can comprehend. They cannot understand anything else other that the bad christians.


If I had said that Adam was made similar to angels who should not have experienced death, and he was simply a being that commune with God. They would not understand. But the Iranian President knows it.


All humans should commune with God. Man simply kills ppl to impose their will-like the muslims-they forget about the God of Adam and resort to Allah and Mohammad to justify their bad behaviour. 

Originally Posted by Daren David:

You seem to be confused: "Allah" is just the Arabic word for "God". It is also the Malay word for "God." Actually, the Arab Christians (even in the USA) use the word "Allah" in their prayers. As far as I know, all the prophets named in the Bible are also named as prophets in the Quran. In other words, all the prophets from Adam through to Jesus - and Mohammad - are regarded as Muslim prophets. One of the biggest problems in the world today is that religious zealots (of all religions) do not observe the commonalities in the teachings of all religions - they tend to emphasize the differences.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Daren David:

Was Adam a Christian?

No he was not a Christian, but I have to comment so that a muslim mind can comprehend. They cannot understand anything else other that the bad christians.


If I had said that Adam was made similar to angels who should not have experienced death, and he was simply a being that commune with God. They would not understand. But the Iranian President knows it.


All humans should commune with God. Man simply kills ppl to impose their will-like the muslims-they forget about the God of Adam and resort to Allah and Mohammad to justify their bad behaviour. 

O really.


You must think God is a confused Being to be having religions created everywhere with His name in all forms.


God specifically tells Moses the names He is called by.  And Allah is not one of them in the Talmud.


God in his conversations with Enoch tells him that mankind will write all manner of corrupted things to suit their evil desires. God knew this even before He choose the nation of israel.


Simply put: God chooses Abraham, He makes him into a nation of Israelites. He gave them laws and keeps them cleanse with kosher foods to be separate. He sent a messiah to the Israelites to do away with animal sacrifices. He had 13 Jewish men responsible for taking the His words to the gentiles.


U c any confusing pattern in the plan?


Suh where all these ppl get all these different names for God. When Mohammad copied the sacred book why he changed the names. What reason he had, other than being mischievious in twisting the words of the Talmud.


Doan confuse Prophets with divine men. Prophets, were for the nation of Israel-and in them God chastise the Kings of Israel.


God is the same always. U ppl think He is waffling. He ain't changed one bit no matter what so called intellects think. 


HE IS VERY VERY SERIOUS ABOUT RIGHTEOUSNESS. No matter how many times a person bangs their heads on a carpet or how many chants they moan out of their nostrils.


Unless God is praised with Holy, Holy, Hallelujah and Parises be to His name-sooooooooooooorrrrrrry.  



God told Enoch that mankind IS going write all manner of evil things. First the council of Ladocia, then the Catholic Church, then Mohammad, then protestant churches. Everybody want to make God complicated with lots and lots of written words. When He is very simple.


Early believers used the words of Enoch as a guide to their observance of God until the Third Century. Then the book was banned in Europe. However, in the Second Century, two Syrian monks were shipped wrecked in Abyssinia, with them was the Book of Enoch. Since the Second Century, the Abyssinian Orthodox Church uses the book for their observance of God. And onto this day. They may be the only people who may have the closest observances of worship.     

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They lucky they only got pepper sprayed, in the Arab world they would have been shot and beaten with clubs. In Guyana gerhard and company would have riled them up to riot and they would have been shot by afc/pnc agents and the police would have been blamed. 

Oi Gurdle, yu know how to keep an arsehole in suspense?


I'll tell you later.


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