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Former Member

From the Diaspora… OLD HABITS HARD TO DIE

By Ralph Seeram. August 3, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


It was like an excursion; busloads of PNC supporters travelling from poll station to poll station in Berbice to vote. There was much merriment; everybody was so happy committing election fraud. But who could object, the entire electoral process was controlled by the PNC. It was blatant for all to see that the election was being rigged.


I had suggested to some friends not to waste their time to go voting as they have already voted. Many persons approached me saying they were turned away at the voting booth because they had voted already. On the Corentyne, PPP supporters were desperately trying to ensure that their representatives accompanied the ballot boxes. We know that some were murdered by GDF soldiers in that process.


The ballot boxes were confiscated by the GDF, flown to the GDF headquarters, where after nearly a week, the results declared that the PNC had won the election.


Those election frauds in Berbice are a firsthand experience, not an account of what people said. I was there as a reporter back in the 70s. I knew the principal PNC players that engaged in electoral fraud back then. It’s not a period I like to relive.


Now do you know who was PNC point man in charge of the Berbice Region at the time? Oscar Clarke, the same Oscar Clarke who is in the middle of the allegations of electoral fraud at the PNC Congress last weekend.


Most of the older folks must have got over that sad period in Guyanese history. Certainly the young Guyanese who now comprise the majority of voters never experienced that and probably don’t care whether the PNC rigged elections, or how times were “hard” or how “suit case traders” and the “barrel” economy kept Guyana afloat back then.


I have said in these columns that the PPP cannot win elections by carping on the PNC past; it does not mean anything to the young voters of today; that was until this last weekend at the PNC Congress. It brought back vivid memories of the PNC dictatorship.


Just when I thought the PPP would be vulnerable at the next elections, when I think the PPP is at its weakest, the PNC handed it a great propaganda tool, and probably will ensure that the PPP wins the next election. The allegations that the PNC rigged its own internal elections are very creditable. This is coming from their most senior people like Carl Greenidge and the very people that were challengers to David Granger for the leadership of the PNC, Aubrey Norton and Sharma Soloman.


The fiasco of last weekend’s PNC Congress has been well publicized, but the party history of allegedly rigging it own election goes back to previous Congresses. There was a cloud over the previous one when Carl Greenidge and David Granger vied for the leadership of the PNC. After three recounts or so of a few hundred votes Granger was declared winner.


This last PNC congress had left the party badly wounded and probably reinforced into young voters’ minds that the PNC is a party that rigs election.


Young voters have heard of the PNC rigged elections “back in the day”. They heard of the difficult times lining up to get basic food items, as how they are lining up to see artistes at the Providence Stadium.


They only experienced the “good” times; they can go in stores and buy anything “foreign”. More of them own their own homes and cars etc. Now reports of the PNC rigging elections must have been recessed way back in their minds. After this last weekend many would now tend to believe that “the thing must be true, if they can do it to their own people to hold on to power, what would they do if they get in power again”.


After turning this over in their minds a few times I am sure they will come to the conclusion that they cannot take a chance on a party with a history of rigging elections.


All I am basically trying to say is that no single party in Guyana can get that magical 50% votes based on ethnic voting. They have to get cross over or some would say swing voters to win the election. Despite what some would say the PPP did achieve that; the party had to cross the racial divide to win elections. This recent episode at the PNC congress is not going to help the PNC attract these voters. In fact I am sure it will “turn them off” from the PNC.


Of course the PPP is going to “beat it to death” but the PPP should not flatter itself. It too indulged in a little skullduggery into steering who it wanted to be in the leadership at its Congress also.


And speaking of PPP, it was so laughable to hear the PNC blame the PPP for the fiasco at its congress. It is so lame. I am sure the PNC could have conjured up a better excuse. Blaming the PPP and at the same breath say Aubrey Norton and his Linden followers were well financed, is certainly implying that Norton and his Linden contingent were collaborating with the PPP to wreck the Congress.


They came in red shirts instead of Granger’s preferred color, green. Some branded him a traitor, so much for democracy PNC style.


If I were Norton I would have quit that party; there is no future for him there and he knows it. He has been sidelined from Parliament and is now being branded a traitor. If Norton is serious about helping his constituents he might as well align himself to a party that will assist him in that direction. It’s certainly not the PNC.


Norton for the most part was responsible for the PNC/APNU victory at the last elections. The PNC should not take the Linden voters for granted; it saw what happened at the 2006 elections when the AFC made inroads at Linden.


The PPP at the same time should not be gloating; it has been doing the same thing that is occurring in the PNC, pushing out the old stalwarts of the party for the “Johnnies come lately”. Besides, the PPP has quite a few “skeletons in its closet also”


Ralph Seeram can be reached at email: or on Facebook.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nice article.


