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Former Member

Joe Biden denies sexually assaulting staff assistant Tara Reade

"I'm saying unequivocally: it never, never happened," he said of the allegations during a TV interview on Friday.

He asked for a search of the Senate archives for any record of a complaint Ms Reade allegedly filed at the time.

Ms Reade made a criminal complaint to police last month.

She said she was a victim of sexual assault without naming Mr Biden. The police complaint, she said, was filed "for safety reasons only" as the statute of limitations for her claim had expired.

Mr Biden is running against Republican incumbent President Donald Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by some 25 women.

The Democrat put out his statement before speaking on Morning Joe, a show on US cable channel MSNBC.

What are Reade's accusations?

She was working as a staff assistant to Mr Biden from 1992-93, when he was a senator for the US state of Delaware.

Ms Reade, now 56, says that in 1993 he forced her up against a wall in the halls of Congress, and put his hands under her shirt and skirt, penetrating her with a finger.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Funny these Liberals. Look how Kavanaugh was treated. And his was over 40 years ago and the accuser was not even sure was him. Yet he was dragged through the mud and even after confirmation, the Liberals still trying to unseat him. 

This woman’s mother called Larry King in 1993 and spoke of it without mentioning Biden.  It’s on record.

Biden is known to be hanky-panky.  But he is innocent until otherwise.  Kamla better watch out!

I think Biden will get mauled. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Funny these Liberals. Look how Kavanaugh was treated. And his was over 40 years ago and the accuser was not even sure was him. Yet he was dragged through the mud and even after confirmation, the Liberals still trying to unseat him. 

This woman’s mother called Larry King in 1993 and spoke of it without mentioning Biden.  It’s on record.

Biden is known to be hanky-panky.  But he is innocent until otherwise.  Kamla better watch out!

I think Biden will get mauled. 

This accusation is already falling apart. Now she says it was harrasment which apparently occurred sometime in mid nineties.  I got a feeling some ugly body needs to be in the limelight and it never fails that with each election someone will bring up some bullshit that meant nothing to them all these years then suddenly BAM.

In trump's case,  the idiot is heard on tape and he's been pointed out not once, not twice ...

@cain posted:

This accusation is already falling apart. Now she says it was harrasment which apparently occurred sometime in mid nineties.  I got a feeling some ugly body needs to be in the limelight and it never fails that with each election someone will bring up some bullshit that meant nothing to them all these years then suddenly BAM.

In trump's case,  the idiot is heard on tape and he's been pointed out not once, not twice ...

Don’t worry, opening salvo. I was chatting with pro-Trump bloggers last night.  More to come. My understanding, up to six revelations in the works. 

Seems Biden has β€œslick fingers.”

Its in the interest of Indo-Guyanese to see Trump re-elected. A victory for Biden is a victory for the Guyana’s Dark Force!

Ayuh coolies, tek yuh pik!

@Mars posted:

Why I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim against Biden: Ex-prosecutor

Nah, the Democrats spin machine crawling out of the woodwork.  Someone needs to explain the 1993 phone call to Larry King Live by her mother complaining about sexual harassment of her daughter working in Govt.  it’s on record. 

However, The man innocent until proven otherwise. Get the records of the University of Delaware.

If Cavanaugh can be hauled through the mud over an alleged high school incident, Biden is fully answerable for actions as a senator.

@Former Member posted:

Nah, the Democrats spin machine crawling out of the woodwork.  Someone needs to explain the 1993 phone call to Larry King Live by her mother complaining about sexual harassment of her daughter working in Govt.  it’s on record. 

However, The man innocent until proven otherwise. Get the records of the University of Delaware.

If Cavanaugh can be hauled through the mud over an alleged high school incident, Biden is fully answerable for actions as a senator.

First of all, it's an anonymous caller to Larry King's show. How do you know who's on the line based on a few seconds of a call? Then, the caller never mentions anything about sexual harassment. That's a lie being thrown around in Republican circles. If that's the most solid evidence they have on Biden, it's laughable. The lady's story keeps changing by the day.

This is a transcript of the call "I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him."  



As I said, he is innocent until proven otherwise. Let there be an investigation. Also, release the records of the Uni of Delaware.

There are other allegations to come. Dem Republicans just opening up the throttle lil. Warm up time. Timing is everything. They have dry powder to unleash at the right time.

