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Former Member

Freedom is PPP/C’s greatest gift to nation

Freedom is PPP/C’s greatest gift to nation:

AS the Rodney Commission of Inquiry (RCoI) progresses, it is becoming more apparent that freedom is the PPP/C’s greatest gift to the people of Guyana.This means freedom from political dictatorship; from domination by a small clique bent on racial and political oppression, social marginalization, and the widespread violation of human rights.


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In a very explosive interview with this newspaper, David Granger, Leader of the PNC, APNU and the Parliamentary Opposition, declared that the killing of Rodney was justified!!


Freedoms comes with a price. Many nations has to go to war to get freedom. Our only problem is crime and that is being tackled. We have to give the government of the day the breathing space to do his job. We must wait for result. Rome wasn't built in one day.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Freedoms comes with a price. Many nations has to go to war to get freedom. Our only problem is crime and that is being tackled. We have to give the government of the day the breathing space to do his job. We must wait for result. Rome wasn't built in one day.

Oh so let we slow things down and allow a few to tief as long as Rome take to make? 

Originally Posted by JB:

Oh is from chronicle. Not to be take seriously.

You objective is hate. Nothing rational. So get you poke out of my face, please.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

Oh is from chronicle. Not to be take seriously.

You objective is hate. Nothing rational. So get you poke out of my face, please.

Dont shout. Shouting and all the alcohol you and Mr Nehru take will be very bad to your health. We dont want anything to happen to Mr Cobra. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

Oh is from chronicle. Not to be take seriously.

You objective is hate. Nothing rational. So get you poke out of my face, please.

Dont shout. Shouting and all the alcohol you and Mr Nehru take will be very bad to your health. We dont want anything to happen to Mr Cobra. 



Granger told the government at the last moment that they can pass the AML bill in 72 hours. The government said pass the bill unconditionally. The government call for patriotism on this bill since it is of national interest. 72 hours passed many days and weeks ago. Granger is still making demands and bargaining when he knows that all bills stand on their own merit.


Who wants to put the PNC back in power?


Guyana has a small population and everybody knows their history well. We didn't need a CoI to investigate Rodney's death when the Guyanese people knew it all along it was the PNC. Do you know why Granger and Roopnaring were objecting the CoI and calling them racist? There is a simple word for it. Guilty!


Who wants to put the PNC back in Power?


Yuji is testing the waters on the other sides and said he had more confident of Granger PNC over Ramjattan AFC. Yet, he speaks of neutrality. What am I missing here?


I gave him one month to run right back to the PPP nest.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yuji is testing the waters on the other sides and said he had more confident of Granger PNC over Ramjattan AFC. Yet, he speaks of neutrality. What am I missing here?


I gave him one month to run right back to the PPP nest.

Anyone who crosses to the dark side, do so at their own peril.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger told the government at the last moment that they can pass the AML bill in 72 hours. The government said pass the bill unconditionally. The government call for patriotism on this bill since it is of national interest. 72 hours passed many days and weeks ago. Granger is still making demands and bargaining when he knows that all bills stand on their own merit.


Who wants to put the PNC back in power?

True, the PPP brought real democracy to Guyana but they have broken some core promises and need to rectify before the net +'s turn to net "- s".  On the other hand, anyone who believes handing the reins over the the morally bankrupt and racist PNC would result in a +, is grossly mistaken.  Until there is a hard guarantee they "cannot" revert to their old ways of stealing the people's will, the PPP, with all it's flaws, is the better alternative.


Originally Posted by baseman:

True, the PPP brought real democracy to Guyana but they have broken some core promises and need to rectify before the net +'s turn to net "- s".  On the other hand, anyone who believes handing the reins over the the morally bankrupt and racist PNC would result in a +, is grossly mistaken.  Until there is a hard guarantee they "cannot" revert to their old ways of stealing the people's will, the PPP, with all it's flaws, is the better alternative.

warmed over tribal nonsense from baseman masquerading as insight


1992 brought [Indian] Majority Rule to Guyana not Democracy


i believe that Democracy might have taken root had Dr Jagan not died when he did


our history since then has been a descent to depravites not even imagined at the height of Burnham's megalomania and dictatorship


the cautionary tale du jour is the tragedy unfolding in Iraq - another Majority Rule despotism

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yuji is testing the waters on the other sides and said he had more confident of Granger PNC over Ramjattan AFC. Yet, he speaks of neutrality. What am I missing here?


I gave him one month to run right back to the PPP nest.


Cobra, please stop spreading misinformation. Yuji is NOT supporting the PNC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

In a very explosive interview with this newspaper, David Granger, Leader of the PNC, APNU and the Parliamentary Opposition, declared that the killing of Rodney was justified!!

Cobra, please post David Granger's exact words.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Freedom is PPP/C’s greatest gift to nation

Freedom is PPP/C’s greatest gift to nation:

AS the Rodney Commission of Inquiry (RCoI) progresses, it is becoming more apparent that freedom is the PPP/C’s greatest gift to the people of Guyana.This means freedom from political dictatorship; from domination by a small clique bent on racial and political oppression, social marginalization, and the widespread violation of human rights.


