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@Former Member posted:

Guyanese in the diaspora should start to send petitions to change the system. 

In the past, positive things has not been a good thing on this forum, without some posters knocking down any good suggestion.

I always believe GNI could be used as an example for good things to happen in Guyana, because there are some good minded people here.  

I am confident the new administration will make GCDF used for better things for Guyana.

Not only change the system in Guyana, but neutral politicians to change the constitution, or the future for Guyana might lie in the Atlantic Ocean. After more serious racial problems.   


Robert Stephen "Steve" Surujbally was the Chairman for about 16 years - about 2001 to 2017 - who did absolutely nothing during that time to make needed adjustments/changes to the organization.

Retiring in 2016, he then stated that GECOM needs radical updating.

GECOM new Chairman, James Patterson from October 17, 2017 until the appointment of the now Chairman, Claudette Singh; also did absolutely nothing on this specific matter.

@Former Member posted:

Robert Stephen "Steve" Surujbally was the Chairman for about 16 years - about 2001 to 2017 - who did absolutely nothing during that time to make needed adjustments/changes to the organization.

Retiring in 2016, he then stated that GECOM needs radical updating.

GECOM new Chairman, James Patterson from October 17, 2017 until the appointment of the now Chairman, Claudette Singh; also did absolutely nothing on this specific matter.

They all seem to know how to do the job after they left.


People need to read the Constitution of Guyana Cap 1:01, Article 177 (1)(b):

"...if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting."

@Tola posted:

In the past, positive things has not been a good thing on this forum, without some posters knocking down any good suggestion.

I always believe GNI could be used as an example for good things to happen in Guyana, because there are some good minded people here.  

I am confident the new administration will make GCDF used for better things for Guyana.

Not only change the system in Guyana, but neutral politicians to change the constitution, or the future for Guyana might lie in the Atlantic Ocean. After more serious racial problems.   

I have a few things for the new government.

1. Prosecute Mingo for election fraud.

2. Reform the constitution

3. Unite the people and country.

4. Take some of the oil money and contract the Dutch to build the sea defense.

5. Build the Amalia Falls Hydro Power Plant. 

@Tola posted:

In the past, positive things has not been a good thing on this forum, without some posters knocking down any good suggestion.

I always believe GNI could be used as an example for good things to happen in Guyana, because there are some good minded people here.  

I am confident the new administration will make GCDF used for better things for Guyana.

Not only change the system in Guyana, but neutral politicians to change the constitution, or the future for Guyana might lie in the Atlantic Ocean. After more serious racial problems.   

You really think dem knuckleheads here on GNI...including you...can make positive change in Guyana? What world you living in?   we are all spectators.

@Rochelle posted:

People need to read the Constitution of Guyana Cap 1:01, Article 177 (1)(b):

"...if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate than in favour of any other list, that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting."

Rochelle, Rochelle...

We read whats your point foolish "lady"?

The man is compromised. He is a kitchen utensil who was willing to swear in the the gangster with Mingo's fraudulent number. Dont you get it? This is where the law ends and pure political power held by little dictators come into lucky Guyanese people are not in the streets raising an intifada like protest.

Next thing you gon tell us is that Mingo Mango is a saint. 

....gwan suh with your nansense, eh.

Last edited by VishMahabir
@Former Member posted:

GECOM needs to be abolished after the 2020 declaration. The entire system is corrupted. It should be an institution to uphold the will of the people without any government interference. Guyana has never been in this predicament before.

I support this 100%

Lets start a petition

Vish M
Last edited by Django
@VishMahabir posted:

Rochelle, Rochelle...

We read whats your point foolish "lady"?

The man is compromised. He is a kitchen utensil who was willing to swear in the the gangster with Mingo's fraudulent number. Dont you get it? This is where the law ends and pure political power held by little dictators come into lucky Guyanese people are not in the streets raising an intifada like protest.

Next thing you gon tell us is that Mingo Mango is a saint. 

....gwan suh with your nansense, eh.

The point is Lowenfield is not a rubber stamp like Anil Nandlall and Jagdeo wants their followers to believe.

He can advise, and can call into question the credibility of all findings. 

Last edited by Rochelle
@VishMahabir posted:

You really think dem knuckleheads here on GNI...including you...can make positive change in Guyana? What world you living in?   we are all spectators.

You need to get out of your world and come to Guyana  and see what GNI contacts can do. Its no longer posted here, because some bukleheads on GNI don't have too many positive things to contribute.  


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