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GDF pledges β€œloyalty” to β€œdemocratically elected” government, Commander-in-Chief


Chief-of-Staff, Brigadier Godfrey Bess

Just over one month after Brigadier Godfrey Bess was appointed acting Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force by then President David Granger, he on Monday directed officers and ranks to respect Dr. Irfaan Ali as the democratically elected President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

β€œAs Chief-of-Staff (Acting), I pledge the Guyana Defence Force loyalty to the Constitution of Guyana and the democratically elected government to be led by our Minister of Defence and Commander-in-Chief , President Dr. Irfaan Ali,” he said in a Command Directive also posted on the GDF’s Facebook page.

Brigadier Bess said  all members of the army are β€œsubjected to the new Commander-in-Chief’s directives”. Brigadier Bess said the army β€œwould remain an apolitical national institution and, therefore, would continue to uphold its noble and exemplary position of service to the Guyanese nation and all our people.”

The GDF Chief-of-Staff said he would be committing the resources of the army to the State under the guidance of the Minister of Defence and Commander-in-Chief. Dr. Ali was sworn in Sunday afternoon as Guyana’s ninth Executive President shortly after he was declared the winner of the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections by the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh.

Brigadier Bess reiterated the GDF’s mandate to deter aggression, defend Guyana’s sovereignty and ensure its development as a safe and secure place.

On July 1, 2020 the Chief-of -Staff was promoted from Colonel to Brigadier and appointed acting Chief-of-Staff. He told reporters then that β€œwe are trained to support the democratically elected government of the day based on our constitution and that we will continue to do.”

The Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield and the now opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) have said the results from the national vote recount do not reflect the will of Guyanese at the polls due to alleged voter impersonation, irregularities and anomalies. Mr. Granger has announced that the declared results would be challenged in an election petition to the High Court.

@Former Member posted:

As a military person Phillips appear to command more authority and respect that Granger. Chances are many military people voted for the PPP because of Mark Phillips. Here is another example of Jagdeo checkmating Granger.

Brigadier Mark Philip's was Army Chief up to 2016. That's only 4 years ago. Most soldiers and officers know him as a good military man. I agree that the PPP/C most likely got a tidy sum of votes from the GDF due to Mark Philips. And I want the PPP/C to treat him with due respect.

@Former Member posted:

Brigadier Mark Philip's was Army Chief up to 2016. That's only 4 years ago. Most soldiers and officers know him as a good military man. I agree that the PPP/C most likely got a tidy sum of votes from the GDF due to Mark Philips. And I want the PPP/C to treat him with due respect.

The PPP are cognizant of past errors. They will not make the same mistakes. One good coming out of the failed coup, the PPP appreciation for those who stood for democracy. Even their political nemesis stood with them as the democratically elected govt.

Guyana has changed forever!  The rule of law triumph over the forces of darkness.

Diwali πŸͺ” arrived early!


Although it is beneficial to the country, I am going to be the puritan and hope that the PPP/C do the right thing not because it may guarantee them reelection but rather because it is the right thing to do.

The Coalition tossed out their manifesto immediately after winning the elections in 2015 and lost the confidence of the voters less than a year later. They became power drunk and never sobered up until last Sunday.

@Former Member posted:

The PPP are cognizant of past errors. They will not make the same mistakes.

One good coming out of the failed coup, the PPP appreciation for those who stood for democracy. Even their political nemesis stood with them as the democratically elected govt.

Guyana has changed forever!  The rule of law triumph over the forces of darkness.

Diwali πŸͺ” arrived early!

Hogwash ,step out of !!!  Attaining anything by FRAUD doesn't last.

There is a saying from older folks "inna gat barakat"

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Although it is beneficial to the country, I am going to be the puritan and hope that the PPP/C do the right thing not because it may guarantee them reelection but rather because it is the right thing to do.

The Coalition tossed out their manifesto immediately after winning the elections in 2015 and lost the confidence of the voters less than a year later. They became power drunk and never sobered up until last Sunday.

Ali is very arrogant. His arrogance will sink him.

@Mitwah posted:

Ali is very arrogant. His arrogance will sink him.

Jagdeo will need to curb his animal and real fast. I've said it time and time again, this boy is indeed an arrogant lil prick not fit to hold the position of President. This is not the Ministry of Housing where if yuh want piece house land u must vote PPP. Thankfully the Champion of the Earth is in charge and his first order of biznis should be to muzzle dat little upstart. Ah hope he reading dis.


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