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Former Member
"The APNU+AFC Coalition has reportedly finalized its list of candidates to be sworn in as Members of Parliament and a slew of fresh faces is dominating the list.
Among the new faces that have been put forward by APNU+AFC Leader David Granger for Parliament are Attorneys Roysdale Forde, Geeta Chandan, and Amanza Walton, Ganesh Mahipaul, Sherod Duncan, Devin Sears, Juretha Fernandes, Vincent Henry, and Ronald Cox.
GTU General Secretary Coretta McDonald and Viceroy Jordan are also among the new faces.
Former President David Granger will not be returning to Parliament although he is the Leader of the largest party in the coalition, the People’s National Congress.
The PNC’s Chairperson Volda Lawrence will also not be going to Parliament and the party’s General Secretary Amna Ally is also absent from the Parliamentary list. Former PNC Chairman Basil Williams and former PNC General Secretary Aubrey Norton are absent from the list too.
This will mark the first time in the history of the PNC that its top leadership will be absent from the National Assembly.
Recently co-opted Executive Member Joe Harmon along with former Ministers Nicolette Henry, Dawn Hastings-Williams Dr. Karen Cummings, Annette Ferguson, Raphael Trotman, Khemraj Ramjattan, David Patterson Hemraj Rajkumar and Cathy Hughes are on the list and will likely be frontbenchers on the Opposition side of Parliament."

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Athena, the walking encyclopaedia,  please come in and give Selassie I a clue as to who this character is.  I want to believe it's that short, big-head guy who ran around with Moses and wanted to challenge Raj Singh for a debate.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Athena, the walking encyclopaedia,  please come in and give Selassie I a clue as to who this character is.  I want to believe it's that short, big-head guy who ran around with Moses and wanted to challenge Raj Singh for a debate.

If PPP supporters are so smart, how come they can't analyse things for themselves ?  


James Bond mad as hell because Lawrence not on the list. He said it grossly disrespectful. He said it is time to rescue the PNC from inept, ineffectual and aloof leadership. Only a few weeks ago he was fighting to have that inept, ineffectual and aloof leadership lead Guyana.


What happened to Moses Nagamootoo?  This man fought hard for the coaliton's victory in 2015, and now it seems as if he has been ex-communicated from the party.  We all know that without his contribution the coalition could not have won in 2015.  This is a terrible injustice to the form PM who never rested fighting for Granger during the last five years.  

I call on AFC supporters to demand that Moses be given a place on the coalition's parliamentary team.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

If you look at the way Granger operates it is the direct opposite of Volda.  Put Granger in a room and you will see a quiet man sitting in a corner saying nothing but listening and observing carefully.  You will hardly notice him.  On the other hand, when Volda is angry she can barely control her physical self and her emotions. Direct opposites.


What happened to Moses Nagamootoo?  This man fought hard for the coaliton's victory in 2015, and now it seems as if he has been ex-communicated from the party.  We all know that without his contribution the coalition could not have won in 2015.  This is a terrible injustice to the form PM who never rested fighting for Granger during the last five years.  

I call on AFC supporters to demand that Moses be given a place on the coalition's parliamentary team.  

Moses writing free articles on the internet now against the government.  Pro bono according to him.

@Prashad posted:

Moses writing free articles on the internet now against the government.  Pro bono according to him.

He can access his old and outdated propaganda skills to attack the PPP government as pro-imperialist.  He is ineffective now.

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Prashad posted:

Moses writing free articles on the internet now against the government.  Pro bono according to him.

So the man wants us to know that he will not be charging for his own opinion? 

@Former Member posted:
"The APNU+AFC Coalition has reportedly finalized its list of candidates to be sworn in as Members of Parliament and a slew of fresh faces is dominating the list.
Among the new faces that have been put forward by APNU+AFC Leader David Granger for Parliament are Attorneys Roysdale Forde, Geeta Chandan, and Amanza Walton, Ganesh Mahipaul, Sherod Duncan, Devin Sears, Juretha Fernandes, Vincent Henry, and Ronald Cox.
GTU General Secretary Coretta McDonald and Viceroy Jordan are also among the new faces.
Former President David Granger will not be returning to Parliament although he is the Leader of the largest party in the coalition, the People’s National Congress.
The PNC’s Chairperson Volda Lawrence will also not be going to Parliament and the party’s General Secretary Amna Ally is also absent from the Parliamentary list. Former PNC Chairman Basil Williams and former PNC General Secretary Aubrey Norton are absent from the list too.
This will mark the first time in the history of the PNC that its top leadership will be absent from the National Assembly.
Recently co-opted Executive Member Joe Harmon along with former Ministers Nicolette Henry, Dawn Hastings-Williams Dr. Karen Cummings, Annette Ferguson, Raphael Trotman, Khemraj Ramjattan, David Patterson Hemraj Rajkumar and Cathy Hughes are on the list and will likely be frontbenchers on the Opposition side of Parliament."

Roysdale Forde, Ganesh Mahipaul, Sherod Duncan...are these Fresh Face?

What happen to Christopher Jones??

@Former Member posted:

PPP have to be well prepared for 2025. They would be going against the new underdogs of the APNU/AFC politicians Never to say never again.

To remove any doubt, GECOM should start now with the HTH registration. Also, I hope the PPP use the oil money wisely to fulfil their campaign promises to the ordinary voters, or they might be in opposition again.  

@Tola posted:

To remove any doubt, GECOM should start now with the HTH registration. Also, I hope the PPP use the oil money wisely to fulfil their campaign promises to the ordinary voters, or they might be in opposition again.  

All of it going to Amaila Hydro Project, it is the Cash Cow. Ministry of Housing-poor ppl get a break from bribes for houselots.

@Former Member posted:

PPP have to be well prepared for 2025. They would be going against the new underdogs of the APNU/AFC politicians Never to say never again.

The people will not elect APNU/AFC in 2025.  The PPP's achievements will be so great that the PNC will not be given a single thought.


The New Coalition MPs are not geniuses. Their true colors will show in the opposition benches. They will be obstructionists and will not be able to contribute towards the development of Guyana. The faces may change but the culture will remain the same.

@Former Member posted:

PPP have to be well prepared for 2025. They would be going against the new underdogs of the APNU/AFC politicians Never to say never again.

As long as any old faces and those who attempted this rig are around, PNC ain’t seeing power. 

@Tola posted:

To remove any doubt, GECOM should start now with the HTH registration. Also, I hope the PPP use the oil money wisely to fulfil their campaign promises to the ordinary voters, or they might be in opposition again.  

Parliamentary approval to withdraw the Oil money from the Bank ,their hand are tied from touching the dough.

@Django posted:

Parliamentary approval to withdraw the Oil money from the Bank ,their hand are tied from touching the dough.

They will get approval.  Money will flow.  Bright days are here. Guyana will do well under the PPP. 

@Former Member posted:

They will get approval.  Money will flow.  Bright days are here.

Guyana will do well under the PPP. 

They will have to declare where the money will be spent.

Don't know about the last sentence ,lot's of promises will be broken ,also all they doing trying to make the Coalition look bad with their past spending ,most are outright propaganda.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Look how Ulita Moore got paid 7.5M in June to reward her for filing that injunction in April.

The issue need to be followed to get the facts. Some folks thrives on propaganda.

@Django posted:

The issue need to be followed to get the facts. Some folks thrives on propaganda.

Bai, I already gave you the 511 on her company.

Remember how you said some time back that you can modify PDF? Exactly.

That said the issue is being addressed because it appears she hasn't even begun the work outlined in that LOA. Now look how much worse it would be if it was really June 2019 and she hadn't even begun the work outlined.


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