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GECOM abandons plan to ban cell-phones at recount centre- PPP


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Sunday said the administration of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) aborted an overnight plan to ban cellular phones at the 10 workstations where the national recount of votes is taking place.

Party Executive Member, Anil Nandlall said GECOM’s Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Roxanne Myers had arranged for ‘No Cell Phone’ signs to be posted up on the workstations’ doors inside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. Myers could not be reached for comment.

He said, however, that after the PPP and several small opposition parties ignored the signs, they were removed. “Fortunately, good sense prevailed and they are now allowing the use of cell phones,” he said.

Other sources inside the Centre earlier Sunday corroborated Nandlall’s account.

Last, week GECOM’S administration warned that anyone caught livestreaming or recording any activity inside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre would be expelled. That was after someone had posted a video of APNU+AFC election official, Carol Joseph and PPP representative, Ganga Persaud in a heated exchange.

Meanwhile, Nandlall again acknowledged that there were irregularities in the March 2, 2020 elections as happens in all countries, like in any other country, but the margin of error was not expected to affect the PPP’S 15,000 vote lead. “What is important is keeping the margin of error to an acceptable level and the error must not affect the output or outcome,” he said.

He restated that the recount shows that the PPP’S Statements of Poll are accurate in contrast to Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo’s declaration. “The numbers on the boxes cannot change,” he said.

The PPP said claims by APNU+AFC representatives that people voted in the names of deceased persons and emigrants must be dealt with in an election petition.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

GECOM is trying all kind of jiggery pokery to rig the election. So far the recount is giving PPP a bigger edge than originally expected.

Can GECOM stop the count and call for a new Election as another posted suggested?


Meanwhile, Nandlall again acknowledged that there were irregularities in the March 2, 2020 elections as happens in all countries, like in any other country, but the margin of error was not expected to affect the PPP’S 15,000 vote lead. “What is important is keeping the margin of error to an acceptable level and the error must not affect the output or outcome,” he said.

The numbers changing ,from 17,000 to 15,000. Looking at the 2015 results ,lots of people are interested about the PPP/C magic for gaining such lead, especially the 10,000 more votes gained,while the Coalition gained 3,000 in Region 4.

It's funny for some politicians when their party gain from electoral fraud, it's called irregularities and not rigging. Different nomenclature for different people.

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

Jango, dud Mingo make a false declaration?

Try to address the irregularities  where political parties gain by electoral fraud, instead of the one line questions. I am sure you have the ability to present your thoughts with more than one sentence.


Why would I need someone to think for me when it’s a simple yes or no answer.  Look in the mirror and reflect on why for two months you cannot answer a simple question.  

Your moral compass has run amuck.


Last edited by Abu Jihad
@Abu Jihad posted:

Why would I need someone to think for me when it’s a simple yes or no answer.  Look in the mirror and reflect on why for two months you cannot answer a simple question.  

Your moral compass has run amuck.

Abu ,i don't have to answer your childish question. Do some research then we can talk. It can be a whole year ,if you can't present the issue with more than a few words.

Doubt you have the ability to judge one morality.

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

Did Mingo falsify his declaration?  I need to know that answer before we can continue.

You need to do some research on both declarations ,then we can continue. If you can't then it can be deemed like going around in circles. Hint read the judgement by the high court and full court judge.

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

Look in the mirror and do some reflection, you cannot answer a simple question due to your bias and crookedness. 
Is this how you want to be judged by history. 

Taking into consideration ,you can't research and present the facts for discussion. Hints are provided where to look. Apparently to think for yourself  is a daunting task  ,perhaps rather to be led.

You won't be allowed to make any false accusations .

Last edited by Django

It seems to me APNU and PPP are both vying for the cheating crown, one side (APNU) changing votes, the other (PPP) have dead people and some not in the country, voting for them. As we all have been saying looooong time now, both parties need to be on lockdown, kicked to the curb so to speak. There has to be a massive change to get this done, perhaps Iman gotta head back and take over the dam place, time for some putagee POWs.  Anyone coming with me other than Siggy? I waiting for this covid shit to ease up lil bit though.


Cain, I will join you but we can’t go on the same flight.  We goodie will weigh down the plane.

I do share your sentiments, and can’t wait to be rid of these parasites.  However, these APNU shaninnigans seems to put that dream beyond our lifespan.  

if there is one good from this nonsense, is the emergence of extremely talented Guyanese  that I didn’t know existed prior to this madness.




Regarding dead and overseas voters. 
1) Death voters is a invention by Burnham.
2) How did APNU and PPP polling agent sit there and allowed a death person to vote.

3) Overseas voters, myself and parents went back to Guyana and vote, and it’s legal, we are back in Canada. 

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) is now eyeing overseas-based Guyanese to return home to vote on March 2, 2020, after at one stage insisting that the names of migrants must be removed from the voters list.



Last edited by Former Member

My post has POWs, its an error, should be Power.

Abu bai, I think the majority of the people will say the same thing, everyone is fed up with same ole same ole. Greed and  Covid seems to have a sense of it's own and might take out someadem ole rass, that thing don't go after poor folk but also those intent on fkin with people,. Look what's happening in the White House now, that thing will take care of their rass now and as much as I don't wish to see anyone with any sickness, a few in there and in Guyana could do with a real good dose to straighten out their shyte.

Last edited by cain
@Django posted:

Try to address the irregularities  where political parties gain by electoral fraud, instead of the one line questions. I am sure you have the ability to present your thoughts with more than one sentence.

Django bhai, this is nothing new un any election. Whatever happened to the recount petition from the 2015 election? If there were irregularities in the 2015 elections, should this not have been addressed?
There are irregularities in the election process all over the world. No election is perfect, ask Jimmy Carter.
There was no electoral fraud in Guyana's 2020 election. The issue is Mingo's fake region 4 SOPs. For a man of Mingo's stature, he is as dumb as a stump.

@Abu Jihad posted:

Jango say dead people vote for PPP, but Jango also say PNC win.  Rass me confuse, who dem dead man vote fuh.

Abu bhai ,you reminds of the Faux News and Raush Limbo audience ,try a pot pourri of newscast ,it will enhance your smarts.


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