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“He is being questioned by police in relation to an offence he allegedly committed under the Cyber Crime Act of Guyana,” police said in a statement.

“it is alleged that on the 25th March 2021 at Georgetown, Matthews used a computer system to publish a video on Facebook that is derogatory with intent to humiliate and embarrass and to cause emotional distress to Charles Ramson”, the charge states.

LOL ,what a country !!!!

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

This is harassment !!!!

Indeed. The  objective is to silence any opposing views; that is to prevent person, newspaper etc., from expressing opinions that do not agree with their agenda. Guyana is ripe for a civil war as we have seen in Angola and other oil rich nations.

Last edited by Mitwah

I am not a friend of the minister but there is a level of decency and respect to be given to all.

Folks publish "trash" and use "media" as a cover.

The next person to be arrested is Harmon for inciting riot

Vish M

Talk show host charged with offending Charles Ramson Jr.

April 29 ,2021

Gavin Matthews

A Facebook political commentator, who is a critic of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration, was Thursday arrested under the Cybercrime Act for allegedly offending Charles Ramson last month.

Police said Gavin Matthews was subsequently released on GYD$100,000 station bail

Ramson, who is an Attorney-at-Law and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport,  posted a video excerpt containing offending words as uttered by Mr. Matthews and captioned stated that “This is why he is arrested …freedom of speech doesn’t mean you could call people “murderer” and “terrorist”.

Mr. Matthews was arrested at the Square of the Revolution while he was staging an anti-government picketing exercise. Based on a video of the arrest, police said that on March 25, 2021 “you used a computer system to publish a video on Facebook that was derogatory with intent to humiliate or embarrass or cause emotional distress to Charles Ramson Jr.

After the charge was read, Mr. Matthews remarked that “I don’t know of such.” Before he went in the company of the police in a force vehicle, he posted live Facebook video account of all the policemen and their vehicles.

“Charles Ramson Jr and I are not friends. I don’t know him. He is a de facto Minister within the de facto government,” said Matthews, a former presidential bodyguard under the previous People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration.

Mr. Matthews said he was “fed up” of efforts to “shut me up.”

On arrival at the Brickdam Police enquiries desk, he was asked by police why he was videoing and he responded saying, “I don’t trust the police”. He asked whether there was any law or sections of the Constitution that prohibited him from recording inside the police station “while I’m being harassed.”

He eventually decided to hand over his phone.

@Mitwah posted:

Indeed. The  objective is to silence any opposing views; that is to prevent person, newspaper etc., from expressing opinions that do not agree with their agenda. Guyana is ripe for a civil war as we have seen in Angola and other oil rich nations.

Ramson is thin skin. The video said, he is wuking for a man ..................

@Django posted:

“He is being questioned by police in relation to an offence he allegedly committed under the Cyber Crime Act of Guyana,” police said in a statement.

“it is alleged that on the 25th March 2021 at Georgetown, Matthews used a computer system to publish a video on Facebook that is derogatory with intent to humiliate and embarrass and to cause emotional distress to Charles Ramson”, the charge states.

LOL ,what a country !!!!

Look how many times you and others posted derogatory remarks against me and the PPP, and yet you all are walking the streets freely. How many times GNI posters insulted Priya and you all are still walking the streets freely.  The PPP is being blamed every time Kakawah and Kakaram get diarrhea.

Oh! What a tangled web we weave, Django?

@Ramakant-P posted:

Look how many times you and others posted derogatory remarks against me and the PPP, and yet you all are walking the streets freely. How many times GNI posters insulted Priya and you all are still walking the streets freely.

The PPP is being blamed every time Kakawah and Kakaram get diarrhea.

Oh! What a tangled web we weave, Django?

When was that done? apparently looking for attention.

The PPP is back to their old ways under Jagdeo,they are weaving the tangled web,nothing changed .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

When was that done? apparently looking for attention.

The PPP is back to their old ways under Jagdeo, nothing changed .

You should take off your rose-colored glasses so that you can see past your nose and stop being dogmatic and less idiotic. The PPP is back to developing a bankrupted country that the PNC coalition left behind. I have posted all the Major achievements by the PPP for the last 9 months but you are still in denial.

The PNC coalition did nothing during their 5 1/2 year rule. All their attempts to implement their plans were executed with prolific incompetence.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You should take off your rose-colored glasses so that you can see past your nose and stop being dogmatic and less idiotic.

The PPP is back to developing a bankrupted country that the PNC coalition left behind. I have posted all the Major achievements by the PPP for the last 9 months but you are still in denial.

The PNC coalition did nothing during their 5 1/2 year rule. All their attempts to implement their plans were executed with prolific incompetence.

Watch your words !!! more on the latter.

There was no BANKRUPTED country during ,the last five years under APNU/AFC the country showed GROWTH ,that's achieved when work is done.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Watch your words !!! more on the latter.

There was no BANKRUPTED country during ,the last five years under APNU/AFC the country showed GROWTH.

Please! Show me where the country made progress under the coalition. The PPP/C government completed 3500 projects in their 23-year rule. The Coalition was riding on their coat-tails. They did nothing. All they did were sit down and reap the benefits. Can you list some of the achievements of the coalition that brought in more revenues for the country.

They raised salaries and cut taxes.  There was no extra revenue coming into the country except those that already were there.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Please! Show me where the country made progress under the coalition. The PPP/C government completed 3500 projects in their 23-year rule. The Coalition was riding on their coat-tails. They did nothing. All they did were sit down and reap the benefits. Can you list some of the achievements of the coalition that brought in more revenues for the country.

They raised salaries and cut taxes.  There was no extra revenue coming into the country except those that already were there.

