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Justice Claudette Singh’s attitudinal metamorphosis

There have been several editorials, columns and letters in the newspapers the past five weeks that have not been endearing to Justice Claudette Singh, the GECOM chairperson. The fundamental reason for criticising her is because she unambiguously stated when accepting the chairperson’s tenure, she will follow the law.
It is the opinion of this writer that she has not and for this reason, she should be the focus of trenchant analysis (see my column, of Tuesday, August 27, 2019, headlined, “Justice Claudette Singh’s behaviour justifies harsh criticism.”
Since I wrote that piece, in my opinion, the GECOM chair has not made any policy move that would make citizens feel that she intends to follow the law. When Justice Singh declared the 1997 elections null and void, she was extremely brave in some of her pronouncement, apart from her main judgment that the production of special election ID cards was a violation of the constitution.
Justice Singh said she accepted that there were frauds committed in the 1977 general election. These included switching of numbers to favour one party over the other, disappearance of ballot boxes, collusion among election officials. These were harsh critiques that were part of her judgment. But to repeat – this judge ruled that the arrangement and conduct of the 1997 election were in violation of the constitution.
This same judge is now chairperson of GECOM, and in my opinion, there is what Forbes Burnham was fond of saying, an “attitudinal metamorphosis.” The very constitution that Madam Singh read to vitiate an entire national election, she seems oblivious to what it currently designates.
The Guyana constitution in Article 106(7), with pellucid use of words, outlines a situation that when a no-confidence motion (NCM) is passed, there must be election in three months. What about that article Madam Singh doesn’t understand? The CCJ ruled that since the NCM is valid, then election should be held three months after its ruling. This was in June. Election then should be this month. It is six weeks since she became the head of GECOM and she has made no pronouncement as to when GECOM will be ready to proceed with a general poll based on the very constitution that Madam Singh used as the basis for vitiating an entire election in Guyana.
One columnist quotes Justice Singh as referring to herself as the “Iron Lady.” Well, I am wondering if the “Iron Lady” has had an attitudinal metamorphosis and has opened herself to a new label, the Paper Lady.” Paper compared to iron is easily torn. One newspaper has taken the view that the Iron Lady is trying to seek compromise between the two opposing sides that make up the Commission.
That is not the role of GECOM chairperson. The essential task of such an office is to follow the constitution. The NCM was passed since December 2018. You cannot fault APNU+AFC for wanting to test the validity of the NCM in court. That was their right. It caused a delay in the holding of the general election, but I would argue that the APNU+AFC leaders were entitled to ask the court to rule on whether 34 votes were needed to pass the NCM.
To many, the 34 argument and the court case were egregious delaying stratagems. Such a position is wrong. The Appeal Court decided that 34 were needed to pass an NCM. How against that background can you dismiss the right of APNU+AFC to seek court intervention? We have gone way past that. Guyana’s final court ruled that on December 21, the NCM was properly put and properly voted on. This is where the Iron Lady comes in.
From the time she entered her office at GECOM, her one-dimensional task was to arrange for a general election. She did nothing of the sort. She ended house-to-house registration (HTH) and created a colossal contradiction. If the court ruled that HTH was legally proper, then in stopping it, she should have proceeded with the extant database and allowed for claims and objections.
But she stopped the HTH and still insisted that the inclusions in the HTH project be part of the database. I am afraid the Iron Lady missed the point. If HTH is legal then in stopping it, you may disenfranchise persons who have missed the HTH personnel. What happens to those persons? This is where the Iron Lady may open GECOM to court litigation.
My question is, “If GECOM were doing a legal process of registering citizens to vote, how and why can it be stopped?” The Iron Lady needs to study the very constitution that was her road map in the 1997 election.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of th

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sheer buggering and screwing.  Guyana has no decent and sustainable future under Blackman and Coolie.  

Let’s hope, for everyone’s sake, the Amerindians, Brazilians, Venezuelans, Putagee and Chinee for an alliance and take it over and run the show!  

Let the Blacks and Indians live under them.  There is no truth and trust on either side.  Lies and deceit is the order of the day thanks to the PPP and PNC!


If HTH is legal then in stopping it, you may disenfranchise persons who have missed the HTH personnel. What happens to those persons? This is where the Paper Lady may open GECOM to court litigation.

It is documented that mainly Black neighbourhoods were registered in the H2H.


Some folks rejoiced when shit was thrown in Freddie Kissoon face, now these same folks praising his view points, when it suits them.

What category these folks fits , can someone tell.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:

If HTH is legal then in stopping it, you may disenfranchise persons who have missed the HTH personnel. What happens to those persons? This is where the Paper Lady may open GECOM to court litigation.

It is documented that mainly Black neighbourhoods were registered in the H2H.

That is Jagdeo's fault for advising them not to partake. As I have said many times here, kick his ass out along with a few others and the PPP will be a better party for it. For the record, I do not like the PNC and their bullying ways but they are in now, why change when the PPP at the moment have nothing better to offer?

Last edited by cain
Nehru posted:

Ass Kisser and Batty washers are not capable of knowing FACTS from view point. They just not capable, they are mental slaves who are destined to serve Massa!!!

Dam fella, why put yourself down, leave that to me I can put you down any time of the day.

Django posted:

Some folks rejoiced when shit was thrown in Freddie Kissoon face, now these same folks praising his view points, when it suits them.

What category these folks fits , can someone tell.

Ass kissers and Batty washers

cain posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

She is not an impartial person. She is on the side of the government.

Does this mean if she did the opposite she is on the opposition's side?

Grow a brain and you will know facts from fiction and free yourself from mental slavery. Then again , are you capable of doing so. Filth Heads usually are not able to.

Prince posted:

The iron lady is Jagdeo pick. Look how yall degrading the woman now. Yall ain't got no shame.  

Banna, regardless of whose pick, she lacks integrity, honor and fairness and in my book any such person is WORST than NYC Raw Sewage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

The iron lady is Jagdeo pick. Look how yall degrading the woman now. Yall ain't got no shame.  

You defend de lady as if you ah de lady man now.

== lady man == haaa haaaa haaaaaaaa

Nat lady man .... nat at all --

Princess is defending she matty woman.

Demerara_Guy posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

The iron lady is Jagdeo pick. Look how yall degrading the woman now. Yall ain't got no shame.  

You defend de lady as if you ah de lady man now.

== lady man == haaa haaaa haaaaaaaa

Nat lady man .... nat at all --

Princess is defending she matty woman.

You want fuh tell me the lady has an alternative life style?

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

She is not an impartial person. She is on the side of the government.

Does this mean if she did the opposite she is on the opposition's side?

She is not supposed to be on anybody's side. She is supposed to uphold the constitution and push for free elections asap. March 21, has come and gone and the gov't. still sits there.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Maybe the lady frighten that dem burn down she house.

Then she should resign and try to restore her HONOR!!!!!~!

What honor? It is beginning to look like what she did in 1997 was also dishonorable.


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