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GECOM cannot ignore the will of 233,336 Guyanese

…winner must be declared based on recount figures – former AG

By Jarryl Bryan

After 34 intense and at times dramatic days, the curtains have finally drawn on the national elections recount exercise and based on the preliminary data generated by the exercise, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has emerged the winners of the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali and Prime Ministerial Candidate, Brigadier (retired) Mark Phillips

The final box was counted on Sunday, while the final tabulation was completed just around midday on Monday at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC). The data generated from the 2339 Statements of Recount (SoRs) shows that the PPP/C, whose Presidential Candidate is former Housing Minister Dr Irfaan Ali, received a total of 233,336 votes.
This is 15,416 more votes than their nearest rivals, A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC), which received 217,920 votes. When one calculates using the Hare formula, it means that PPP/C would have secured 33 out of 65 seats in the National Assembly and APNU/AFC would have secured 31.
The Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), which is led by former National Toshaos Council (NTC) Vice Chairman Lenox Shuman, was the third highest-grossing party with 2657 votes. Coming in fourth was A New and United Guyana (ANUG), led by former Speaker of the National Assembly, Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran, which received 2313 votes.

Containers with ballot boxes making their final trip from the Arthur Chung Conference Centre back to GECOM compound for storage (Jarryl Bryan photo)

Prior to the elections, both LJP and ANUG had entered into an agreement to join their candidate lists with The New Movement (TNM). However, TNM, which is led by Dr Asha Kissoon, only secured 244 votes, the least of any contesting party and well behind Change Guyana (1953), People’s Republican Party (889) and the Citizens Initiative (680).
Between them, LJP, ANUG and TNM secured 5214 votes, which, by using the Hare formula for seat allocations, means they are expected to get one seat. The process is not over, however, as a number of steps have to be completed by GECOM before the final declaration and swearing-in of the next President.
According to the recount order, Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield must tabulate the matrices for the recount in all 10 Regions, prepare and submit a report based on those tabulations to the Commission.
The report has to then be deliberated on by the Commission, a final report pursuant to Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act has to be submitted and a declaration has to be made.
In an interview with the media outside the recount site on Monday, PPP Executive and former Attorney General Anil Nandlall laid out his party’s expectations now that the recount has been completed. According to him, Lowenfield’s role in the process is straightforward.
He noted that the recount order does not provide for the CEO to have any personal, subjective input. “He is simply to summarise the observation report and tabulate, aggregate and total the numbers which would have been tabulated and put on the certificate, constituting the declaration of results for each of the regions,” Nandlall said.
He added that there is no place for the Chief Elections Officer to inject a personal opinion, to offer any recommendation of any sort whatsoever. “His duty and role, in the letter and spirit of the order, is quite mechanical and straightforward. When he presents that report, on or before June 13th, then the Commission will have to deliberate on the report.”
Nandlall posited that in all likelihood, GECOM will check to ensure the numbers and the observation report summary are accurate. Subsequently, he said, a result will be declared based on Lowenfield’s report.
“It’s upon the declaration of that result that the party whose Presidential Candidate received the most votes, will be declared the President and deemed to be the President of Guyana. Having regard to the numbers you are all aware of, the political party and Presidential Candidate that ought to and is expected to be declared, is Dr Irfaan Ali.”

          GUYANA TIMES

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wickham said if anyone had to be blamed for irregularities, it would have to be GECOM rather than the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) which does not have its hands on the levers of the election machinery. “I don’t know how in this conversation we can assume that it is the responsibility of the PPP-Civic that there was rigging. If there was rigging, it was GECOM’s fault and GECOM ought to be investigated,” he said.

@Totaram posted:

GECOM cannot ignore direct PPP fraud and a preponderance of statistical evidence of fraud. GECOM will decide.

Statistical!!!!  Well file a petition and get a statistician to work on it.  What you wasting time for. 

President elect Dr Irfan Ali has a country to run.

@Former Member posted:

Statistical!!!!  Well file a petition and get a statistician to work on it.  What you wasting time for. 

President elect Dr Irfan Ali has a country to run.

GECOM will decide.  The evidence will be considered.  Depending on the outcome at GECOM there will likely be court challenges.  Irfaan Ali is a crook .

@Totaram posted:

GECOM will decide.  The evidence will be considered.  Depending on the outcome at GECOM there will likely be court challenges.  Irfaan Ali is a crook .

Nope.  Election done, PPP won. Go file your petition. 


All Regions have been certified. The coalition won 4 and the PPP/C won 6.

From the grape vine there is a lot of pressure on GECOM chair from the international community, to announce the winner of the March 02 election.   

It is only a matter of time before the Chairwoman do her job and it is not to investigate.    

@Ramakant-P posted:

All Regions have been certified. The coalition won 4 and the PPP/C won 6.

From the grape vine there is a lot of pressure on GECOM chair from the international community, to announce the winner of the March 02 election.   

It is only a matter of time before the Chairwoman do her job and it is not to investigate.    

I heard the same from my PNC connection. She would have been ensnared.


With Mingo's region 4 tally that is presently published on the Gecom website, he gave APNU+AFC 136,057 votes but in the recount they got 116,941.

He listed the PPP/C as 77,231 but in the recount they got 80,920 votes.

So if we do some simple maths - 136,957 - 116,941 = 19,116 and then he took away 3,689 votes from the PPP/C which means he gave APNU+AFC 22,805 more votes than they actually received. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

With Mingo's region 4 tally that is presently published on the Gecom website, he gave APNU+AFC 136,057 votes but in the recount they got 116,941.

He listed the PPP/C as 77,231 but in the recount they got 80,920 votes.

So if we do some simple maths - 136,957 - 116,941 = 19,116 and then he took away 3,689 votes from the PPP/C which means he gave APNU+AFC 22,805 more votes than they actually received. 

Hey Django... if my memory serves my right, these numbers that Bibi posted looks like the SOPs numbers that PPP had posted their website for region 4 just after the election. Any idea why this could be?

@Totaram posted:

GECOM will decide.  The evidence will be considered.  Depending on the outcome at GECOM there will likely be court challenges.  Irfaan Ali is a crook .

This is not a beauty contest, the numbers , SOP and SOR speak for themselves. Or is this another 33 greater than 34/ 33 is the half of 65.

 Stop this clown show or is it entertainment for the Dunces.

@Ace posted:

Hey Django... if my memory serves my right, these numbers that Bibi posted looks like the SOPs numbers that PPP had posted their website for region 4 just after the election. Any idea why this could be?

Check the Fraud thread, all information are there, PPP new PDF with different tabulation from the first one.


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