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The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has ordered that the Eugene F Correia International Airport stop issuing protocol passes after former parliamentarian Charrandas Persaud was escorted by a Canadian Embassy security officer to a Barbados-bound plane after he voted against the Government in the December 21, 2018 no-confidence motion.
Reports are Persaud, who had expressed fear for his life after having voted against the Government, had contacted the Canadian embassy for assistance. Persaud, a Canadian citizen, was subsequently granted security assistance to the Eugene F International Airport where he boarded a plane bound for Barbados and subsequently went onto Canada.
On Monday, Ogle Airport Inc (OAI) said that it has not breached any security protocols at the Eugene F Correia International Airport as was erroneously reported in the state media.
According to the entity, in the administration of the airport, it is instructed and guided by its Airport Operations Manual approved by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority.
The OAI stated that Charrandas Persaud was a passenger on LIAT flight #LI 392 which departed the Eugene F Correia International Airport at 06:17h on December 22, 2018.
The airport authority stated that Persaud’s escorts were Mission Security Officer of the High Commission of Canada, Richard Beliveau and Peter Ramsaroop.
According to the OAI, Beliveau presented himself and his Ministry of Foreign Affairs ID Card to the airport duty officer and requested a pass to accompany a passenger to the aircraft. The OAI stated that Peter Ramsaroop also requested a pass saying he was part of Beliveau’s party. The Airport Duty Officer, in accordance with an established courtesy practice, as is requested to be extended to diplomatic personnel by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, granted a Protocol pass to both persons. The passes were duly returned in exchange for their respective ID documents on their departure from the airport.
“Both Mr Beliveau and Mr Ramsaroop as well as Mr Charrandas Persaud, were subjected to full and complete screening before entering the departure lounge in accordance with the requirements of the Aviation Security Programme approved by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority,” OAI stated on Monday.
Meanwhile, Ramsaroop has since said that he only accompanied the former AFC member since he was fearful for his life.
On December 21, the no-confidence motion brought by the Parliamentary Opposition –the People’s Progressive Party (PPP/C) – against the Government succeeded when former APNU/AFC MP Persaud broke ranks and made a conscience vote in favour of the motion.
After voting in favour of the no-confidence motion, Persaud’s life was threatened twice; he was hit by both colleagues flanking him as well as received many explicit comments within a five-minute period.
This was all done while the National Assembly broadcasted the sitting live on its website. The video which is up on the Parliament website showing clearly what transpired. Persaud received the hostile treatment from his colleagues after he voted his conscience and sided with the Opposition’s motion.
During the final part of the 03h:51m:04s video, during the second part of the debate, when Persaud delivered his first “yes”, all hell broke loose. He received the first punch on his left arm, at 03h:33m:04s in the video, by an APNU MP who insisted that Persaud “can’t vote against the Government.” This was followed by a series of expletives by the same MP and surprisingly Persaud received another punch from another APNU MP at 03h:32m:28s in the video.
Then came the issue of death threats to Persaud. If one listens to the video, you will find that at 03h: 33m: 04s and 03h: 35m: 35s in the video, he receives the threats “Charrandas you gon dead tonight” and “Charrandas you want dead tonight” respectively. It sounded as though the threats came from a female MP on the Government side of the benches.
Despite being accused of being a traitor, Persaud maintained that it was a vote of conscience since he is disappointed in the direction his party is heading. He pointed to the recent statements made by People’s National Congress (PNC) Chairperson Volda Lawrence during which she indicated that she only has friends in the PNC and jobs will be made available for them. That statement, he said, infuriated him, prompting him to write a letter to the AFC’s Executive to make a statement but the party’s leader Raphael Trotman came out in her defence after which she apologised

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Vish M posted:

GCAA orders Ogle Airport to halt protocol passes

The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has ordered that the Eugene F Correia International Airport stop issuing protocol passes after former parliamentarian Charrandas Persaud was escorted by a Canadian Embassy security officer to a Barbados-bound plane after he voted against the Government in the December 21, 2018 no-confidence motion.

Perhaps, this mean the protocol passes will never be issued again by the airport authorities.

Authority personnel should now destroy all existing protocol passes at this and other airports.

kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas before him reaching the airport. Death, Dead.

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas before him reaching the airport. Death, Dead.

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

Let us not forget that Ronan started a thread here fishing for information about the whereabouts of Charrandas. Presumably to report back to his masters to carry out the wicked deed. 

ksazma posted:

Looks like the Guyana government wanted to give Charrandas the Khashoggi treatment. 

You notice nuh.  Then they will tell Trump tek the aile fuh free but leff we alone!

cain posted:

How many of you here actually read that?


When this is reported by Freddie I will then be concerned but as of source...moot point.

Cain, were you the dancing Gremlin?  There is some resemblance!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas before him reaching the airport. Death, Dead.

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

any time he should return to Guyana. Somewhere some PNC person will remember him. Hate doan subside in a great hurry. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas before him reaching the airport. Death, Dead.

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

And yet, he expressed a desire to return. Apparently, he's not so fearful for his life after all.

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas before him reaching the airport. Death, Dead.

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

Let us not forget that Ronan started a thread here fishing for information about the whereabouts of Charrandas. Presumably to report back to his masters to carry out the wicked deed. 

Ow, poor Ro.

Sheik101 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas 

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

And yet, he expressed a desire to return. Apparently, he's not so fearful for his life after all.

Yuh notice nuh.  Dem people dem mo freiken fuh charrandas dann Charranrass freiken fuh charrandas!!

Me tinks tings settled down. Dem PNC people done accept PPP rule again!!


Why is the Government entities set into gear on this so political event!!!!

Seems like their bitterness cannot be contained as their actions tells us they wanted him DEAD.

We are living in an enlightened age

Vish M
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

Just think what the members and supporters of the PNC would have done if they were able to capture Charrandas before him reaching the airport. Death, Dead.

I still won’t rule out the fact that his life is at risk.  

Let us not forget that Ronan started a thread here fishing for information about the whereabouts of Charrandas. Presumably to report back to his masters to carry out the wicked deed. 

easy crossing the line here

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

How many of you here actually read that?


When this is reported by Freddie I will then be concerned but as of source...moot point.

Cain, were you the dancing Gremlin?  There is some resemblance!

Look carry yo rass yeh...but I got a feelin dah is yugi. De man wearin a nice costume an ting.

Vish M posted:

Why is the Government entities set into gear on this so political event!!!!

Seems like their bitterness cannot be contained as their actions tells us they wanted him DEAD.

We are living in an enlightened age

So you giving us the source or wuh?

Or you tellin us you wrote it?

Last edited by cain

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