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The Cabal in the New PPP Has Hijacked Apaan Jhat

Sonny Evans – December 18, 2012

Often, as many people have viewed it, apaan jhat represents a concept of togetherness with one'skin. On its face, that not only seems acceptable, but very desirable. This is particularly true because we Guyanese define "family", "my mother", "my father", "my auntie", "my uncle", "my sister", "my brother", "my daughter", "my son", etc., in ways that often do not relate only genetic realities, but also to emotional connections and importance. We say, "she's a mother to me", we show respect to our unrelated elders by calling them "auntie" and "uncle". In short, although the term apaan jhat has a specific ethnic origins, the good behaviours and attitudes that spring from apaan jhat are mirrored by, and transcend, racial and socioeconomic lines in ways we Guyanese find completely normal ... and strongly desirable.

Before 1992, when the PPP came to power, there were several sensible reasons for Guyanese of Indian descent to feel put upon. Since 1992, there have been several reasons, also sensible, for other Guyanese to feel put upon. In both cases, these feelings rest primarily on the basis of race. Now, however, after twenty years in power, we still often see the slithering cabal in the new PPP referring explicitly and implicitly to apaan jhat. They do it for obvious political purposes, i.e., to suggest that only a government controlled by Guyanese of Indian descent will best advance the interests of Guyanese of Indian descent. They don't even try to suggest that any good government should advance the interests of all citizens, not those of any specific group at the expense of others.


The daily facts show the brutal cynicism of this approach. Readers of Stabroek News, Kaieteur  News, Demerara Waves, Capitol News, and even Guyana Times will rapidly form one stark conclusion: it is not APNU or PNC political propaganda that every day a tragically and rapidly ballooning mass of Guyanese of Indian descent are being murdered, raped, mutilated, kidnapped,hijacked, pirated, trafficked, and extorted by other Guyanese of Indian descent – typically those sheltered by the very people in political power saying that apaan jhat will protect. We all know that this is mainly so the members of the cabal in the new PPP can do one thing: steal even more money from hardworking Guyanese up and down the economic ladder. In short, the cabal in thenew PPP is exploiting the concept of apaan jhat to destroy Guyanese, of all races, who are relatively powerless and poor. Yet another cruel irony for poor Guyanese to endure. When and how will this disgusting behaviour stop?

If it is indeed true that President Ramotar is fighting Bharrat Jagdeo and his acolytes to reassertthe morality of the traditional PPP, the powerful instinct to represent poor Guyanese in their fight for improvement, may he and his supporters be reminded that the members of the new PPP and its cabal, all vulgar, are not citizens of Guyana, they are only inhabitants here. These cowards and rapists in the cabal in the new PPP should be ashamed to call themselves men, and they are definitely not productive enough to be called women. Yes, President Cheddi and all traditionalPPP supporters must indeed be hanging their heads in shame, as the brave and principled actions of Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Mr. Ralph Ramkarran amply demonstrate!

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Originally Posted by JoKer:


Before 1992, when the PPP came to power, there were several sensible reasons for Guyanese of Indian descent to feel put upon. Since 1992, there have been several reasons, also sensible, for other Guyanese to feel put upon. In both cases, these feelings rest primarily on the basis of race. Now, however, after twenty years in power, we still often see the slithering cabal in the new PPP referring explicitly and implicitly to apaan jhat. They do it for obvious political purposes, i.e., to suggest that only a government controlled by Guyanese of Indian descent will best advance the interests of Guyanese of Indian descent. They don't even try to suggest that any good government should advance the interests of all citizens, not those of any specific group at the expense of others.

The banna might be correct, but who the hell trust what the PNC says especially after their racist 2011 Campaign conducted by the old-guard military cadres promising infinite rule should they regain power.  Which Indian would trust them when their nomination day chant was "enough of the coolies" and black telling Indians "we guh feed alyuh to the dogs".


TK and others themselves know that they could not enter black neighborhoods without their AFC banner on their chest.  They also know, they could not criticize the PNC in Afro neighbors or they get bottles and bricks thrown as them, and maybe even get a good dousing of Kero.


Until Indians have the guarantee that they could switch sides and their wishes respected, the PNC could talk Indian rights till hell freezes over. Any PNC Govt can only come at the ballot and the people have to feel the trust, not reading lofty promises.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The banna might be correct, but who the hell trust what the PNC says especially after their racist 2011 Campaign conducted by the old-guard military cadres promising infinite rule should they regain power.  Which Indian would trust them when their nomination day chant was "enough of the coolies" and black telling Indians "we guh feed alyuh to the dogs".


TK and others themselves know that they could not enter black neighborhoods without their AFC banner on their chest.  They also know, they could not criticize the PNC in Afro neighbors or they get bottles and bricks thrown as them, and maybe even get a good dousing of Kero.


Until Indians have the guarantee that they could switch sides and their wishes respected, the PNC could talk Indian rights till hell freezes over. Any PNC Govt can only come at the ballot and the people have to feel the trust, not reading lofty promises.

big man supping pun lies and 'reasoning' like a pouting adolescent 


but everything has its purpose in service to the "greater whatever" . . . nah suh bai?


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