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Now Republicans will rally around Trump because they will not believe Biden's denial.   The pot (Biden)  shouldn't call the kettle (Trump) black.

Trump was never accused by junior women who worked for him.  If any of those women who accused him wanted, they could have filed charges and he could not do them anything.

Both Clinton and Biden(accused) harassed/exploited junior female staff.

@Former Member posted:

Trump was never accused by junior women who worked for him.  If any of those women who accused him wanted, they could have filed charges and he could not do them anything.

Both Clinton and Biden(accused) harassed/exploited junior female staff.

Rape is rape regardless if the women worked for you or not. Trump supporters should be the last to accuse anyone else of sexual harassment. Besides the other thirty plus women, Trump is accused of raping a thirteen year old girl with his buddy Epstein. Makes one wonder how Epstein ended up dead in prison when the young lady was pushing her case. Dead men tell no tales. The far fetched story you’re now trying to pull on Biden is basically what Trump admitted to doing. He proudly bragged about sexually assaulting women. Grab them by the pu55y is his trademark move.

Last edited by Mars
@Mars posted:

Rape is rape regardless if the women worked for you or not. Trump supporters should be the last to accuse anyone else of sexual harassment. Besides the other thirty plus women, he is accused of raping a thirteen year old girl with his buddy Epstein. Makes one wonder how Epstein ended up dead in prison when the young lady was pushing her case. Dead men tell no tales. The far fetched story you’re now trying to pull on Biden is basically what Trump admitted to doing. He proudly bragged about sexually assaulting women. Grab them by the pu55y is his trademark move.

Listen banna.  It's never condoned.  What I said, they were all accusations, etc.  If the women who accused Trump wanted to, they were free to file a complaint anytime.  He had no power over them.  This is unlike your molester buddies Slick Willy and or Finger Joey (accused) both of which involved junior staff who worked for them!

@Former Member posted:

Listen banna.  It's never condoned.  What I said, they were all accusations, etc.  If the women who accused Trump wanted to, they were free to file a complaint anytime.  He had no power over them.  This is unlike your molester buddies Slick Willy and or Finger Joey (accused) both of which involved junior staff who worked for them!

What nonsense are you talking about? Tara Reade claimed that she filed a complaint. Except the people she claimed that she filed the complaint with said that it’s a total fabrication. Now she’s saying that her complaint was never about sexual harassment and she has no record of doing it. Her story keeps changing literally by the day. Up to two years ago she was praising Biden for his stance on women’s rights. Which woman who has been raped would go on social media and praise her accuser for being a staunch supporter of women’s rights? She is a Bernie supporter who thought that a story about Biden would guarantee a victory for Bernie but that boat has sailed and now she’s left with a story that makes no sense and which she’s changing as the days go by when her lies are exposed. Now Republican knuckleheads are desperately trying to formulate an accusation that has no facts to support it. Actually, to the contrary, all the facts point to a desperate attempt to oust Biden because of her love for Bernie and Putin. Contrast that to an accused serial rapist in Trump who has admitted to sexually assaulting women as his Modus Operandi. Even his ex wife accused him of being a rapist, someone who knows him intimately.

Last edited by Mars
@Former Member posted:

Don’t worry, opening salvo. I was chatting with pro-Trump bloggers last night.  More to come. My understanding, up to six revelations in the works. 

Seems Biden has β€œslick fingers.”

Its in the interest of Indo-Guyanese to see Trump re-elected. A victory for Biden is a victory for the Guyana’s Dark Force!

Ayuh coolies, tek yuh pik!

Oh man what a bunch of shit this BaseBleachBung spewing, banna you should use lysol wipes on your tongue to help clean that stuff, geez. So you feel trump should be voted in because it good for Guyanese coolies. Why you doan go tell dem rednecks that crap, I dare yo rass.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Oh man what a bunch of shit this BaseBleachBung spewing, banna you should use lysol wipes on your tongue to help clean that stuff, geez. So you feel trump should be voted in because it good for Guyanese coolies. Why you doan go tell dem rednecks that crap, I dare yo rass.

Weed head, cyar yuh rass.  Guyanese Indians have to be cognizant that that Democrat Black Caucuses are aligned with the Dark Forces in Guyana!


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