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Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

This shit is funny. All the time PPP crying that the elections were rigged when they tried to rig it.

Hey Nunbnuts (your word).

This is not funny. I think you actually believe this nonsense. The PPP is not just claiming that there were problems with the SOPs, they are making arguments that their people were intimidated and GECOM refused to do a recount...which I think was a reasonable demand, given the closeness of the election numbers.

If anything, the PPP is not known for rigging elections (not saying that this was impossible). 


It's hilarious to me, Numbnuts. They are whining that the elections were rigged when they turned out to be the riggers. The PPP saw the results from the real SOP's and realized that they were losing. They threw in some fake SOP's to see if that could buy them some votes but alas they were kicked out on their corrupt asses. 

Where is the evidence

And why is the PPP going to court if this was true?

Use that virgin brain for once Numbnuts. If you are winning on the real SOP's, would you want to introduce fake ones into the process? Even the GECOM head was on to those corrupt losers. 

You mean the same "head" that refused to do a recount?


The same one that the PPP appointed. He counted ten times and came up with the same result. The real SOP's that is, not the fake ones the PPP were trying to taint the system with.

"He counted ten times and came up with the same result."


Were you there? How you know this? If that banna had to count 10 times, he need new batteries for his calculator or was he using an abacus? 

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

This shit is funny. All the time PPP crying that the elections were rigged when they tried to rig it.

Hey Nunbnuts (your word).

This is not funny. I think you actually believe this nonsense. The PPP is not just claiming that there were problems with the SOPs, they are making arguments that their people were intimidated and GECOM refused to do a recount...which I think was a reasonable demand, given the closeness of the election numbers.

If anything, the PPP is not known for rigging elections (not saying that this was impossible). 


It's hilarious to me, Numbnuts. They are whining that the elections were rigged when they turned out to be the riggers. The PPP saw the results from the real SOP's and realized that they were losing. They threw in some fake SOP's to see if that could buy them some votes but alas they were kicked out on their corrupt asses. 

Where is the evidence

And why is the PPP going to court if this was true?

Use that virgin brain for once Numbnuts. If you are winning on the real SOP's, would you want to introduce fake ones into the process? Even the GECOM head was on to those corrupt losers. 

You mean the same "head" that refused to do a recount?


The same one that the PPP appointed. He counted ten times and came up with the same result. The real SOP's that is, not the fake ones the PPP were trying to taint the system with.

"He counted ten times and came up with the same result."


Were you there? How you know this? If that banna had to count 10 times, he need new batteries for his calculator or was he using an abacus

He used SUCABA.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

The same one that the PPP appointed. He counted ten times and came up with the same result. The real SOP's that is, not the fake ones the PPP were trying to taint the system with.

"He counted ten times and came up with the same result."


Were you there? How you know this? If that banna had to count 10 times, he need new batteries for his calculator or was he using an abacus? 

Do you understand how figurative language is used? Look up the meaning if it's an alien concept to you.


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