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Too much waste of state resources. There is no need for such perks to ordinary folks like Mahipaul. While Mahipaul may have been given only 72 hours now, the voters gave him notice since March so he had more than enough time make alternative arrangements. Plus he shouldn't complain now as it seems he was prepared to live there for the next five years against the voters' wishes if his Coalition was able to fraudulently stay in government.

@Former Member posted:

Too much waste of state resources. There is no need for such perks to ordinary folks like Mahipaul. While Mahipaul may have been given only 72 hours now, the voters gave him notice since March so he had more than enough time make alternative arrangements. Plus he shouldn't complain now as it seems he was prepared to live there for the next five years against the voters' wishes if his Coalition was able to fraudulently stay in government.

That's right. Mahipaul should have done what Nagamootoo did and vacate decently. 5 months after PNC knew it already lost the elections and decided on SKULDUGGERY. Moses has smarts and prepared his exit strategy well.

@Prashad posted:

Do not go down that road. Read what I wrote in the past about renting.

I am not going down that road. That road was there all along. I don't give a rat's ass what you wrote.  You are a fake. You don't know what took place there and the circumstances of how Burnham acquire the Belfield house. So shut your damn mouth. They never rent that house. They frikken stole it.

@Django posted:

What's the Law to vacate ?

That applies to ordinary citizens. Where public office holders are concerned it's traditional to vacate voluntarily when regime changes occur. Moses is a lawyer, he knows what the law stipulates but he decided to do the right thing. For that alone Moses has restored my respect for him and I wish him well.

@Former Member posted:

That applies to ordinary citizens. Where public office holders are concerned it's traditional to vacate voluntarily when regime changes occur. Moses is a lawyer, he knows what the law stipulates but he decided to do the right thing. For that alone Moses has restored my respect for him and I wish him well.

Now you are getting paranoid. He had no choice but to leave. Mark Phillips would have walked him if he didn't.

@Former Member posted:

Moses probably would have done the right thing all along if he didn’t get influenced by the PNC. Remember the night of the NCM he acknowledged what the Coalition needs to do next about early elections but only changed his position afterwards.

 I wish him and his family well also.

I do hereby banish Moses Kakamootoo to the USA to reunite with his family for the rest of his life.

@Former Member posted:

That applies to ordinary citizens. Where public office holders are concerned it's traditional to vacate voluntarily when regime changes occur. Moses is a lawyer, he knows what the law stipulates but he decided to do the right thing. For that alone Moses has restored my respect for him and I wish him well.

The LAW states 1 month not 72 hours. Sugar coatinget doesn't help.

@Django posted:

The LAW states 1 month not 72 hours. Sugar coatinget doesn't help.

He was supposed to be out since one month after 2nd March. There is no such thing about a law says one month.  The government don't have to serve notice to vacate state property after service is terminated.

 Further more , he was squatting for over one and a half years now, no sympathy for him. Next he gun want the house for free for squatting.


@Former Member posted:

Moses Nagamootoo knows the Law. He didn't take 1 month. Should Granger occupy State House until September 2nd? I am sure he will vacate beforehand. In 2015 Donald Ramotar didn't stay in State House up to June 11th. He vacated beforehand.

Why are you old Jaganites so weak and meek?  What he did, or tolerated done to his supporters, all for personal gain and what he did to Guyana for five months is unforgivable. He scrunt gave up after all was lost and he had no other choice.  I don’t view this act as anything worthy of forgiveness.  These mudda scrunge should get lost and hide is shame. 

@Former Member posted:

Plus Mahipaul is small fries compared to Nagamootoo, Granger or Ramotar.

You know, who knows, maybe Mahipaul doesn't have his own house like Moses or Granger or Ramotar. I don't know. There has to be a reason why why he is holding out. If he's just playing hardball, that's bad. If he pleads homelessness he should be given some consideration on humanitarian grounds.

@Former Member posted:

You know, who knows, maybe Mahipaul doesn't have his own house like Moses or Granger or Ramotar. I don't know. There has to be a reason why why he is holding out. If he's just playing hardball, that's bad. If he pleads homelessness he should be given some consideration on humanitarian grounds.

Was he homeless in 2015?

@Former Member posted:

Was he homeless in 2015?

Me nah know de man. Dat's why me seh "maybe". And maybe he might be a remigrant like da odda chap up Essequibo who was living overseas and went back home to tek up Moses' offer to be the PM Special Representative in Region 2.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You know, who knows, maybe Mahipaul doesn't have his own house like Moses or Granger or Ramotar. I don't know. There has to be a reason why why he is holding out. If he's just playing hardball, that's bad. If he pleads homelessness he should be given some consideration on humanitarian grounds.

It would have been nice if he would have thought of all Guyanese who have had to do without any humanitarian government assistance the past 5 months as he pretended that the election wasn’t valid.

@Django posted:

The LAW states 1 month not 72 hours. Sugar coatinget doesn't help.

Django my brother the PPP's power rests on protection from paid African enforcers.  If these koolies continue to go down the path of koolie chauvinism my fear is that poor East Indian brothers and sisters who cannot hire private security or have access to guns, ammunition and explosives will pay the real bill with their lives

@Prashad posted:

Watch your mouth with me. I would slice you so bad even Humpty Dumpty would look better.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Even if you want to do that you can't. You sound exactly like a PNC goon.

You are a bully and I know how to treat a bully. I grew up among the brothers and I handle them well. There is no way I am afraid of an ass like you.

@Prashad posted:

Ramakant you better hope and pray that I don't know who you are and we don't cross paths.

Hopefully, you will shake hands, have a nice chat and part ways in a happy plus friendly manner.  


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