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Fused Response 2012 accomplished its objectives - Charge d’ Affaires, US Embassy


Georgetown, GINA, March 9, 2012

Source - GINA


Members of the United States military take a photo opportunity with Prime Minister Samuel Hinds at a reception held at Duke Lodge, Kingston to mark the culmination of Fused Response 2012


The Guyana Defence Force (GDF), the United States (US) Military and agents from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), today concluded ‘Fused Response 2012’, an exercise that was aimed at improving both countries’ capabilities to plan and conduct joint operations while simultaneously allowing for closer military and civilian relationships to be forged.

This programme is held annually as the US forces visit varying countries to boost their military capacity to respond to organised crime amongst other relations.


Charge d’ Affaires, US Embassy, Thomas Pierce speaking at a reception this evening at Duke Lodge to mark the culmination of the joint military exercise said, “It has been an intense and arduous but a very valuable and constructive nine days of training exercises and sharing of our skills. Our military and civilian leaders were able to work together closely in planning and carrying out this exercise…we all benefitted from each other’s experience…we also strengthened the existing friendships and established new relationships.”

Pierce said that exercise Fused Response demonstrated the strong security partnership between the US and Guyana as it reflected a broad and continuing US commitment to have peaceful military and civilian engagement to promote peace and prosperity in the Americas.


Members of the United States military and Federal Bureau of Investigation interacting with their local counterparts at a reception held at Duke Lodge, Kingston to mark the culmination of Fused Response 2012


“The exercise succeeded in fulfilling its objectives and it improved both countries’ capabilities to plan and conduct joint operations…it has also allowed us to forge closer civilian and military relationships on a number of fronts,” he said.

The diplomat added that Fused Response helps to improve the overall operability of the US and Guyanese military forces, as it enhances law enforcement operations through FBI conducted training, as such military and law enforcement authorities are now better able to respond to crisis and confront common threats such as organised crime and illicit trafficking, also in providing assistance in natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds delivering remarks to Fused Response 2012 participants at a reception held at Duke Lodge, Kingston


“We have a strong history with strong partnerships that includes joint exercises, training, information sharing, education and humanitarian and medical assistance…these joint operations provide that valuable training, services and infrastructure while providing practical experience with our partners and allies, so that individually and collectively we can better protect our citizenry and enhance regional security,” Pierce said.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, performing the duties of the President, extended gratitude on behalf of His Excellency Donald Ramotar and the government for the opportunity which was given to better equip Guyana’s military and law enforcement arm in conducting operations against organised crime.

“With this we can improve our struggle against people who are bent on criminal activities…in the struggle against criminals and terrorists, a joint effort is needed as criminals bond together for mischief,” the Prime Minster said.


From left: Fire Chief Marlon Gentle, Acting Commissioner of Police Leroy Brummel, Charge d’ Affaires, US Embassy; Thomas Pierce, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Commodore Gary Best and Colonel John Poast of Special Operations, South Command


In today’s changing world, criminals and their activities do not respect borders as such governments similarly need to work together to wage a success war against criminals and terrorists, he added.

This evening’s reception also saw Colonel John Poast of the Special Operations South Command  presenting a token of appreciation to Prime Minister Hinds and Charge d’ Affaires Pierce, whilst Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Commodore Gary Best presented a token of appreciation to Colonel Poast.

Approximately 125 Guyanese military personnel (including from the Guyana Police Force and other joint services bodies) and 350 from the US forces participated in the training exercise which ran from March 1-9.

In preparation for this exercise, construction teams from the US were in the country over the past two months working with the GDF to refurbish several facilities where the training took  place including: rifle range and three barracks at Base Camp Stephenson, Timehri. A floating dock was also built.

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