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Former Member



The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) is imploring the Government to arrange for the body of its late President Komal Chand to be flown to Guyana from Cuba.

Mr Chand died one month ago while receiving treatment in Havana; he was accompanied by his wife.

“A glimmer of hope emerged when it was learnt that the Government has arranged an aircraft to take packages to Guyanese in Cuba over the coming weekend.

“Requests were made for Mr Chand’s body and widow to be accommodated on the return flight.

“Those requests were not approved as the Government said it could not afford such a request,” GAWU noted in a statement Friday.

The Union said it understands that the request would not have been a princely sum but yet the family was told that the Government would have to seek to raise the required sum through donations from the society.

The Union said that another reason for the apparent denial has been that it would open the door to other requests for citizens abroad to be repatriated back home.

“We ask what is wrong with such requests as we have seen many other countries doing the same for its citizens.

“We believe it would have been much more prudent of our scarce financial resources for the flight arranged to bring home Guyanese who wish to return from Cuba once they undergo the necessary tests and take appropriate precautions during the flight,” GAWU stated.

Since Chand’s passing to now, the Union said it has been in contact with several Governmental officials seeking to have the return of Mr Chand’s body.

“Despite assurances that they would do everything in their possibilities to assist, dishearteningly not much assistance has been forthcoming as the relatives of Mr Chand face what has to be one of their most difficult periods in their lives,” GAWU stated.

The Union said that on Thursday, the family was informed that it is now charged with covering the cost of taking care of Mr Chand’s body in Cuba.

“Previously, the family was assured that those costs would be taken care of and they hadn’t any need to worry in that regard,” GAWU stated.

The Union said it has written President David Granger to appeal to him for some proactive action on the part of the Administration to alleviate, in some respect, the pain suffered by Mr Chand’s relatives.

“We are hopeful that the President would consider our request and swiftly address them to bring closure to this sad chapter confronting the Chand family.

“Certainly, he is deserving of the assistance of the State recognizing that he has been a national leader for many years and worked tirelessly in the advancement of the rights of the downtrodden of this country he loved so dearly,” GAWU stated.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I am sorry that Komal's family is being put through this ordeal.  He served his country , union and party faithfully and there must be a better way of dealing with this issue.  It can't all be the fault of the government.  If money is the problem can't GAWU chip in?  How about the very wealthy PPP?  


PNC is a Shithole even for an illegal junta. The left the students to their own devices in Cuba and the cannot bring home a deceased. 

It is all their fault and responsibility.  But the prefer to eat on 700k a day and live large off the taxpayers money then leave the people to their own devices. 

It’s no wonder you would say can’t the family do something. Pathetic just like those you support!

@Former Member posted:

PNC is a Shithole even for an illegal junta. The left the students to their own devices in Cuba and the cannot bring home a deceased. 

It is all their fault and responsibility.  But the prefer to eat on 700k a day and live large off the taxpayers money then leave the people to their own devices. 

It’s no wonder you would say can’t the family do something. Pathetic just like those you support!

Comprehension is not your strong suit?  I don't what is.  Where did I say "can't the family something"?  Yours is a pathological condition.

@Prashad posted:

What I noticed when I went to Cuba is this. They don't have much refrigeration. So I understand the family's concern.

I thought, you folks are not permitted to visit Cuba. Does Homeland know about this transgression?

@Totaram posted:

I am sorry that Komal's family is being put through this ordeal.  He served his country , union and party faithfully and there must be a better way of dealing with this issue.  It can't all be the fault of the government.  If money is the problem can't GAWU chip in?  How about the very wealthy PPP?  

Somebody needs to step up. This man's body should to be brought home. But in true Guyanese fashion,I guess everybody is looking at each other waiting to see who will make the first move.

@Sheik101 posted:

Prash, I don't know when u went to Cuba. Must have been donkey years. My understanding is things have improved now so I dont see refrigeration being a problem in these modern times.

What I was told around the time of Obama's visit is that Cuba could not afford the oil needed to have a good refrigeration system.  I read that Sherritt International is now extracting oil in Cuba so maybe the refrigeration system has some what improved but nevertheless I cannot see that it will ever be excellent with Cuba still struggling with foreign currency problems. 

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

What I was told around the time of Obama's visit is that Cuba could not afford the oil needed to have a good refrigeration system.  I read that Sherritt International is now extracting oil in Cuba so maybe the refrigeration system has some what improved but nevertheless I cannot see that it will ever be excellent with Cuba still struggling with foreign currency problems. 

