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PM says black people must accept blame for their lack of wealth

Prime Minister Gaston Browne (OBSERVER media photo)


Prime Minister & Finance Minister Gaston Browne has challenged black Antiguans and Barbudans to accept some responsibility for their failure in large part to control the commanding heights of the economy.

“The buying power in this country, 90 per cent of it or more comes from black people, but you know the problem that we have in this country. White people and red people, they don’t like to see black people make money, but the crux of the matter is black people do not love to see black people make money; that is the crux ­­of the problem,” Browne said.

Browne, a self-declared multi-millionaire who has encouraged his Cabinet colleagues to use their creativity to legitimately enrich themselves, said recognising the problem is the first step to fixing it.

“We can blame the Arabs all you want but if we don’t take some level of responsibility for our lack of participation or inaction to create wealth, then we will never be able to end this vicious cycle because it goes beyond government creating that enabling environment,” he said.

The prime minister said that while he accepted that many people in the upper class in the Caribbean have found wealth by aligning themselves with politicians, he said that is no longer the case and the ABLP administration has levelled the playing field by providing an enabling environment.

“We announced well in excess of a year ago that we will make land available, as a policy, at a development price of $3 per square foot. It is available to all Antiguan and Barbudan citizens. We have had some uptake but the truth is enough Antiguans have not availed themselves of that,” Browne said.

The prime minister expressed his stark disappointment with the lack of uptake in one project the government sought to incentivise for Antiguan & Barbudan women entrepreneurs.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

What this fool has to understand is that black people were forced to  work without compensation for hundress of years during slavery. Who earned the profits then. Where is  the capital today from those profits made during slavery. It is in competition against black people who's ancestors helped to create it. Black people today have to complete against centuries of advantage that was created in slavery by their ancestors for other people.



These various PMs are also quite corrupt and extend numerous benefits to assorted foreigners with concessions on land acquisition and tax and duty free waivers. In islands like Antigua rewards are given based on connections to the party.

Mr. Browne needs to discuss the massive corruption of V.C. Bird the founder of his party?  What did he do to encourage entrepreneurship among blacks?  This is a man who sold out Antigua to the mafia. 

As to this man being a multi millionaire.  Maybe he needs to educate the population about how they can follow his footsteps.  That is unless this leads to disclosures of party cronyism and corruption.

It is also my understanding that Antigua is one of the Caribbean islands with very high levels of home ownership. If they already own their homes why do they need more land?  Its not as if dry and rocky Antigua is a choice place to grow crops.

Last edited by Former Member

Nehru it is not a matter of when slavery ended but about the profits created during slavery and the result of the capital today created by those profits.  For example, I am now reading about the creation of Starbucks.  The present owner was able to buy the small Starbucks company (that consisted of six stores that sold packages of coffee and a coffee processing mill) for 6 million dollars that he was able to get access to.  How many blacks do you know today that can get their hands on 6 million dollars to invest in coffee. 

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Nehru it is not a matter of when slavery ended but about the profits created during slavery and the result of the capital today created by those profits.  For example, I am now reading about the creation of Starbucks.  The present owner was able to buy the small Starbucks company (that consisted of six stores that sold packages of coffee and a coffee processing mill) for 6 million dollars that he was able to get access to.  How many blacks do you know today that can get their hands on 6 million dollars to invest in coffee. 

How about that young-ish Jamaican guy who has turned GoldenKrust into a successful million dollar company?

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:

These various PMs are also quite corrupt and extend numerous benefits to assorted foreigners with concessions on land acquisition and tax and duty free waivers. In islands like Antigua rewards are given based on connections to the party.

Mr. Browne needs to discuss the massive corruption of V.C. Bird the founder of his party?  What did he do to encourage entrepreneurship among blacks?  This is a man who sold out Antigua to the mafia. 

As to this man being a multi millionaire.  Maybe he needs to educate the population about how they can follow his footsteps.  That is unless this leads to disclosures of party cronyism and corruption.

It is also my understanding that Antigua is one of the Caribbean islands with very high levels of home ownership. If they already own their homes why do they need more land?  Its not as if dry and rocky Antigua is a choice place to grow crops.

Looka rass hey, for years you screamed that the Indian man was the cause of Blacks being marginalized. Now Brown is saying it is the red and white man and he even went on to lay the blame at the feet of Blacks themselves.  Mouth open and story buss out. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

These various PMs are also quite corrupt and extend numerous benefits to assorted foreigners with concessions on land acquisition and tax and duty free waivers. In islands like Antigua rewards are given based on connections to the party.

Mr. Browne needs to discuss the massive corruption of V.C. Bird the founder of his party?  What did he do to encourage entrepreneurship among blacks?  This is a man who sold out Antigua to the mafia. 

As to this man being a multi millionaire.  Maybe he needs to educate the population about how they can follow his footsteps.  That is unless this leads to disclosures of party cronyism and corruption.

It is also my understanding that Antigua is one of the Caribbean islands with very high levels of home ownership. If they already own their homes why do they need more land?  Its not as if dry and rocky Antigua is a choice place to grow crops.

Looka rass hey, for years you screamed that the Indian man was the cause of Blacks being marginalized. Now Brown is saying it is the red and white man and he even went on to lay the blame at the feet of Blacks themselves.  Mouth open and story buss out. 

dummy indian people do not live in this inland 


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