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The Wales estate after the gantry was removed

The Wales estate after the gantry was removed

January 1 ,2021


The natural gas-to-shore facility which the Irfaan Ali-led PPP/C government hopes to deliver by 2023 as a spinoff from oil extraction will land at Wales, West Bank Demerara, government yesterday announced.

“We have now settled on the location which is Wales Estate,” Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told  Stabroek News as he explained that “the critical decisions regarding the geotechnical, geophysical and the environmental studies, that will advance the project, have been made.”

Landing the gas project at Wales would also enable the rejuvenation of a community hard-hit by the closure of the sugar estate. The former APNU+AFC government was unable to provide alternatives after shuttering the estate at the end of 2016 and the new PPP/C government had floated the prospect of a development authority but without fleshing out the idea.

The Gas to Shore Project Advisory Committee, which is led by former Chief Executive Officer of NICIL, Winston Brassington, and comprises other technical experts, analyzed all options and past studies before advising on the choice.

Government had said that fiscal terms will also be an area focussed on and the committee would have analysed financial models to determine the best options. The gas would come from ExxonMobil’s Liza-1 well which has been in operation for a year and from which gas flaring has sparked  severe environmental and other concerns.

“This is a project we are committed to, and as a matter of fact we are hoping we can start the actual project – [the] laying of pipelines – from next year and maybe simultaneously build the power plant at the same time,” Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat has said.

The PPP/C had campaigned on reducing electricity costs and pledged to “hit the ground running to reduce power costs with natural gas.”

Shortly after being sworn in and as he announced plans for the oil and gas sector, Vice President  Jagdeo reiterated the party’s position. He had also stated that his government has gathered that ExxonMobil was moving rapidly on the project but that the past APNU+AFC government had “put… roadblocks in this regard.”

“We have a couple of studies we are going through. We cannot look at what they didn’t do. We have to get it done and we want this done urgently. We have to be guided by the best technical minds but we want this project on the road as early as possible. In that engagement, we will have to get the cost that is very different than is in the contract. The contract locks in a price for the first 300 to 400 megawatts of power. We need the electricity to generate [power for] this country and fulfill the promise that we will cut their electricity bill. This is a project of high priority, we want to engage with Exxon… ExxonMobil is eager to move along and from what I gather is, they have been waiting for government to show interest,” Jagdeo had said.

But he added that environmental issues for all projects of the US oil major must be harnessed and government will “ensure that we have a commitment from ExxonMobil, because all of these issues are interlinked, a commitment that there will be adequate provisions for any environmental disaster, in the contract and by Exxon. We have to satisfy ourselves that that is so. Flaring [from oil extraction] is a key issue and we have to deal with that. We have already signalled that we don’t want flaring. We don’t want flaring.”

Petroleum Advisor to the former APNU+AFC government, Dr Jan Mangal has said that ExxonMobil would have already done an offshore survey of the sea bed so he believed it would not have been difficult after a location was determined and he believed that the West side of the Demerara River would have been the most ideal location.

“My suggestion was where the pipeline was going to land, where we would need a small gas plant to treat the gas and then a large power plant to produce electricity, we should also consider the development of a large industrial zone and provide cheap electricity.

It would attract industrial firms from Brazil and elsewhere, and that industrial zone should be near to a new deep-water port. Hence there were many factors to be considered in choosing the site to land the pipeline, and this was why we needed the comprehensive feasibility study.

“  I initially suspected the west side of the Demerara River would be one of the options to consider,” he had added while pointing out that he never thought, that as was suggested by the APNU+AFC government, a location at Mahaicony would be suitable.

While identifying Clonbrook, Mahaica on the East Coast of Demerara, as the best location for bringing natural gas to shore for domestic use, a 2017 desk study done for the APNU+AFC government had put the cost of doing this at US$304 million at least.

The desk study of the “Options, Cost, Economics, Impacts, and Key Considerations of Transporting and Utilizing Natural Gas from Offshore Guyana for the Generation of Electricity” was undertaken by a United Kingdom company, Energy Narrative.

The study stated that the US$304 million cost would include US$165 million, for the offshore pipeline, US$43.5 million for a compression station and separation plant onshore, and US$95.4 million for onshore pipelines to bring natural gas to power stations at Vreed-en-Hoop, Kingston, Garden of Eden, and Canefield.

