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Couple found dead in car at roadside… Man kills pregnant girlfriend, blows out right templePDFPrintE-mail

Written by Leroy Smith   

Friday, 10 May 2013 22:17

A COUPLE was found dead in a rented car on a lonely section of the road at Caledonia on the East Bank of Demerara just after 22:00hrs on Thursday.



The mother of the dead man recalls seeing his body in the parked car

Dead is Vijay Arjune, 23, also known as Kevin, of 4 Land of Canaan East Bank Demerara, and Parbattie Mangru, 19, also known as Priya of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara.

Police investigators are working on the theory that Arjune, a mechanic, might have poisoned or strangled the 19 year old before turning an unlicensed firearm on himself, shooting out his right temple.
This publication has been informed that the two were engaged to be married.

According to reports, the two had approached their parents and made known their intentions to get married. However, while both families agreed the two could not have gotten married, since the family of the man was awaiting the completion of a year-long religious observance which would have ended in June.


DEAD: Vijay Arjune and Parbattie Mangru

Speaking with the media yesterday morning, the dead man’s mother, Babita Parmasar, said that on Thursday afternoon she received a call from the mother of her son’s girlfriend who indicated to her that her son, Arjune, had returned from a visit to Suriname and he was on his way to her home.

When he had not arrived, his mother began calling his cell phone, but there was no answer.
Ms. Parmasar became worried when 21:45hrs came around and her son still had not turned up.

A young man told her that he had seen a car parked on the roadway at Caledonia, with the park lights on.
She called the girl’s parents and they went to where the car was, finding the doors locked.

They saw the couple inside the vehicle and thought they were asleep, but banged on the doors and the people inside did not move.
They then realized that the back window was broken and when one of the relatives used a torchlight to look inside the vehicle, they discovered that the young man’s head was bloodied, and the girl was frothing at the mouth.

The police were called in and the investigations into the deaths are ongoing.


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Originally Posted by Prince:
Couple found dead in car at roadside… Man kills pregnant girlfriend, blows out right templePDFPrintE-mail

Written by Leroy Smith   

Friday, 10 May 2013 22:17

A COUPLE was found dead in a rented car on a lonely section of the road at Caledonia on the East Bank of Demerara just after 22:00hrs on Thursday.



The mother of the dead man recalls seeing his body in the parked car

Dead is Vijay Arjune, 23, also known as Kevin, of 4 Land of Canaan East Bank Demerara, and Parbattie Mangru, 19, also known as Priya of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara.

Police investigators are working on the theory that Arjune, a mechanic, might have poisoned or strangled the 19 year old before turning an unlicensed firearm on himself, shooting out his right temple.
This publication has been informed that the two were engaged to be married.

According to reports, the two had approached their parents and made known their intentions to get married. However, while both families agreed the two could not have gotten married, since the family of the man was awaiting the completion of a year-long religious observance which would have ended in June.


DEAD: Vijay Arjune and Parbattie Mangru

Speaking with the media yesterday morning, the dead man’s mother, Babita Parmasar, said that on Thursday afternoon she received a call from the mother of her son’s girlfriend who indicated to her that her son, Arjune, had returned from a visit to Suriname and he was on his way to her home.

When he had not arrived, his mother began calling his cell phone, but there was no answer.
Ms. Parmasar became worried when 21:45hrs came around and her son still had not turned up.

A young man told her that he had seen a car parked on the roadway at Caledonia, with the park lights on.
She called the girl’s parents and they went to where the car was, finding the doors locked.

They saw the couple inside the vehicle and thought they were asleep, but banged on the doors and the people inside did not move.
They then realized that the back window was broken and when one of the relatives used a torchlight to look inside the vehicle, they discovered that the young man’s head was bloodied, and the girl was frothing at the mouth.

The police were called in and the investigations into the deaths are ongoing.


If he did not want to live all I can say is May God Bless his Soul.


Is it possible she was carrying another man's child or was the stigma of a child out of wedlock that severe? Seems strange that he would kill her then kill himself considering she was pregnant.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Is it possible she was carrying another man's child or was the stigma of a child out of wedlock that severe? Seems strange that he would kill her then kill himself considering she was pregnant.

Boy, shut up. The girl's mother said it is the magpie-like, shrill screeching of his shrew of a mom that broke their spirits. Theirs is a common exit strategy from nagging family among young indian kids.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Is it possible she was carrying another man's child or was the stigma of a child out of wedlock that severe? Seems strange that he would kill her then kill himself considering she was pregnant.

Boy, shut up. The girl's mother said it is the magpie-like, shrill screeching of his shrew of a mom that broke their spirits. Theirs is a common exit strategy from nagging family among young indian kids.

I don't see this young man killing his own expectant child. Remember he just returned from Suriname. When the cat is away the mouse will play. I notice your bias again as you too pains to highlight that they were "indian"

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Is it possible she was carrying another man's child or was the stigma of a child out of wedlock that severe? Seems strange that he would kill her then kill himself considering she was pregnant.