There are none so blind as you. 3500 projects in 23 years is a big lie. You are a liar.

Note, almost half of the nation did not vote for the PPP in the last election. Their support and popularity is diminishing slowly.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You should take off your rose-colored glasses so that you can see past your nose and stop being dogmatic and less idiotic. The PPP is back to developing a bankrupted country that the PNC coalition left behind. I have posted all the Major achievements by the PPP for the last 9 months but you are still in denial.

The PNC coalition did nothing during their 5 1/2 year rule. All their attempts to implement their plans were executed with prolific incompetence.

This is not Ramakant of Brampton  vernacular. Seems like he rented his handle to someone with a better command of the English lingo.

@Mitwah posted:

This is not Ramakant of Brampton  vernacular. Seems like he rented his handle to someone with a better command of the English lingo.

Maybe Uncle Rama is taking English classes online. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Please! Show me where the country made progress under the coalition.

The PPP/C government completed 3500 projects in their 23-year rule. The Coalition was riding on their coat-tails. They did nothing. All they did were sit down and reap the benefits. Can you list some of the achievements of the coalition that brought in more revenues for the country.

They raised salaries and cut taxes.  There was no extra revenue coming into the country except those that already were there.

They have done a lot for the people to benefit ,built world class bridges in the interior ,new world class roads , new asphalted airstrip [recently completed] in the Rupunini ,established internet service ,radio stations in the interior. Across all the Regions ,new buildings,schools was built ,there are many more.

Resurfacing roads ,digging trenches and drains are maintenance works,are those part of the projects ?

Last edited by Django

PPP dictatorship is back and clamping down on anyone who dares to defy them. Just like they did the last time when they were in power. If Waddell was here he'd be able to tell you how he was murdered because he spoke out against the PPP dictatorship. Freedom of the press is not something the PPP embraces just like their mentor Putin.

@Django posted:

They have done a lot for the people to benefit ,built world class bridges in the interior ,new world class roads , new asphalted airstrip [recently completed] in the Rupunini ,established internet service ,radio stations in the interior. Across all the Regions ,new buildings,schools was built ,there are many more.

Resurfacing roads ,digging trenches and drains are maintenance works,are those part of the projects ?

The major successes of the PPP/C government are as follows:

Oil and gas project.

Rehabilitation of the Sugar Industries.

The Infrastructure for the building of 50,000 Housing units in 5 years.

The revitalization of the Coconut Industry, forestry, dairy farming, and fisheries.

The diversification of Agriculture.

The vast improvement of Health and Education.

The revamping of the police force for security purposes.

Provide a friendly environment for businesses to be established and grow.

Promote Tourism by giving permits to build hotels and resorts all over the country.

@kp posted:

With your face, you should be serving a life sentence. Did you recover from Covid??

With yours you should have been executed at birth.  Your advanced syphilis has destroyed your little brain.

@Mars posted:

PPP dictatorship is back and clamping down on anyone who dares to defy them. Just like they did the last time when they were in power. If Waddell was here he'd be able to tell you how he was murdered because he spoke out against the PPP dictatorship. Freedom of the press is not something the PPP embraces just like their mentor Putin.

They are clearing the swamp left by the coalition. They are firing the inept servants of the PNC. They are prosecuting those who stole from the Government. What a stupid thing to say,"if Waddell was here he'd be able to tell you how he was murdered"?

@Ramakant-P posted:

The major successes of the PPP/C government are as follows:

Oil and gas project.

Exxon did all the work. All the PPP had to do was sign the documents and collect the kickbacks. The company that they dished out rights to CGX was a massive failure. Also the rights that were signed away by Ramotar to PPP cronies days before the elections for big money bribes.

Rehabilitation of the Sugar Industries.

The sugar industry fell into decline in the PPP years with the introduction of the Skeldon Goadie Project that Jagdeo used for massive kickbacks from the Chinese.

The Infrastructure for the building of 50,000 Housing units in 5 years.

Used as a cash cow to generate bribes. They awarded lands for kickbacks to cronies like Roger Khan and Buddy who developed them and sold inferior houses for a pound and a crown.

The revitalization of the Coconut Industry, forestry, dairy farming, and fisheries.

Most of those industries fell into decline while they are still importing milk and fruit juices.

The diversification of Agriculture.

By introducing the export of the Coca Plant.

The vast improvement of Health and Education.

Two people sharing a bed in the hospital. The general state of education lagging behind other Caribbean countries. Passing rates still very low.

The revamping of the police force for security purposes.

In other words, controlling the Phantom Force to kill political opponents.

Provide a friendly environment for businesses to be established and grow.

And still there are no jobs for young people leaving UG except for plantain chips and sugar cake sales openings and mini bus drivers.

Promote Tourism by giving permits to build hotels and resorts all over the country.

Most of those hotels are empty. They're used as a front to wash money.

Have you gone to Guyana lately? You are completely unaware of what's going on in that country.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The major successes of the PPP/C government are as follows:

Oil and gas project. Nonsense

Rehabilitation of the Sugar Industries. Nonsense

The Infrastructure for the building of 50,000 Housing units in 5 years. Nonsense

The revitalization of the Coconut Industry, forestry, dairy farming, and fisheries. Nonsense

The diversification of Agriculture. Nonsense

The vast improvement of Health and Education. Nonsense

The revamping of the police force for security purposes. Nonsense

Provide a friendly environment for businesses to be established and grow. Nonsense

Promote Tourism by giving permits to build hotels and resorts all over the country. Nonsense

Who is the air headed cretin posting with Ruma's handle?

Last edited by Mitwah

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