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Where is the commitment to bring an end to runaway squandermania in Government?

February 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The egregious corruption, cronyism, nepotism and social injustice under President Ramotar’s rule provided rich fodder for sound critiques. Yet, we held our pens, since we found it most difficult and uncomfortable to write anything negative about Mr. Ramotar; after all he is the President of our homeland.  We have always chosen to speak of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal instead.
But we can no longer hold our pens when the holder of the highest office in the land clearly does not even respect himself? His most recent statement in Miami on the Marriott Hotel issue proves that he lacks the ability and vision to lead this nation.
President Donald Ramotar’s clumsy statements on the mistreatment of Guyanese workers at the Marriott Hotel Project were most disrespectful to the Office of the President and to the people of Guyana.
His Excellency the President was caught in Miami saying “….I think it’s more like the opposition looking for an issue to try to make a fight, because a lot of Guyanese are being employed …..”  What is wrong with this man? Is he for real? His comment clearly shows that he does not fully understand the severe impact the Marriott Hotel issue has on the workers and the people of Guyana. Again, we repeat, is the president for real? You be the judge!
Does this sound like the President of a country who is in tune with reality and with the human development issues of Guyana?  Or does this sound like the voice of a creature of propaganda that represents the private economic interest of the Jagdeo cabal who are on a mission to privately own Guyana by using the taxpayer’s money to enrich themselves?
Mr. Editor, public consumption of Kaieteur News does not allow us to use certain words to describe this covetous, scampish, greedy, corrupt, heartless, uncaring and anti-working class cabal. It boggles our minds to know that such contemptuous, deceitful and barefaced quacks exist on earth and moreso, in Guyana.
Any student of politics will tell you that the role of the President is one of managing the public affairs of all the people in Guyana, irrespective of their race, ethnicity or political persuasion and not some of the people or friends and supporters of the PPP. The President is that singular person who is primarily responsible for carrying out the best strategic plans and policies that will lead to the robust development of the country and thus improve the lives of the poor and the working class. The Presidency is not about being the “shut tail boy” who answers to any group of economic gangsters or to the Jagdeoites.
When His Excellency was on the campaign trail, many of us knew he was not yet ready intellectually, experience-wise and politically for such huge responsibility because of his lack of experience and poor communication skills, but we were forever hopeful that he would have used his first year in office to embark on a very steep learning curve to bring Guyana back to the centre of prosperity. His failure to reduce crime and corruption, lower VAT, create jobs, especially for the youths, improve the economy, and end the power outages to name a few, speak to his weak leadership and poor management of the economy and the country. We believe that if this trend continues, Mr. Ramotar would end up becoming the worst president of Guyana.
Thus after more than a year, we are still stunned that he continues to choose the Jagdeo odious path rather than the Jagan considerate and moral path! March is coming again and these hypocrites will all run up to Babu John to preach on the virtues of Cheddi Jagan, but let it be known that these people are just wolves in sheep’s clothing, who continue to ignore Cde Cheddi’s message and philosophy in true Judas style.  What they are doing today is even worst that what Minister Gopaul did a few years ago when he burned Cheddi Jagan’s effigy in the streets. Where is the lean and clean Government?  Where is the attack on the economic divide between the rich and the poor?  Where are the plans to develop the country and help the poor and the working class? Where are the policies to end crime and corruption? Where is the commitment to bring an end to runaway squandermania in Government?  Where are the checks and balances on the Cadillac lifestyle in this donkey cart economy?  Where are the jobs for the people?
Under his Excellency’s tenure to date, members of the club of economic gangsters are charging the taxpayers six times the real value for medical supplies and it is no big thing for the President. Under his watch, members of the club of economic gangsters can by-pass the people’s representative in Parliament and sign a contract worth G$12 billion with the Chinese company, Shanghai Construction Group to build the Marriott Hotel with foreign labour only and it is no big thing for the Minister of Labour.
The Chinese have refused to employ Guyanese workers to build the Marriott Hotel and the GPL sub-station and it is no big thing for the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal. The Chinese have been given a licence to operate a TV station in Guyana but the people of Linden have to wait indefinitely for a TV licence and it is no big thing for the cabal.
But to add salt to injury, His Excellency the President Donald Ramotar is kosher with using taxpayers’ money to pay foreign Chinese workers in an atmosphere where the estimated local unemployment rate is 18%.   The Head of State said “….part of the Contract we had a discount to allow the Chinese to come in…”
The Head of Government went on to say “Many local employers are now asking us to allow them to bring in some labour….” Who in their right mind would give a Chinese company a contract to work in Guyana and allow them to discriminate against Guyanese workers; only the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal? It is clear to us from the evidence provided that this regime is selling out Guyana to foreigners and for Ms. Gail Teixiera to say that the Marriott Hotel issue is “stink of racism” shows some form of cerebral degeneration.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

His Excellency the President was caught in Miami saying “….I think it’s more like the opposition looking for an issue to try to make a fight, because a lot of Guyanese are being employed …..”  What is wrong with this man? Is he for real? His comment clearly shows that he does not fully understand the severe impact the Marriott Hotel issue has on the workers and the people of Guyana.


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