Boy, shut up. The girl's mother said it is the magpie-like, shrill screeching of his shrew of a mom that broke their spirits. Theirs is a common exit strategy from nagging family among young indian kids.

I don't see this young man killing his own expectant child. Remember he just returned from Suriname. When the cat is away the mouse will play. I notice your bias again as you too pains to highlight that they were "indian"


He is not being " racist" when he mentions "indian". It is a statistical truth that there is a high prevalence ( and most likely incidence) of suicides among indians,with one of the stressors being romantic"love". Its no less racist as it would be to say there is a high prevalence rate of sickle cell disease in persons of African decent.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Is it possible she was carrying another man's child or was the stigma of a child out of wedlock that severe? Seems strange that he would kill her then kill himself considering she was pregnant.

Boy, shut up. The girl's mother said it is the magpie-like, shrill screeching of his shrew of a mom that broke their spirits. Theirs is a common exit strategy from nagging family among young indian kids.

I don't see this young man killing his own expectant child. Remember he just returned from Suriname. When the cat is away the mouse will play. I notice your bias again as you too pains to highlight that they were "indian"


He is not being " racist" when he mentions "indian". It is a statistical truth that there is a high prevalence ( and most likely incidence) of suicides among indians,with one of the stressors being romantic"love". Its no less racist as it would be to say there is a high prevalence rate of sickle cell disease in persons of African decent.

Tell us from which study you got this "statistical truth".  Recently the Guyana newspaper have been reporting quite a few Afro murder suicide, yet this d2 character decided to trivialize this incident to an "Indian" trait. 

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Is it possible she was carrying another man's child or was the stigma of a child out of wedlock that severe? Seems strange that he would kill her then kill himself considering she was pregnant.

Boy, shut up. The girl's mother said it is the magpie-like, shrill screeching of his shrew of a mom that broke their spirits. Theirs is a common exit strategy from nagging family among young indian kids.

I don't see this young man killing his own expectant child. Remember he just returned from Suriname. When the cat is away the mouse will play. I notice your bias again as you too pains to highlight that they were "indian"


He is not being " racist" when he mentions "indian". It is a statistical truth that there is a high prevalence ( and most likely incidence) of suicides among indians,with one of the stressors being romantic"love". Its no less racist as it would be to say there is a high prevalence rate of sickle cell disease in persons of African decent.

Tell us from which study you got this "statistical truth".  Recently the Guyana newspaper have been reporting quite a few Afro murder suicide, yet this d2 character decided to trivialize this incident to an "Indian" trait. 

Originally Posted by cain:

Again druggie takes away the wrong answer. Banna, I tell you aready, do like Nehru, stop readin.

You hate me but yet you can't exist without my presence. Why do you feel compelled to respond to my every post? hahahaha I must be addictive. ahahahha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

Again druggie takes away the wrong answer. Banna, I tell you aready, do like Nehru, stop readin.

You hate me but yet you can't exist without my presence. Why do you feel compelled to respond to my every post? hahahaha I must be addictive. ahahahha

Cain is shrewd enough to be thankful he is spared the reality of your ugly visage. He has its compliment, your rotten lying mind. That alone sufficient assault on the senses.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

Again druggie takes away the wrong answer. Banna, I tell you aready, do like Nehru, stop readin.

You hate me but yet you can't exist without my presence. Why do you feel compelled to respond to my every post? hahahaha I must be addictive. ahahahha

Cain is shrewd enough to be thankful he is spared the reality of your ugly visage. He has its compliment, your rotten lying mind. That alone sufficient assault on the senses.

Let Caine speak for himself, he doesn't need a ghost writer. I must really be getting under your skin to warrant such vile from you. Give your mother a call and wish her a happy mother's day and forget about hatred for a while. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

Again druggie takes away the wrong answer. Banna, I tell you aready, do like Nehru, stop readin.

You hate me but yet you can't exist without my presence. Why do you feel compelled to respond to my every post? hahahaha I must be addictive. ahahahha

Cain is shrewd enough to be thankful he is spared the reality of your ugly visage. He has its compliment, your rotten lying mind. That alone sufficient assault on the senses.

Let Caine speak for himself, he doesn't need a ghost writer. I must really be getting under your skin to warrant such vile from you. Give your mother a call and wish her a happy mother's day and forget about hatred for a while. 

Sorry, you are in my sand box so I throw sand. You are as interesting and  as memorable as the last lamp post I drove by today.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

Again druggie takes away the wrong answer. Banna, I tell you aready, do like Nehru, stop readin.

You hate me but yet you can't exist without my presence. Why do you feel compelled to respond to my every post? hahahaha I must be addictive. ahahahha

Cain is shrewd enough to be thankful he is spared the reality of your ugly visage. He has its compliment, your rotten lying mind. That alone sufficient assault on the senses.

Let Caine speak for himself, he doesn't need a ghost writer. I must really be getting under your skin to warrant such vile from you. Give your mother a call and wish her a happy mother's day and forget about hatred for a while. 

Sorry, you are in my sand box so I throw sand. You are as interesting and  as memorable as the last lamp post I drove by today.

...woulda been nice if he was the one you hit.


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