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Freedom is Priceless : …says President Ramotar, as PPP/C celebrates 20 years in governmentPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Wanita Huburn   
Tuesday, 09 October 2012 22:02

“THE freedom that we now enjoy, that was restored, cannot be quantified. We can never put a price tag on that. Freedom is priceless.” Those were the rousing words uttered by President Donald Ramotar during his feature address at the Guyana International Conference Centre last evening, on the occasion of his party’s 20th anniversary in government.
Supporters and well wishers of the PPP/C gathered to reflect on the journey of the party from 1992 to now, to celebrate the party’s achievements and to recommit to its ideals as they look to the path ahead.
The evening’s cultural presentation was directed by  Director of the Government Information Agency, Neaz Subhan, and invitees were treated to performances in music, dance and poetry. Throughout the ceremony, video presentations were made that offered glimpses of future investments and developments of Guyana, and reminders of the progress achieved over these 20 years in each sector of the economy.
A pictorial exhibition was also mounted which chronicles the development of each sector under this government from 1992 to present.
President Ramotar lauded the contributions of the past presidents of the PPP/C and placed special emphasis on the role of the party’s founder, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
He said that the process of rebuilding the nation, which was very badly damaged and underdeveloped after centuries of colonial rule and almost three decades of inept leadership by the PNC was begun by Dr. Jagan.
The president added that the PPP/C is celebrating the first 20 years of rebuilding Guyana from the ashes of the past and that the visible changes on the landscape came through the hard work of the PPP/C.
He also expressed gratitude to Guyana’s diplomatic partners who gave much needed assistance to his party and country over the years, and singled out Cuba for special recognition for its contribution to Guyana’s health sector.
He said that there are tremendous times ahead for the country and called on all of Guyana to join in the quest for creating a better Guyana in peace and harmony.
Also speaking at the event was President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Clinton Urling,who also spoke on behalf of the Private Sector Commission
In his brief remarks, to thundering applause, Urling said, “One thing that we can be certain of is that 16 out of the last 20 years Guyana recorded positive economic growth. For the four years where growth wasn’t recorded (it was ) the result of political destabilisation and instability, and (the) vicious and destructive crime sprees in the early 2000s. And if you were to take out our political problems (during the first few years) Guyana probably would have recorded 19 of 20 years of economic growth.”
He commended the government for the tremendous improvement in Guyana’s external and public debt management profile, and its prudent monetary policies which, according to him, has given the private sector new confidence in the economy; and as a result, the sector has increased its contribution to the GDP by leaps and bounds.
He added that the momentum (of growth and development in infrastructure, investment and the economy) must be extended and maintained for the long haul. He cautioned though that it will require maturity on all sides of the political sector.
The PPP/C is celebrating its 20th anniversary in office under the theme “20 years of transformation and Development.

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