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Former Member


September 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


Who is vindictive and who is using information to divert attention from the real issues?
When the Bai Shan Lin issue came up, there were questions over the duty free concessions granted to that company. Sattaur declined to answer, instead, using the confidentiality clause argument which holds GRA to secrecy on taxpayers’ information.
The issue had also come up about his children working there.
To cover up, he went after Glenn Lall, personally, going after two Lexus’ that belonged to two remigrants who happened to be friends of Lall. Glenn Lall had nothing to do with that.
There was silence on the Lexus and Infiniti and other luxury rides granted to Bai Shan Lin.
Who is vindictive when information that should be held in confidence by GRA is leaked to newspapers? This has implications and raises serious questions about what else has been conveniently and maliciously leaked.
There is deafening silence also on questions raised on a Minister and her duty free concessions on a stretch limousine and other concessions that were granted under questionable circumstances to others.
Is this an attempt to stop us in our tracks?
The email between Sattaur, Jagdeo and Nandlall is a crystal clear plot to destroy Kaieteur News.
Kaieteur News is not in the business of creating smoke screens. We are very clear in our mandate in creating a better Guyana by playing our part to reduce corruption and getting value for taxpayers’ money.
It is very clear that the frequent court actions are but a desperate attempt to muzzle Kaieteur News and by extension the independent press in Guyana.
We vow to fight the attempts to shut us up or down and will continue our duties to the people of Guyana. We will not be terrorized.

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When the Bai Shan Lin issue came up, there were questions over the duty free concessions granted to that company. Sattaur declined to answer, instead, using the confidentiality clause argument which holds GRA to secrecy on taxpayers’ information.


Why was the tax information for Kaieteur News 'not being treated in confidence'?


I'm supporting Glenn Lall wholeheartedly in his heroic fight against PPP moves to shut down Kaieteur News.

Lots of Guyanese depend on KN for reliable information. KN's online edition got 102,030 hits yesterday. The printed edition is in great demand too.


I want (KN) to survive because I enjoy reading it as any other news print. (KN) keep the PPP in check when they're out of line. (KN) is part of Guyana free press. (KN) will remain an alternative source of information for Guyanese.


The majority of news (originated from KN) that we received on GNI Forums tells you something, before the PNC Engineer uses to be Chief Reporter for Guyana Chronicle, now everyone treats it like garbage.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm supporting Glenn Lall wholeheartedly in his heroic fight against PPP moves to shut down Kaieteur News.

Lots of Guyanese depend on KN for reliable information. KN's online edition got 102,030 hits yesterday. The printed edition is in great demand too.




You need to be reminded that Lall was charged for alleged tax evasion. Please do not cloud the issues.


Tax evasion is a crime.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm supporting Glenn Lall wholeheartedly in his heroic fight against PPP moves to shut down Kaieteur News.

Lots of Guyanese depend on KN for reliable information. KN's online edition got 102,030 hits yesterday. The printed edition is in great demand too.




You need to be reminded that Lall was charged for alleged tax evasion. Please do not cloud the issues.


Tax evasion is a crime.

Tax evasion is a crime indeed. And Lall should answer for that.

But, you need to be reminded that Bharrat Jagdeo's fingerprint and Anil Nandalall's footprint are stamped on Khurshid Sattaur's selective targetting of Glenn Lall.

The real motive is not tax collection but political vendetta.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm supporting Glenn Lall wholeheartedly in his heroic fight against PPP moves to shut down Kaieteur News.

Lots of Guyanese depend on KN for reliable information. KN's online edition got 102,030 hits yesterday. The printed edition is in great demand too.




You need to be reminded that Lall was charged for alleged tax evasion. Please do not cloud the issues.


Tax evasion is a crime.

Tax evasion is a crime indeed. And Lall should answer for that.

But, you need to be reminded that Bharrat Jagdeo's fingerprint and Anil Nandalall's footprint are stamped on Khurshid Sattaur's selective targetting of Glenn Lall.

The real motive is not tax collection but political vendetta.


As they say, we need hard evidence. To date all the laughing stock lawyers have proven zero.


Please try again.


Lall must be jailed if found guilty, no sympathy for tax evaders. No one is above the law. Al Capone was busted for Tax Evasion.


Sat is on the right track here.

Last edited by Former Member

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