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October 14, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News


Glenn Lall is NOT on trial. Glenn Lall has been charged and placed before the courts, but this case is not about Glenn Lall; it is about freedom in Guyana. Freedom is on trial.

Glenn Lall is but a mere symbol of the people’s fight for the right to receive information. These charges are about those who wish to deny the people their right to receive this information.

The people have sensed this. They know that their freedom is at stake and therefore they came out in their numbers to show their support to one of the kindest and bravest men in Guyana, Glenn Lall.

It is wonderful to see the large numbers of persons, including scores of ordinary citizens who came out to show support and lend solidarity to the Kaieteur News publisher. This is greatly appreciated and shows that there is still hope for decency in Guyana.

Many had anticipated the worst; many expected that given the gravity of the charges which the GRA had filed against the publisher of this newspaper and his wife, that the prosecutors would have either insisted on substantial bail or opposed bail. After all, it was them who were charging Lall and his wife with tax evasion. Yet, when the defence asked that the publisher and his wife be placed on their own recognizance, the prosecution did not object. That is food for thought.

The Chief Magistrate must be commended for her decision to send the accused away on self bail.

This decision must have upset the tyrants who wanted to see Glenn Lall locked away for a long time, just as they did with Mark Benschop. History will recall that the present day oppressors had locked away Mark Benschop for five years, only to have to pardon him because they could not secure a conviction. The tyrants want to lock away Glenn Lall, not for five years but for five lifetimes.

Come November 25, hopefully when the trial gets going, it is hoped that all of those who stood by this newspaper over the past two weeks, will continue to stand by our side and will come to the Courts to offer support to Lall and his family. When the people come out in their numbers, the dictators tremble in their boots.

When the people do not come out the tyrants believe that they are gods and they have a right to decide what you should read and what you should not read, who you should associate with and to cobble such friendships.

Not even the fancy signboards that the tyrants build to advertise their so-called achievements over the past twenty-two years will whitewash away the wrongs that they have done to the citizens of this country.

Their monuments are not the monuments that celebrate freedom. Their monuments are narcissist. They are in love with themselves and they take the taxpayers’ money, throw a party for the taxpayers and then ask the same taxpayers to say thanks for caring.

This is what is happening in relation to the $10,000 per student grant. This is the taxpayers’ monies that are being used to give to parents, both rich and poor. Yet, praises for this initiative is being solicited through the erection of huge signboards. In other words, the people are being asked to show appreciation for using the people’s money to fund the transportation grant.

But that is not the frightening development of this week. It is the advertisement that houses are soon going to be made available in Guyana at prices ranging from between $55M and $100M. Special communities are being created. The rich is being courted and houses are being developed exclusively for the rich. Can you imagine what this development along with all the other private housing developments are going to do with real estate prices in Guyana?

One day the housing bubble is going to burst and it will come crashing down to earth. A great many people are going to be ruined just like what happened in the financial crisis in the western world.

When Kaieteur News sounds these warnings it upsets the tyrants. And they want to muzzle this newspaper and its outspoken publisher. By any means necessary!


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....freedom-is-on-trial/

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Glenn Lall is NOT on trial. Glenn Lall has been charged and placed before the courts, but this case is not about Glenn Lall; it is about freedom in Guyana. Freedom is on trial.


FREEDOM IS ON TRIAL, October 14, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News

The case against Glenn Lall, etc., relates strictly to the questions about the imported vehicles.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Glenn Lall is NOT on trial. Glenn Lall has been charged and placed before the courts, but this case is not about Glenn Lall; it is about freedom in Guyana. Freedom is on trial.


FREEDOM IS ON TRIAL, October 14, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News

The case against Glenn Lall, etc., relates strictly to the questions about the imported vehicles.


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP needs to tell us why Sattaur lied to the RCMP.


These canadian traitors on this page should renounced their canadian citizenship and go support the PPP.

The man did not lie! He was just economical with the truth. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP needs to tell us why Sattaur lied to the RCMP.


These canadian traitors on this page should renounced their canadian citizenship and go support the PPP.

The man did not lie! He was just economical with the truth. 

That's what I thought the US and Canadian government needs to investigate this chap further and pull his visa. He is the definition of a god damn crook.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP needs to tell us why Sattaur lied to the RCMP.


These canadian traitors on this page should renounced their canadian citizenship and go support the PPP.

The man did not lie! He was just economical with the truth. 

That's what I thought the US and Canadian government needs to investigate this chap further and pull his visa. He is the definition of a god damn crook.

In time.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP needs to tell us why Sattaur lied to the RCMP.


These canadian traitors on this page should renounced their canadian citizenship and go support the PPP.

The man did not lie! He was just economical with the truth. 

That's what I thought the US and Canadian government needs to investigate this chap further and pull his visa. He is the definition of a god damn crook.

In time.

Sattaur is small fry. He don't have any thing to worry about. US or Canada will not interfere.


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