I posted about Oscar helping Burnham with the rigging, in addition he is one of the most racist person I have met. He hates Indos with a passion.


Indos who want to merge with the PNC please take note. PNC is the same old rotten and racist PNC with it's old rigging ways. They will never change.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC will sell it's mothers and sisters to Oscar and Granger.

You're dead wrong, yuji.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is presently in Toronto and he assured me that the AFC will put up its own Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates next elections. In other words, the AFC has no plans to merge with APNU.

Now that I've informed you, show some honesty and don't spread lies.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC will sell it's mothers and sisters to Oscar and Granger.

You're dead wrong, yuji.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is presently in Toronto and he assured me that the AFC will put up its own Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates next elections. In other words, the AFC has no plans to merge with APNU.

Now that I've informed you, show some honesty and don't spread lies.


That is not what Executive Members Gerhard posted here. He supports a merger with the PNC. He posted it right here.


The AFC has no leader, Nigel is the AFC dictator at this time and will remain so until the AFC joins ROAR in the political graveyard. The AFC's right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.


Yes, the AFC will sell it's mothers and sister to Oscar and Granger. I always maintained that Granger was part of Burnham's rigging machinery. Skeletons like the racist rigger Oscar are showing up. I know how crooked Oscar is.


Birds of the same feathers flock together.

Last edited by Former Member

"It was like an excursion; busloads of PNC supporters travelling from poll station to poll station in Berbice to vote. There was much merriment; everybody was so happy committing election fraud. But who could object, the entire electoral process was controlled by the PNC. It was blatant for all to see that the election was being rigged.


I had suggested to some friends not to waste their time to go voting as they have already voted. Many persons approached me saying they were turned away at the voting booth because they had voted already. On the Corentyne, PPP supporters were desperately trying to ensure that their representatives accompanied the ballot boxes. We know that some were murdered by GDF soldiers in that process.


The ballot boxes were confiscated by the GDF, flown to the GDF headquarters, where after nearly a week, the results declared that the PNC had won the election.


Those election frauds in Berbice are a firsthand experience, not an account of what people said. I was there as a reporter back in the 70s. I knew the principal PNC players that engaged in electoral fraud back then. It’s not a period I like to relive.


Now do you know who was PNC point man in charge of the Berbice Region at the time? Oscar Clarke, the same Oscar Clarke who is in the middle of the allegations of electoral fraud at the PNC Congress last weekend."

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC will sell it's mothers and sisters to Oscar and Granger.

You're dead wrong, yuji.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is presently in Toronto and he assured me that the AFC will put up its own Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates next elections. In other words, the AFC has no plans to merge with APNU.

Now that I've informed you, show some honesty and don't spread lies.


That is not what Executive Members Gerhard posted here. He supports a merger with the PNC. He posted it right here.


The AFC has no leader, Nigel is the leader at this time and will remain so until the AFC joins ROAR in the political graveyard. The AFC's right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.


Yes, the AFC will sell it's mothers and sister to Oscar and Granger. I always maintained the Granger was part of Burnham's rigging machinery. Skeletons like the racist rigger Oscar are showing up. I know how crooked Oscar is.


Birds of the same feathers flock together.

If you insist on believing your own distortions and untruths, go ahead.

I repeat: The AFC will contest next elections on its own strength.

I'm bookmarking this thread to see who is right or wrong when the time comes.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC will sell it's mothers and sisters to Oscar and Granger.

You're dead wrong, yuji.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is presently in Toronto and he assured me that the AFC will put up its own Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates next elections. In other words, the AFC has no plans to merge with APNU.

Now that I've informed you, show some honesty and don't spread lies.


That is not what Executive Members Gerhard posted here. He supports a merger with the PNC. He posted it right here.


The AFC has no leader, Nigel is the leader at this time and will remain so until the AFC joins ROAR in the political graveyard. The AFC's right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.


Yes, the AFC will sell it's mothers and sister to Oscar and Granger. I always maintained the Granger was part of Burnham's rigging machinery. Skeletons like the racist rigger Oscar are showing up. I know how crooked Oscar is.


Birds of the same feathers flock together.

If you insist on believing your own distortions and untruths, go ahead.

I repeat: The AFC will contest next elections on its own strength.

I'm bookmarking this thread to see who is right or wrong when the time comes.


Executive Member Gerhard posted right here about a merger with the PNC. Either the AFC is lying or you are confused. Only recently, you were in favour of Granger leading a AFC/PNC merger.


What happened Gil ?


Please stop posting from both sides of your mouth.


I repeat: The AFC will contest next elections on its own strength.


This might be true. However, they will not stand alone after the elections. They will still join with the PNC. If Ramjattan is not the presidential candidate, the AFC will gain less votes than last election; they will be a weaker force.


Is Gerhard lying ?