Comparing the cost to seven other locations, the study notes, “The offshore pipeline is estimated to cost between US$165 million and US$270 million to build, depending on the size and landing site location. On shore compression and separation of the LPG is estimated to cost between US$43 million and US$114 million. Finally, distributing the natural gas to the various electricity generation locations is estimated to cost between US$95 million and $127 million for the various proposed landing sites.”

Guyanese international attorney, Melinda Janki, has however, argued that this country’s gas has no market value and maintains that several studies, including those from the IDB, would support her claim.

“The IMF, the World Bank, the IADB, the European Investment Bank, leading economists (e.g. former World Bank Chief Economists Lord Stern and Joseph Stiglitz,), the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, and a host of other financial and industry experts can all give you excellent reasons why Guyana should not touch gas,” she said.

“The ‘associated gas’ is worthless. Esso would sell it if Esso could get money for it. ExxonMobil posted a loss earlier this year; they need money. But nobody wants to buy the gas. Last year, the Inter-American Development Bank concluded that Latin America and the Caribbean is second only to the Middle East in un-burnable gas [and oil]. Guyana’s ‘associated gas’ has no market value. It is already a stranded fossil fuel asset. Guyana should leave the gas right where it is – as Esso’s problem,” she added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Demerara is too congested. Corentyne Berbice would be the perfect choice, adequate land space for a manicured facilities and a diligent workforce. Essequibo is good as well, but they are too spread out.

Definitely, Demerara is no good, they have proven their lack of desire to develop and maintain a power plant. Why is Berbice a forgotten place? Jagdeo better pay attention to them, Armagon better remind himwhere he gets the votes from. Ramsammy is the man for Berbice, he should do smething. 

@seignet posted:

Demerara is too congested. Corentyne Berbice would be the perfect choice, adequate land space for a manicured facilities and a diligent workforce. Essequibo is good as well, but they are too spread out.

Definitely, Demerara is no good, they have proven their lack of desire to develop and maintain a power plant.

Why is Berbice a forgotten place?

Jagdeo better pay attention to them, Armagon better remind himwhere he gets the votes from. Ramsammy is the man for Berbice, he should do smething.

Noticeably there are no mention of development from Oil and Gas in the Ancient County.

Last edited by Django

This is a very disjointed piece and is typical of business reporting in the Guyanese press.  What dose this mean: "In that engagement, we will have to get the cost that is very different than is in the contract."?  What is Jagdeo talking about ? 

@seignet posted:

Demerara is too congested. Corentyne Berbice would be the perfect choice, adequate land space for a manicured facilities and a diligent workforce. Essequibo is good as well, but they are too spread out.

Definitely, Demerara is no good, they have proven their lack of desire to develop and maintain a power plant. Why is Berbice a forgotten place? Jagdeo better pay attention to them, Armagon better remind himwhere he gets the votes from. Ramsammy is the man for Berbice, he should do smething.

I will go with Janki's recommendation! Guyana is too inexperienced at this! Exxon is NOT!

@Former Member posted:

Shallyv, glad your last post is gone. Be careful with personal info. Now I know who you are.  

Thanks! Let them come! There is NO  death but there is madness for those who think otherwise! Imagine, if you will, recycling your feces from anus to mouth and again and again, until you get it right! There is NO death!


Last edited by Django
@Prashad posted:

There are other stuff that no one is taking about like petroleum jelly.

What are we going to do with that, Prash? Burn someone alive? That's what the US used in WWII and Vietnam! Your US army training kicking in?

@Former Member posted:

Shallyv, glad your last post is gone. Be careful with personal info. Now I know who you are.  

Let me tell you something I haven't revealed to anyone on any Guyana forums before (I think)! I have been harassed by government criminals here for the last 15 years because I wanted to help the retail investors in stocks avoid the scams of brokers (owned or controlled by the criminal banks)!

To get to what is more relevant to the reason for this post, my previously broken left fibula was damaged again when I attempted to get up from a squat on a squat with a light weight on a squat machine because the weight was suddenly increased by some gravity device they have! In anger and defiance, I used back strength to get up and the weakened fibula was damaged again as a result!

I was limping around on my left foot for some time, thinking they were just squeezing it! Until one morning about 5 a.m., something woke me up! There was no one there, but there was a strong scent of flowers in my home although I don't keep even artificial flowers in my home. There is a rose bush outside, however, but this scent was not of roses! While I was puzzlng over this scent, someone I couldn't see squeezed my leg in the area where it had been broken 15 years before! I just shrugged and put it down to imagination!