Full Story

This is such bullshit. What freedom from political dictatorship are these fools talking about? While Rodney was hitting the pavement every day taking the fight to the dictator, many in the PPP leadership crossed the floor and joined the PNC to lick the ladle from which Burnham's soup was being dished out. The ones who did not cross over, provided "Critical Support" to the dictator in an embrace of mutual admiration. Now these morons are trying to rewrite history.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

In a very explosive interview with this newspaper, David Granger, Leader of the PNC, APNU and the Parliamentary Opposition, declared that the killing of Rodney was justified!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:


Freedom is PPP/C’s greatest gift to nation:

AS the Rodney Commission of Inquiry (RCoI) progresses, it is becoming more apparent that freedom is the PPP/C’s greatest gift to the people of Guyana.This means freedom from political dictatorship; from domination by a small clique bent on racial and political oppression, social marginalization, and the widespread violation of human rights.


Full Story

What  overwhelming Hubris! This claim is so absurd on the face of it is  the insignia, "the PPP are crass liars".


Has any one ever heard the claim that Dr King give America Freedom? To the contrary he said " Let freedom rings". He knew he was articulating what is the of our humanity others forgot was ours as well. Dr King knew he was a conduit, a visionary, a focus for ideas for a people to realize what is an  inherent  property of ever human being.... Freedom!


To that end he began to highlight  the reasons for hope, the reason to struggle hat must be overcome. Where is Cheddi's " I have a dream speech?" Where ever did he admit to our greatest burden, racism! Remind me of the speech where he spoke to its ills and give us a reason to dream! 


The PPP is an inheritor of a movement of people that did not need them. That movement was not fueled by any input from them as they sat squat on their asses or reached out with groveling entreaties to placate a dictator, be his friend, give him "critical support" because he was a communist brother under the skin. They existed in this way despite knowing that the people needed a strident voice for freedom.


As short as his presence on the stage was; that happened to be Rodney's gift. Without him no fuel existed for a mass movement since the PPP was not into rocking boats.


Lets be clear; no one can give you freedom. It is what makes you a human being. The PPP's legacy to date is confusion as to what is their base ethic. No one...yes nary a one can say what the PPP represents. Any such attempts decays to supposed Indian rights as opposed to Guyanese rights. Amerinds for that matter, did not exist for Cheddi. They still do not exist for the PPP. They are simply children to be scolded. They do not have freedom as we so poignantly were told recently by Nigel Dharamlal.


Democracy is completely hobbled under the PPP. On entering office they  quickly fabricated an  autocracy and  operate completely god mode. They maintain a cult of personality with Cheddi as its totem and do not give a shit about the rest of us. Instead they  hide behind a dictators constitution; are secretive with the nations business and treat it as their grandfathers inheritance. The only thing visible of their rule is the fattening of their collective pocket books.


Imagine this, in a world of human imperfections the PPP never acknowledge one  fault in 22 years. Despite a long list of their members doing terrible things, they never acknowledge it. Selectively they are blind to their haughtiness, and contempt for the people.These are the epitome of what suffocates freedom.


Cheddi's short rule give us no clarity and articulated no foundation ethic. It laid down no strategy to build  consensus democracy. It instead give us hand picked leaders of their Party who were no leaders for the nation. 


As leaders of their party, Jagdeo stole them into great wealth while making us into a well primed population bomb waiting to explode with the unmitigating fury of a race war. Ramotar, continues priming the fuse. Instead of showing a path to freedom they are setting us on a trajectory for complete implosion.


Guyana awaits its Dr King.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yuji is testing the waters on the other sides and said he had more confident of Granger PNC over Ramjattan AFC. Yet, he speaks of neutrality. What am I missing here?


I gave him one month to run right back to the PPP nest.


Cobra, please stop spreading misinformation. Yuji is NOT supporting the PNC.

My sincere apology and happy father's day to you. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

True, the PPP brought real democracy to Guyana but they have broken some core promises and need to rectify before the net +'s turn to net "- s".  On the other hand, anyone who believes handing the reins over the the morally bankrupt and racist PNC would result in a +, is grossly mistaken.  Until there is a hard guarantee they "cannot" revert to their old ways of stealing the people's will, the PPP, with all it's flaws, is the better alternative.

warmed over tribal nonsense from baseman masquerading as insight


1992 brought [Indian] Majority Rule to Guyana not Democracy


i believe that Democracy might have taken root had Dr Jagan not died when he did


our history since then has been a descent to depravites not even imagined at the height of Burnham's megalomania and dictatorship


the cautionary tale du jour is the tragedy unfolding in Iraq - another Majority Rule despotism

Guyana is not Iraq.  The Afros are fully engaged in the management of national affairs.  Of course the PPP is made up of mostly Indian and PNC mostly Blacks, which means the faces in political leadership positions will reflect that.  However, that's different from engaging the masses in the economy.  In Iraq, the Shias dominate the military, the civil service and all walks of life.  In Guyana, most Govt jobs and the military, including top brass are Afros.  So go back and come again.

Last edited by Former Member

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