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Opposition PPP Leader Jagdeo flanked by his party executive members

Top representatives of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the government are to meet with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to determine its readiness for general elections, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said Wednesday.

About two and a half hours after meeting with President David Granger, Jagdeo said Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and government Chief Whip Amna Ally are due to meet possibly on Thursday before meeting with GECOM to “determine its readiness”. Ally, who is also General Secretary of the People’s National Congress Reform, and Teixeira were also part of the Jagdeo-Granger meeting.

“Elections have to be held this year. The constitution says that,” said Jagdeo, ahead of a joint communiqué.

Granger earlier Wednesday said elections would be held when GECOM is prepared.

Jagdeo declined to infer whether government has conceded that Guyanese would have to go back to the polls this year following last November’s local government elections . “I don’t want to be accused of breaching the spirit of the talks” he said while noting that it was President Granger who placed the operational readiness of GECOM on the agenda.

Jagdeo said among the issues that the PPP would be interested in is the time frame for nomination day which could be in February if elections are to be held by March 21, the end of the 90-day period following the National Assembly’s passage of the no-confidence motion on December 21. He cited other issues as the printing of ballots and the generating of a voters’ list. The Opposition Leader noted that the current list of registrants is valid until April 30, 2019.

GECOM Chairman James Patterson remains on medical leave, and Jagdeo said the possibility of appointing a temporary chair was not discussed.

Insisting that the National Assembly should reconvene only for elections-related matters, Jagdeo said it was possible the lawmaking body could reconvene to provide funds to GECOM or extend the life of the House by a couple of weeks. He noted that GYD$3 billion has been set aside for house-to-house registration this year but which could now be used for something else.

Jagdeo said the President committed to asking his party faithful to “tone down” their rhetoric and he committed to doing likewise. “Toning down means toning down on both sides” Jagdeo said.

Meanwhile, Jagdeo said his 35-member PPP Central Committee would Thursday hear presentations from the five presidential hopefuls and if there is no consensus it would be taken to a secret ballot. The quintet is made up of Anil Nandlall, Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali, Vindhya Persaud and Gail Texeira.

Jagdeo said the Central Committee would decide whether to enter the elections with an ‘A Team’ made up of the presidential candidate, prime ministerial candidate and someone else. He is said to highly favour Ali, while the Central Committee old guard has picked Anthony ahead of Nandlall.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

DJ should read this. 

I originally stated that Jagdeo made an excellent move to sit down with Granger. 

Moses was just spinning his wheels. Granger shoved him aside.

This is good for the stability of Guyana. I would not be one bit surprised to see a government of national unity when the PPP wins the upcoming election. 

Jadgeo hinted at that after the government fell. Guyana needs to become an all inclusive nation.

Enough of this Tit for Tat !

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Time to replace the GECOM chairman and fix a date for elections.  


Because he is younger than you.

O rass, is Mitwah older than a dinosaur 🦖?

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Time to replace the GECOM chairman and fix a date for elections.  


Because he is younger than you.

O rass, is Mitwah older than a dinosaur 🦖?

Three years of coalition rule gave him progeria.

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

DJ should read this. 

I originally stated that Jagdeo made an excellent move to sit down with Granger. 

Moses was just spinning his wheels. Granger shoved him aside.

This is good for the stability of Guyana. I would not be one bit surprised to see a government of national unity when the PPP wins the upcoming election. 

Jadgeo hinted at that after the government fell. Guyana needs to become an all inclusive nation.

Enough of this Tit for Tat !

Read most of what is said since yesterday, hope you understand what Prezi Granger said. Naga still in the game. PPP winning is still left to be seen,nothing wrong with hoping.

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Gail to meet with Amna.

It's going to be belly to belly

Tit to tit.

Oh baby! neither likes to quit.

It will be interesting but I believe that Jagdeo is Playing his cards correctly once again. The PPP might hive Amna some soup 🥣 assurances. 

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin the Ramgoat posted:
yuji22 the Darpok posted:
Bibi Haniffa the Delusionist posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Time to replace the GECOM chairman and fix a date for elections.  


Because he is younger than you.

O rass, is Mitwah older than a dinosaur 🦖?

Three years of coalition rule gave him progeria.

hey, hey, hey  you 3 eccentric nincompoops, Maggie Kuhn said that Old age is not a disease; it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappaointments, trials and illnesses. 


yuji22 posted:

 I would not be one bit surprised to see a government of national unity when the PPP wins the upcoming election. 


Granger isnt going to subordinate himself to idiots like Anil or Irfaan.  I suggest as you all plan to "win" that you chose a presidential candidate who can actually govern based on being able to work in an inclusive manner.

Neither Anil or Irfaan can do so. Also if the PPP wishes a national unity gov't they have to select as a candidate a man/woman who can actual appeal to people outside of its national base. Anil cannot nor can Irfaan. Anthony can. I dont know Vindhya so I cannot comment.

The PPP needs to understand that winning 51% of the vote isnt a mandate.  It means that they have to listen to the 49&.  Yuji you do NOT listen!

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Gail to meet with Amna.

It's going to be belly to belly

Tit to tit.

Oh baby! neither likes to quit.

It will be interesting but I believe that Jagdeo is Playing his cards correctly once again. The PPP might hive Amna some soup 🥣 assurances. 

You were screaming that tit for tat should stop.

Just to show that you are a hypocrite and really demand compliance to a dictatorship you post nonsense about soup. 

Amna isnt drinking any soup because she has suffered decades of abuse from Indians for working with a "black man" party.  That is unless you all plan to offer a bribe, which we know is how the PPP thinks.

yuji22 posted:

No indo is good for you so you can haul you racist ass. 

There you go. Not willing to outreach beyond your Indian plantation.

So how do you plan to work with blacks.  Here you go screaming because I tell you that the PPP needs to listen to the 49% if they do win.

Do you think that the PPP should decide what the 49% should accept and that this group should just accept this with no input from them?

You think they want to become slaves, to go back to the slow holocaust of the 23 years.  Better believe not.

Unless you wish the kwekwe drums to start up again I suggest that you cease your attitude of Indo domination.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

No one wants to listen you your racist Shyte here day in and day out. 

You mean YOU do not.   But then maybe you want someone like Rickford Burke on your tail. He is much more radical than I am, talking about Jamaican Maroons!

Mitwah posted:

Maggie Kuhn said that Old age is not a disease; it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappaointments, trials and illnesses. 


Thanks Mits. I just checked that old kuhny out. She didn't want to retire at age 65 and make room for younger folks in the job market. She founded an activist group called Grey Panthers with like-minded kuhnys to fight against ageism and for nursing home reform. 


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