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GECOM Chair, PPP and small parties argue no jurisdiction, res judicata in latest elections case before High Court

By Editor - 0 , Source - Guyana Standard -

The common thread in the arguments presented today before Chief Justice Roxanne George is that the matters raised by the applicant, Misenga Jones, are res judicata and that the High Court has no jurisdiction. Those who walked that line of contention include the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission, Justice (R’td) Claudette Singh, and the People’s Progressive Party Civic. Small parties who were also named respondents had similar arguments.

Meanwhile, lawyers for the Chief Elections Officer and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) argued that the standard for res judicata has not been met, given that the matters were brought by different litigants.

Jones, a supporter of the APNU+AFC, is seeking to have the High Court stop the Chairman from declaring the results of a national vote recount and to instead only use contrary figures presented to her by Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield.

The basis of her petition to the court is that Article 177 (2) dictates that the GECOM chair must act “only” on the advice of the Chief Elections Officer to declare the winner of the elections.

Today, the Chairman, through her attorney Kim Kyte-Thomas, asked that the case be thrown out as it tramples on the “res judicata” principle and represents an abuse of the court.

In conjunction with her argument of res judicata, Kyte-Thomas told the court that Lowenfield is subject to the direction and control of the Commission. He therefore must act upon the instructions given. She said that contrary to the understanding of the litigant and her lawyer, it is not the Commission who must answer to Lowenfield but Lowenfield who must answer to the Commission. As such, the Chairman is within her right to direct Lowenfield to carry out the will of the Commission.

Kyte Thomas told the court that in relation to the determination of the election results, “to construe the phrase, ‘acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer’ in Article 177 (2) (b) to mean that any report whatsoever that the CEO produces must be acceptable would be tantamount to elevating the CEO above the Commission, the Constitution and the Laws of Guyana.”

She also made reference to the recent judgment of Guyana’s Apex court—the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) —that the recount is final.

CCJ’s president, Justice Adrian Saunders said: “Unless and until an election court decides otherwise, the votes already counted by the recount process as valid votes are incapable of being declared invalid by any person or authority.”

Counsel for the PPP, Douglas Mendes referred to the case as a “non starter.” His principle position is that the High Court is without jurisdiction to handle the matters raised by Jones.

Mendes stressed that issues relating to the validity of an election must be dealt with via an election petition. He said that that is the instruction of the constitution, Guyana’s supreme law. He was keen to note that such a petition can only be entertained after the declaration of an election.

Further, Mendes told the court that the Representation of People Act clearly states that the functions of the Commission cannot be questioned at this point.

Mendes then turned his attention to the fact that the issues raised were well ventilated in other courts.

Sticking to his point of the Chief Justice not having jurisdiction, Mendes then said that in the event that madam assumes jurisdiction, refer to his written submissions which support his position that Section 22 of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act is not unconstitutional. He said that even in the stretch that it is decided to be unconstitutional, it can only be void to the extent of the inconsistency, meaning where it offends the constitution.

Timothy Jonas, representing The New Movement (TNM), and Sanjeev Datadin representing the United Republican Party (URP) argued res judicata.

Attorney Kashir Khan, representing The Citizen Initiative and Change Guyana also supported the principle of res judicata.

Meanwhile, Boston, representing the CEO, told the court that it has to address this “stillbirth” referencing the recount.

He said that “GECOM cannot, by subsidiary legislation, (Order 60, made for the recount) give itself the power to resolve election disputes that arise during the course of an election which said disputes the Constitution has placed in the exclusive jurisdiction of the Election Court,” Boston submitted to the court.”

Further, Boston opposed the position of APNU lawyer, John Jeremie who said that Section 22 of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act is unconstitutional.

Boston stated that Section 22 is constitutional but Order 60 conflicts with Section 22.

He said, “Order 60 (the recount order) is unlawful and the results are invalid and no declaration from that recount can be made lawful…Order 60 is stillborn.”

Attorney Khan responded that the order was not stillborn. He said that the baby had breathing difficulty but the CCJ provided the incubation to allow the baby/order to survive.

“But Boston is asking for the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.”

Jeremie,in his argument and response was resolute that the Chairman acted unlawfully when she directed CEO what numbers to use for the preparation of his report.

Jeremie was also keen that the principle of res judicata cannot be applied.

The Chief Justice will make her ruling on Monday at 16:00hrs.

