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Former Member

GECOM begins removing ballot boxes from ACCC

With the recount exercise expected to officially conclude today with the final tabulation of votes, containers that stored the ballot boxes have begun to exit the venue – the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

GECOM’s Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward revealed that the Commission will begin clearing the Conference Centre today.

The ballot boxes, from all ten administrative districts across the country, had all been transported to the Conference Centre for the national recount.

The recount of votes has indicated a landslide victory for the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) in the 2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

The Statements of Recount (SoRs) for the final ballot boxes – 14 for General and 95 for Regional – now have to be tabulated. The tabulation exercise commenced at 10:30hrs today.

Ballot box containers leaving the Arthur Chung Conference Centre as the national recount exercise winds down. [Jarryl Bryan photos]

The tabulation and completion of the recount could have both been completed on Sunday but there was a sudden and dubious technical error by the National Communications Network (NCN) – which was conducting the live streaming – that delayed the process.

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@Mitwah posted:

Just heard PPP 32, Apnu+AFC 31, others 2. 

Blame it on the land slide. 

Bai me a wan dunce and even me tink something like dat go happen. Dem could use de east coase ting foh give PPP minority. Miss 'Singh" go give everybady something...hey hey hey. 


What happened to the oil export dollars in the sovereign fund?  When can it be accessed?

When the PPP government is sworn in and the army bai becomes the Prime Minister.   He will take control of the treasury and access to the fund.    

@alena06 posted:

Where is Mingo? 😃😃. Like he gone in hiding.

He will have to answer for one of the most blatant election violations. He should either be hanged or sentenced to life. Public stoning is the best option.

Last edited by Former Member

I think jailed for life  in Guyana would be more torturous. Others will think more than twice before attempting to commit election fraud. What about Volda ? Her signature was on Mingo’s fraudulent tabulation result.


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