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French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose country is just ahead of Brazil in the rankings of the world's largest economies, will probably announce the opening of the bridge across the Oyapock River, French Guiana's border with Brazil, while he is in French Guiana as part of a campaign whipping up support for his shot at a second term as president.

His interest in the relationship between French Guiana and Brazil will go beyond the physical link between the two neighbours to the economic opportunities it can provide for France and, by extension, the EU. Brazil has a population of about 200 million and its economy grew by 7.5 per cent in 2010, and was forecast to grow another 3.5 per cent in 2011. It is rich in natural resources and is open to European investment.

On the other side, Brazil has a vibrant manufacturing sector and, remarkably, it sells more to China than it imports. For Brazil, the link to French Guiana could lead to a direct land-crossing to the Atlantic Ocean for parts of its huge territory from which overland transportation to its own Atlantic coast is expensive.

This possibility will be additional to a border crossing established in 2009 between Brazil and Guyana when a bridge was built over the Takutu River that barely divides the two countries at Brazil's northern point. However, while the bridge accommodates regular traffic between Brazil's northern area — Roraima — and Guyana, there is not an all-weather road from the bridge to Guyana's coast. Until the all-weather road is constructed, Brazil still cannot use Guyana effectively for transporting exports from its northern region.

If French Guiana opens the 1,240-ft-long bridge for business, it will connect the towns of Saint-Georges-de-l'Oyapock and Oiapoque on the French and Brazilian sides, and the opportunities for commerce not only between the two neighbours, but between France and Brazil will expand rapidly.

The opening of this bridge need not rival or displace the already-opened link between Guyana and Brazil, provided an all-weather road — estimated at US$40 million — is built from the Guyana border town, Lethem, to Guyana's Atlantic coast. Guyana's Foreign Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, recently announced that Guyana has completed a feasibility study for the Lethem Road paving project. She is reported to have said: "We would like to see this project accelerate quickly, but we also have to be very patient." While she did not say so, the minister's caution could be based on the level of concessional financing that Brazil is willing to give.

Meantime, authoritative reports show that, as a result of the Takutu Bridge, the flow of commodities from Guyana to Brazil has increased. There is also a flow of Brazilians into Guyana especially into the gold and diamond mining industries, and, increasingly, into the establishment of nightclubs and restaurants in Guyana's capital city.

The completed road would not only give Guyana an opportunity to sell commodities to Northern Brazil, it would also earn Guyana revenues from Brazilian exports moving to Guyana's sea port which would have to be converted into a deep water harbour. Services to Brazilian transport vehicles would also provide new economic opportunities for Guyanese and very likely lead to new townships along the hundreds of miles of road.

If the Brazilians extend their co-operation further to provide concessional financing for a deep water port in Guyana, both countries would benefit. So too would the countries of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) whose people would find jobs in an expanded Guyana economy, and whose manufacturing industries could access Northern Brazil through Guyana.

The Guyana-Brazil relationship would have to be carefully negotiated to ensure that Guyana is not overwhelmed. While there is no tension between Guyana and Brazil, some of Brazil's other neighbours in South America — particularly Bolivia and Paraguay — have complained about Brazil flexing its newfound political and economic muscle.

Addressing the issue of infrastructure financing in Bolivia and elsewhere in South America, Marcel Biato, Brazil's ambassador to Bolivia, said, "We want Brazil to be surrounded by prosperous, stable countries." Other Brazilian authorities have argued that their country has access to sources of raw materials other than its immediate neighbours and that it has routes across the continent through which it can send goods to ports on the Pacific.

That may be so, but it is cheaper for Brazil to secure raw materials it needs from their closest point, and the governor of Roraima has made it clear that it would be cheaper for manufacturing industries in his state to be able to ship their goods to the Atlantic through Guyana.

It is very much in Brazil's interest to allay the fears of its neighbours and to monitor carefully the behaviour of some of its companies operating in nearby countries or, over time, it could be tainted with the same image of bullying that Latin American and Caribbean countries applied to the United States. That would not be good for Brazil or its neighbours.

As the Brazilian economic ship rises in the sea of economic fortunes, it has the chance to pull along the smaller economies around it in a manner that commands respect and support.

The bridges to two of the Guianas — Guyana and French Guiana — as well as the increasing economic links to the third of the Guianas — Suriname — offer great opportunities for Brazil.