Here are the exact words form EXECUTIVE MEMBER Gerhard:


"And so today, I feel the same way about the prospect of an APNU/AFC coalition."


Are you calling Gerhard a liar ?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I repeat: The AFC will contest next elections on its own strength.


This might be true. However, they will not stand alone after the elections. They will still join with the PNC. If Ramjattan is not the presidential candidate, the AFC will gain less votes than last election; they will be a weaker force.




Indos have to beware of the AFC. They will sell out their mothers and sisters to Granger and Oscar.


Gerhard said this right here a about two weeks ago:


"And so today, I feel the same way about the prospect of an APNU/AFC coalition."


All that the AFC will do is to get the Indo votes and hand it over to the PNC's Granger and Oscar.



I remember the racist Oscar carrying around busloads of PNC thugs around corentyne during the rigged elections. Now the man is helping Granger with rigging.


PNC is the same old PNC, the AFC is the stepchild of the PNC.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC will sell it's mothers and sisters to Oscar and Granger.

You're dead wrong, yuji.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is presently in Toronto and he assured me that the AFC will put up its own Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates next elections. In other words, the AFC has no plans to merge with APNU.

Now that I've informed you, show some honesty and don't spread lies.


That is not what Executive Members Gerhard posted here. He supports a merger with the PNC. He posted it right here.


The AFC has no leader, Nigel is the leader at this time and will remain so until the AFC joins ROAR in the political graveyard. The AFC's right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.


Yes, the AFC will sell it's mothers and sister to Oscar and Granger. I always maintained the Granger was part of Burnham's rigging machinery. Skeletons like the racist rigger Oscar are showing up. I know how crooked Oscar is.


Birds of the same feathers flock together.

If you insist on believing your own distortions and untruths, go ahead.

I repeat: The AFC will contest next elections on its own strength.

I'm bookmarking this thread to see who is right or wrong when the time comes.


Executive Member Gerhard posted right here about a merger with the PNC. Either the AFC is lying or you are confused. Only recently, you were in favour of Granger leading a AFC/PNC merger.


What happened Gil ?


yuji, I invite you to go back to my posts last Sunday and Monday.

I had said it was too early to make definitive pronouncements on what happened at Congress Place because "the fog of war" had not dissipated.

At the same time, I kept insisting that I am supporting the AFC.

Well, this is one week later. The "fog of war" has melted. I can see clearly now the whole picture.

I am telling you today that I, Gilbakka, believe the PNC hurt its reputation badly last week.

Further, I repeat: I am supporting the AFC and I will support the AFC's plans to contest next elections solo.

This does not mean that I will condemn the PNC outright. I don't believe the PNC is finished, as you people are gloating. The PNC suffered a big setback but it will rebound sooner or later.

I am a realist, not a dreamer. I look at phenomena dialectically and I don't underestimate political rivals or partners.

I trust you understand my position, as I understood yours when you switched from 100%PPP to "independent" and back to PPP. I never condemned you for that, frenno.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I repeat: The AFC will contest next elections on its own strength.


This might be true. However, they will not stand alone after the elections. They will still join with the PNC. If Ramjattan is not the presidential candidate, the AFC will gain less votes than last election; they will be a weaker force.

Skelly, Ramjattan told me that Moses Nagamootoo will be the AFC's presidential candidate and an Afro-Guyanese woman will be the prime ministerial candidate. The AFC will not merge with the PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is Gerhard lying ?


Here are the exact words form EXECUTIVE MEMBER Gerhard:


"And so today, I feel the same way about the prospect of an APNU/AFC coalition."


Are you calling Gerhard a liar ?

yuji, I didn't refer to Gerhard. I referred to Khemraj Ramjattan. I am accepting Ramjattan's word.


Gerhard can answer for his words.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nice article.


I posted about Oscar helping Burnham with the rigging, in addition he is one of the most racist person I have met. He hates Indos with a passion.


Indos who want to merge with the PNC please take note. PNC is the same old rotten and racist PNC with it's old rigging ways. They will never change.

Yes it is a nice article, but obviously you didn't get to the end. He is saying that the PPP is no better.


Here is the difference between the PPP and the PNC.  The PPP has a small PERMANENT cast of characters, assembled no doubt by the White Goddess generations ago.  PPP supporters automatically vote for the same cast year in year out. No new characters can contest.  This assembled cast then selects who will lead the PPP. ORDINARY PPP MEMBERS DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO.


So here is the difference.  The PNc "allows" its members to directly select leadership and it "allows" open competition for who these leaders are.  The PPP does NOT.  What went wrong with Corbin/Granger is that they attempt to coopt this process for their own purposes and it blew up in their faces.