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CEO cannot be vested with unchecked power – GECOM Chair says as she asks Court to dismiss Coalition’s elections case

0, Source - I News Guyana -

Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh, has submitted to the Court that while Article 177 (2) (b) of the Constitution dictates that she should be “acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Election Officer” to declare the results of an election, the CEO has to follow the directions of the Commission.

Justice Singh, through her lawyer Kim Kyte-Thomas, submitted that if one is to take Article 177 (2) (b) in part then it would mean that the CEO could submit whichever report he wants and the Commission is bound to accept such.

This, she notes, would be tantamount to elevating the CEO above the Commission, the Constitution and the Laws of Guyana. The GECOM Chair noted that “one man or woman cannot be vested with such absolute unchecked power” and “it is inconceivable that the framers of the Constitution would have so intended.” Claudette Singh, GECOM Chair

Through her submissions, in the case of APNU/AFC supporter Misenga Jones – who is seeking to block the declaration of the elections’ results using the figures from the National Recount – Justice Singh argued that Section 96 (2) of the Representation of the People’s Act (ROPA) stipulates what CEO Keith Lowenfield is mandated to do and as such he cannot escape the intention of Parliament to engage on a “frolic of his own.” Lowenfield, Chief Elections Officer

Section 96 (2) of ROPA states: “The Chief Elections Officer shall prepare a report manually and in electronic form in terms of Section 99 for the benefit of the Commission, which shall be the basis for the Commission to declare and publish the elections results under Section 99.”

Attorney Kyte-Thomas argued that it was for this very reason and that the report of the CEO invalidating thousands of votes was deemed null and void by the Caribbean Court of Justice following the appeal of Ali et al v David et al.

Attorney Kyte-Thomas, argued during today’s marathon hearing that, among other things, the High Court does not have the jurisdiction to hear the matter and that it should be dismissed forthwith. She furthered that all of the issues in Jones matter have already been raised and ventilated in previous legal proceedings.

Kim Kyte-Thomas, Attorney-at-Law

In fact, she pointed to the Ulita Moore case decision months ago, noting that the applicant cannot hide from the conclusions made in the ruling of that matter. Those observations, she noted, were in direct response to decision of the Appeal Court to read Order 60 – under which the national recount was conducted – in a particular way to amend the constitution.

The GECOM Chair’s lawyer further went onto address the issue of validity – pointing out that the entire CCJ decision last week must be read as a whole and that certain parts cannot be cherry-picked to be misconstrued.

Attorney Kyte-Thomas referred to the CCJ decision, which is Guyana’s apex court, in which it states that GECOM nor the Court of Appeal can trample on the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court as the elections court to hear such matters in an elections petition.

“Your Honour it is against this backdrop that it is respectfully submitted that this court has no jurisdiction to entertain this application or alternatively even if the court finds jurisdiction, this matter should be dismissed on the ground that it amounts to an abuse of the courts process since the issues have all been ventilated and determined by courts of competent jurisdiction to so do.

“For the reasons advanced above the Application should be rejected by this Honourable Court and the Commission should be permitted to execute its constitutional role and functions to bring finality to the March 2020 Elections,” Kyte-Thomas said in their written submissions to the Court.

A view of the live-stream of today’s marathon hearing before Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George

The Misenga Jones application was filed in the High Court on Tuesday by Attorney Mayo Robertson, who had also represented Eslyn David, another coalition supporter who also tried to block the declaration of the elections. That case went all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and was eventually thrown out.

Among other things, Jones is now seeking a declaration that the Elections Commission does not have the constitutional authority to direct Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield.

This is despite the clear provisions of Section 18 of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act No 15 of 2000. Section 18 states that: “the Chief Election Officer and the Commissioner of Registration shall notwithstanding anything in any written law be subject to the direction and control of the Commission.”

The coalition supporter is also seeking a declaration that the GECOM Chair failed to act on the advice of the CEO.


Res Judicata will prevail. Kim Kyte Thomas is a brilliant young lawyer and delivered strongly for Claudette Singh. She has a commanding voice and well organized thoughts.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Res Judicata will prevail. Kim Kyte Thomas is a brilliant young lawyer and delivered strongly for Claudette Singh. She has a commanding voice and well organized thoughts.

I appreciated how she turned her video back on when Jeremie attempted to misrepresent her statement. It was like she was telling him "ah watchin yuh". But the Chief Justice quickly corrected him about what Kim Kyte-Thomas actually stated.

@Former Member posted:


Kim for AG in a PPP administration.

Bring she in the PPP.  That would give the PNC more shittings. Them Afro racist like Bond, Hinds and Burke will have to take a back seat. 


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