As for Guyana, the all-weather road to Brazil will be a catalyst for further economic growth and a gateway to South America for the Caribbean Community countries. As two developing countries with shared interests in the international arena, Guyana and Brazil should cement a fair, balanced and co-operative agreement to ensure mutual benefits and gains, whatever happens with the connection between France and Brazil through the use of French Guiana.

Sir Ronald Sanders is a consultant and former Caribbean diplomat

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OK that Saunders doesnt know geography so fails to understand that Fr Guyane is on Brazil's coast so the bridge has nothing to do with international access, but is due to the need to access the market that French Guyane itself represents?
Originally posted by caribj:
OK that Saunders doesnt know geography so fails to understand that Fr Guyane is on Brazil's coast so the bridge has nothing to do with international access, but is due to the need to access the market that French Guyane itself represents?
If Europe collapses the French will not need visa or passport to migrate to South America, they can just take the flight or a boat to Guiana, which will be a prosperous country due to the Space Port and border with Brazil.
Originally posted by Lucas:
If Europe collapses the French will not need visa or passport to migrate to South America, they can just take the flight or a boat to Guiana, which will be a prosperous country due to the Space Port and border with Brazil.

take it from me. Most Euros will not move to a country where cops can kill judges because the judges threaten their ability to hold whole communities hostage.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
If Europe collapses the French will not need visa or passport to migrate to South America, they can just take the flight or a boat to Guiana, which will be a prosperous country due to the Space Port and border with Brazil.

take it from me. Most Euros will not move to a country where cops can kill judges because the judges threaten their ability to hold whole communities hostage.
I am glad that your white master will never set you free to migrate anywhere else.
Originally posted by Lucas:
I am glad that your white master will never set you free to migrate anywhere else.

Where I migrated to judges arent routinely killed by corrupt militias. This is the society you love. Corrupt cops push out drug lords and then implement an even crueler form of control over whole neighborhoods. If a judge intervenes off with her head.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
I am glad that your white master will never set you free to migrate anywhere else.

Where I migrated to judges arent routinely killed by corrupt militias. This is the society you love. Corrupt cops push out drug lords and then implement an even crueler form of control over whole neighborhoods. If a judge intervenes off with her head.

Where you migrated to the judges are the actual mafia. Of course, they are not going to kill themselves, they are there to send as many blacks as possible to dead row.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Where you migrated to the judges are the actual mafia..

I furnished you a source to back my claims.

You just chatter because you are stuck in Guyana. I see you were denied a visa to visit Canada/USA/UK.

If criminal blacks commit the crime they do the time and most of their black victims will be happy to see them gone.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Where you migrated to the judges are the actual mafia..

I furnished you a source to back my claims.

You just chatter because you are stuck in Guyana. I see you were denied a visa to visit Canada/USA/UK.

If criminal blacks commit the crime they do the time and most of their black victims will be happy to see them gone.
Regarding the treatment of blacks in the US or Brazil you always change interpretations at your convenience. Typical comprador.
Originally posted by Lucas:
]Regarding the treatment of blacks in the US or Brazil you always change interpretations at your convenience. Typical comprador.

You are afraid to discuss the issue of blacks in Brazil because you know their condition is a DISGRACE!!!!!

Poor Brazil. A man looking like OBama will NEVER be President, but might well be gunned down by those police militia goon squads.
Originally posted by Lucas:
I am tired of your dishonesty in discussions...
You don't have arguments you are just a bigoted guy

So where are all these upper middle class blacks in Brazil.

I understand your rage that you defend a society so racist that in 2012 they still are quite rare.
I would urge the Guyana gov't to give asylum and work permits to those Black Brazilians who are fleeing discrimination in their home land. Let them be re-assured that they will be treated just like any other Guyanese citizen.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
I would urge the Guyana gov't to give asylum and work permits to those Black Brazilians who are fleeing discrimination in their home land. Let them be re-assured that they will be treated just like any other Guyanese citizen.

So you want the black Brazilians to swap Brazilian discrimination for Guyanese discrimination? Is who tell you black people get treated worse than they are in Guyana? Lucas?
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
I would urge the Guyana gov't to give asylum and work permits to those Black Brazilians who are fleeing discrimination in their home land. Let them be re-assured that they will be treated just like any other Guyanese citizen.

So you want the black Brazilians to swap Brazilian discrimination for Guyanese discrimination? Is who tell you black people get treated worse than they are in Guyana? Lucas?
There you are....

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