If the PPP dwells too long on the PNC fiasco people will then ask about how the PPP does things.  The fact that the PPP refuses to host LGE will no longer be a surprise.  The PNC rigs elections in order to win.  The PPP refuses to host elections unless they know that they will win.  The PPP also refuses to work with parliament when Guyanese voters DEPRIVE them of control.  NEITHER are democratic.


The AFC might well get more votes next time, even though they have done little to deserve it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC will merge with the rotten and racist PNC. Beware.

That's  signal of it's imminent collapse and its rump remains will try their hand at something with the PNC as their attitude towards the PPP leaves them little option.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC will merge with the rotten and racist PNC. Beware.

That's  signal of it's imminent collapse and its rump remains will try their hand at something with the PNC as their attitude towards the PPP leaves them little option.

Base, yuji is a shameless liar. The AFC is not merging with PNC.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC will merge with the rotten and racist PNC. Beware.

That's  signal of it's imminent collapse and its rump remains will try their hand at something with the PNC as their attitude towards the PPP leaves them little option.

Base, yuji is a shameless liar. The AFC is not merging with PNC.

Yuji, I need to start vetting your posts.  Post facts like baseman always do.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is Gerhard lying ?


Here are the exact words form EXECUTIVE MEMBER Gerhard:


"And so today, I feel the same way about the prospect of an APNU/AFC coalition."


Are you calling Gerhard a liar ?




* I told you before--Gerhard Ramsaroop is an opportunist and carpetbagger like his father.


* Some DIRTY INDIANS would gift their wives to Granger in order to secure a senior position with the PNC.


* By the way, there is a faction of the AFC that desperately wants a PNC/AFC coalition---Trotman, Ramsaroop, etc belong to that faction.





Originally Posted by yuji22:




Indos have to beware of the AFC. They will sell out their mothers and sisters to Granger and Oscar.



I see still engaged in your usual racist paranoia.  Since 1991 the population of Region 6 has collapsed with a NET loss of over 40,000 people.


Apparently the coming of the PPP didn't assure them that life in Guyana would get better. 

Originally Posted by Rev:

* Some DIRTY INDIANS would gift their wives to Granger in order to secure a senior position with the PNC.






Oh the horror of an Indian woman with a black man.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh the horror of an Indian woman with a black man.


* There is absolutely nothing wrong with Indian women who have been in previous abusive relationships with Indian men getting involved with black men.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh the horror of an Indian woman with a black man.


* There is absolutely nothing wrong with Indian women who have been in previous abusive relationships with Indian men getting involved with black men.



Love your point here Rev since those some of my east indian women friends who survive abusive relationships with HINDU men told me the black men treat them like a queens.


Plus the sex is so much better - the Indian men are always flaccid if not drunk thus denying the woman the BIG O.


The mandigo man like it all style especially doggy.


Poor Nehru, cannot get yet!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh the horror of an Indian woman with a black man.


* There is absolutely nothing wrong with Indian women who have been in previous abusive relationships with Indian men getting involved with black men.



Love your point here Rev since those some of my east indian women friends who survive abusive relationships with HINDU men told me the black men treat them like a queens.


Plus the sex is so much better - the Indian men are always flaccid if not drunk thus denying the woman the BIG O.


The mandigo man like it all style especially doggy.


Poor Nehru, cannot get yet!

And now you want Nehru, cobra, conscience, rev, and yuji and all the others who hate blacks to come looking for you.  This is their fear, plus some of them are even tempted to taste that Mandingo themselves and hate themselves for having these deep rooted desires!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is Gerhard lying ?


Here are the exact words form EXECUTIVE MEMBER Gerhard:


"And so today, I feel the same way about the prospect of an APNU/AFC coalition."


Are you calling Gerhard a liar ?




* I told you before--Gerhard Ramsaroop is an opportunist and carpetbagger like his father.


* Some DIRTY INDIANS would gift their wives to Granger in order to secure a senior position with the PNC.


* By the way, there is a faction of the AFC that desperately wants a PNC/AFC coalition---Trotman, Ramsaroop, etc belong to that faction.








They will send their female members to APNU meetings to parade as dancers and all perform sorts of vulgarity.


Based on what Gil said, we can safely conclude that Gerhard was once again very dishonest when he made the statement about a PNC/AFC coalition on GNI.


The AFC consists of a bunch of losers and traitors. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing in the AFC.



Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh the horror of an Indian woman with a black man.

There are marriages and relationships with Indo-Guyanese females/males and Afro-Guyanese females/males for ages.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh the horror of an Indian woman with a black man.

There are marriages and relationships with Indo-Guyanese females/males and Afro-Guyanese females/males for ages.

And yes the howls from ardent PPP supporters "you daughter gun married to one black man", intended to be the most vile form of abuse that they could hurl.  Obviously thinking that this was an extreme form of dishonor that a family could experience.


When the next election is held and once again the vast majority of blacks refuse to vote PPP (at least 90%) remember why.


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