I'm sure not sure about the foreign currency issue. Their tourism is alive and well. Still, for a country with if not the best medical facility in the Caribbean I think they must have improve on their refrigeration issue. Especially in this day and age.


Sheik I own shares in Sherritt International.  The Cuban government owes the company about 150 million US dollars. That tells me that the Cuban government has a foreign currency short fall.

@Prashad posted:

Keep Komal in Cuba until the vaccine comes. He is not going anywhere. Therefore no need to endanger anyone's life.

I am deeply offended by your statement

Komal Chand is a National Hero

He must be given due respect

The PNC government gave a convicted Terrorist (Kadir) more respect

Vish M
@seignet posted:

Death of foreigners in Cuba is a nightmare for families trying to have the bodies flown out of the island. I doan know what it is, but the news tells horror stories of redtape individuals.


It boils down to bribery and corruption. 

@Vish M posted:

I am deeply offended by your statement

Komal Chand is a National Hero

He must be given due respect

The PNC government gave a convicted Terrorist (Kadir) more respect

Vish this virus is a death sentence. Even the experts don't know how long the virus stays alive on different types of surfaces. No need for people to risk their lives to bring back a body to Guyana. Peter D who passed away in England wanted to be buried next to his parents at the Le Repenteir cemetery in Georgetown. He had all the money needed to transport his body from England to Guyana. In the end they had to cremate his body and buried the ashes next to his parents because the body could not complete the journey from England to Guyana without deterioration.

Last edited by Prashad
@Sheik101 posted:

Prash, are u going to step up and send a plane for this man or no? U seem loaded.

I wish if I was. Those Cubans know how to get every US dollar out of a visitor before he or she leaves.

@Former Member posted:

I didn't know Komal's body is in Cuba...I know his brother overseas and will see what I can do...

Were you able to get Komal’s body back to Guyana? His wife is also stuck in Cuba.

Bibi Haniffa
@Prashad posted:

Vish this virus is a death sentence. Even the experts don't know how long the virus stays alive on different types of surfaces. No need for people to risk their lives to bring back a body to Guyana. Peter D who passed away in England wanted to be buried next to his parents at the Le Repenteir cemetery in Georgetown. He had all the money needed to transport his body from England to Guyana. In the end they had to cremate his body and buried the ashes next to his parents because the body could not complete the journey from England to Guyana without deterioration.


It is about time you be more objective!!!

Komal did not died from Covid-19.

If there is a doubt, a quick test will suffice.

If positive, then the casket would be sealed.

We have experiences with 10,000s of Covid-19 victims who passed away.

We treat all our deceased with respect and decency

This election frenzy must not take away our sense of Decency



Vish M
@Vish M posted:


It is about time you be more objective!!!

Komal did not died from Covid-19.

If there is a doubt, a quick test will suffice.

If positive, then the casket would be sealed.

We have experiences with 10,000s of Covid-19 victims who passed away.

We treat all our deceased with respect and decency

This election frenzy must not take away our sense of Decency



Vish, Cuba is a communist country.  We don't know for sure what is going on there because everything is censored.  For example, every adult Cuban male is only allowed 5 eggs per month (official quota).  You will only know this if you are on the ground in Cuba with the Cuban people and not some Cuban resort.  I have never read any article on line and other ways from Cuba that states this fact. Therefore my suggestion is that Vish. M. should volunteer his services to go to Cuba and pick up Comrade Komal's body for return to Guyana. Maybe he can take my buddy Keffer with him because he likes to be in such places.

Last edited by Prashad

Once a person is deceased they are no longer contagious.  Contagion comes from breathing, coughing, sneezing, etc.  furthermore, corpses are treated with formalin and other chemicals to prevent decay which kills off and bacteria, virus etc.


Harmon wants a medical certificate to show that Komal test negative for Covid-19 before his body is allowed to return to Guyana. Harmon was offered all Inclusive trip to Cuba for the favor, but he wants US cash.

@Mitwah posted:

What is the PPP or GAWU doing to get his body back?

They need permission to fly him into Guyana air space.  You can talk to you people and help out the situation? I’m pretty sure Ms. Casa Blanca has the situation under control though so don’t hurt you head too much. Ms. Casa knows everybody in Guyana. She even know Anil Nandlall parents very well even they don’t have a clue who she is.

Bibi Haniffa
@Ramakant-P posted:

Dummy, Please read over what you posted.  

It was quiz.  He was supposed to fill in the blanks.  That he got right.  How come you didn't know it was a quiz? @Ramakant-PI have told you many times that you are not in a position to call anybody names because you are not very bright.  You need to operate within your limitations or else you would simply be setting yourself up for ridicule. 


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