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GCCI disappointed with opposition’s behavior

President of the GCCI, Clinton Urling.

President of the GCCI, Clinton Urling.

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry [GCCI] has expressed its disappointment and concern with the actions of the combined opposition parties in the National Assembly as it relates to the voting down of bills presented by the Minister of Home Affairs and which were intended to enhance the security sector.

In a statement today, June 18, the GCCI stated, “It would appear as though the combined opposition parties are prepared to not support any bills, despite its merit or substance, once such bills are presented by Minister Rohee. Security is a major issue of concern to the private sector and our society as a whole and we would humbly urge the combined opposition to rethink this strategy if indeed that were the case.”

According to the GCCI, no one benefits if critical security upgrade legislation are shunned on such grounds.

“This is in light of the Speaker of the National Assembly’s ruling that the Minister of Home Affairs can present bills in the parliament.”

The organisation called for dialogue and engagement to be the cornerstone of the parliamentary democracy, as both the ruling party and the opposition have an obligation to ensure constructive and careful examination of all bills presented in the House with the aim of arriving at consenting positions and to allow for the passage of such bills thereafter.


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"“It would appear as though the combined opposition parties are prepared to not support any bills, despite its merit or substance, once such bills are presented by Minister Rohee. "



NOOoo Really ?

PPP accuses AFC, APNU of supporting criminalsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Telesha Ramnarine   
Tuesday, 18 June 2013 00:57

THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it continues to be alarmed at the non-support being given to the security sector by the political Opposition, and can only now conclude that the position adopted by the Opposition is one in support of criminals.

Executive Secretary of the PPP, Mr Zulficar Mustapha, made those remarks in the presence of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee at yesterday’s press conference at the party’s Freedom House headquarters on Robb Street.
The Opposition is against measures which seek to protect citizens against crime, Mustapha charged. “Crime does not have ethnic, social or political barriers. It affects everyone. Therefore, the position adopted by the Opposition could only be seen as one of support for criminals.
“We are firmly convinced that the Opposition posture not to support anything brought by Minister Clement Rohee is simply a convenient excuse to mask their true intentions,” Mustapha said.
Meanwhile, Rohee said the behaviour of the Opposition (AFC and APNU) is one of gross political arrogance. “Could you imagine four serious bills that were laid in the National Assembly not being spoken to in any manner whatsoever? The Opposition chose consciously not to participate in any debate, not to utter a single word providing an explanation why they would oppose these bills. They came, sat, voted and left. I cannot believe this. This type of behaviour should not be underestimated.
“Parliamentarians have a duty to explain in the House why they are opposing these four bills,” Rohee lamented.
The minister believes the political Opposition has singled out the security sector for a special kind of treatment. No other sector -- be it education, health, or other, is performing to the satisfaction of the opposition. “In fact,” he said, “the country is not being run to the satisfaction of the Opposition, so the question is why are they singling out the security sector for special treatment?”
Rohee said he has not found another Caricom country that is better off in the security sector than Guyana. “Just check the statistics for yourselves,” he urged.


Security is everybody's business. The joint opposition is playing child's game with the Guyanese people. Soon they will be on the side line with a begging bowl each. Long time done, short time left. 


According to the GCCI, no one benefits if critical security upgrade legislation are shunned on such grounds.

“This is in light of the Speaker of the National Assembly’s ruling that the Minister of Home Affairs can present bills in the parliament.”


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