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Gardner wins ANBF Pro Card

Nov 02, 2016, Sports, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-wins-anbf-pro-card/

Flexes to 1st place in open class at Natural Caribbean C/ships

Undoubtedly one of the best bodybuilders to come from the Land of Many Waters, Sylvan Gardner has now accomplished another feat in his still ongoing Professional career.

Having already won a Musclemania Pro Card in 2008 in the USA, Gardner, on Saturday last placed first in the Open Class at the American Natural Bodybuilding Federation (ANBF) sanctioned Natural Caribbean Championships which took place at the Family Life Center, Georgetown, Cayman Islands.
By virtue of out-flexing two other rivals, Gardner was presented with an ANBF Pro Card which now allows him to compete at ANBF sanctioned events including the Natural World Championships.
Speaking with Kaieteur Sport, Gardner said that it was not as big a show as he had anticipated but was however grateful for the opportunity of being able to compete.
”It was a stepping stone to the bigger show, the world championships where I would compete as a professional. It is normally held every December but I am not going this December to Florida since the time is too short. Next year hopefully, I would be there.”
This competition was a 100% drug-tested event where polygraph and random urinalysis is the testing method of the ANBF. All competitors must be drug free for a period of 7 years. The ANBF has adopted the 2016 WADA Prohibited List.
Gardner is expressing thanks to the following sponsors as well as his friends for ensuring that he was able to compete and win a Pro Card.
Fitness Express, Class Appliance Center, Mr. Amides, Essential Care Pharmacy, Perfume Dazzle, Fitness 53, Prettipaul Inc., Boodram’s Bakery, Jiffi Lubes, Jai Signs and Designs, International Pharmaceutical Agency, Da Silva Optical, Rays One Stop Auto Sales, Akbar, Julius Variety, Farfan and Mendes, Ansa McAl, Hot and Spicy, Windjammer International Hotel & Cuisine, Vishaul’s Auto, Massy Stores, MACORP. (Franklin Wilson)


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