Until one day I was taking some books down to the basement and used my left foot first to step on the first treader. I screamed in pain and almost dropped the books! The leg had been damaged again and could not tolerate more than my bodyweight! However, I was glad of the experience as it confirmed my assertion that we never die!  (The guy died 2 thousand years ago)! I believe it was the spirit of Jesus who warned me! He didn't assume a physical body as that would have alarmed me for I wouldn't know who he was and would have demanded to know wtf he was doing in my home at that hour! Go get the book "Heaven is a Breath Away" and read about someone else's experience with Jesus while in a coma from a terrible car accident in a snowstorm! I DON'T LIE, because of my belief in Jesus' definition of God (see John 4: 24)!

Note to ALL Ns: he ain't black or he might have smelled like bitter aloes! You eat beef without knowing when to eat it or for what reason! Fing cannibals! Hahahahahahaha.......

Last edited by Former Member

Jesus has left signs to me to let me know he is still with me! Why should I fear any fool? They are the ones who should fear! Go read Revelations Chapters 2: 9 and 3: 9! Their criminal days are numbered!

@Django posted:

Noticeably there are no mention of development from Oil and Gas in the Ancient County.

So true. Look at how the PPP has killed New Amsterdam. The PPP can't even maintain the roads and other infrastuctures.  Look at what's happening at the Black Bush Polder schemes.

@Mitwah posted:

So true. Look at how the PPP has killed New Amsterdam.

The PPP can't even maintain the roads and other infrastuctures.  Look at what's happening at the Black Bush Polder schemes.

The Regional Administration stymied Infrastructure works in the Region during the past five years . They played the political game to make the last administration look bad at the expense of making the citizens lives better.

@seignet posted:

Was He in a shimmering aura? No human form.

You've, apparently, missed this " There was no one there, but there was a strong scent of flowers in my home although I don't keep even artificial flowers in my home."! The reason I recommended that book is because the author said that Jesus had the scent of flowers about him! I dismissed her book as a hallucination, at the time, because she had been in a coma! I don't easily believe!

@Bigan Choka posted:

Guyana cannot even manage its own oil much less gas. They better rethink this

Jagdeo and Anus manage their gases well! Why not Exxon's?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You've, apparently, missed this " There was no one there, but there was a strong scent of flowers in my home although I don't keep even artificial flowers in my home."! The reason I recommended that book is because the author said that Jesus had the scent of flowers about him! I dismissed her book as a hallucination, at the time, because she had been in a coma! I don't easily believe!

Sometimes, ppl do smell scents even though it is not possible for it to be around them.

@seignet posted:

Sometimes, ppl do smell scents even though it is not possible for it to be around them.

True! But how do you account for the squeezing of my left fibia? A fib? I do NOT lie because of my belief in Jesus God', a Spirit! See John 4: 24!

And I'm certainly NOT a religious fanatic, like your friend, Keith! As a matter of fact, I have previously stated that I am irreligious!

I neither expect nor require anyone to believe me! Nor care!

You may recall, perhaps, I initially dismissed the incident as my imagination! I had even dismissed the claim of the woman in the car accident as an hallucination! I had read that book only because my German Sheherd had been induced (from a remote location) into biting the spine of the book, damaging it, for which damage I had to pay by purchasing the book!

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

Shallyv check out a doctor. It could be a phantom smell caused by a seizure in the brain while you were sleeping.

Could be, Prash! But then you are often posting nonsense! After all, you've missed the part where I said something woke me up!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

True! But how do you account for the squeezing of my left fibia? A fib? I do NOT lie because of my belief in Jesus God', a Spirit! See John 4: 24!

And I'm certainly NOT a religious fanatic, like your friend, Keith! As a matter of fact, I have previously stated that I am irreligious!

I neither expect nor require anyone to believe me! Nor care!

You may recall, perhaps, I initially dismissed the incident as my imagination! I had even dismissed the claim of the woman in the car accident as an hallucination! I had read that book only because my German Sheherd had been induced (from a remote location) into biting the spine of the book, damaging it, for which damage I had to pay by purchasing the book!

I am not doubting you. I have varied interests, so I rely on documentaries to gauge my thinking if I am correct. I saw one on smells.

@cain posted:

They say morons dont like being called that, is it true for you?

Why should I mind when I can clearly see who is calling me that, obeah man? Back to your rectum where you find these original gems!


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