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June 10 2018


While expressing his disappointment at how the ethnic composition of the staff of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Secretariat has been misrepresented, GECOM Chairman Justice (retd) James Patterson says the elections management body will hire according to merit and not ethnic quotas.

A claim by PPP/C-nominated Commissioner Robeson Benn at a forum at Red House recently that “up to 90%” of the staff at the GECOM Secretariat was African Guyanese was the source of conflict at last week’s statutory Commission meeting, which came to an abrupt end when Benn and his fellow opposition-nominated colleagues Bibi Shadick and Sase Gunraj walked out.

“They [the commissioners] could have gotten it [the ethnic composition figures]. They don’t want to get it. They have access to that,” Patterson insisted during an interview with Sunday Stabroek on Friday.

James Patterson

He said that a chart detailing the ethnic composition of GECOM’s entire staff population, which was published in sections of the media, came from the Human Resources Department and “is accessible to Commissioners.”

According to the figures, at GECOM’s head office 51% of the staff if African, 22% East Indian, 21% is Mixed Race and the Portuguese, Chinese and Amerindians make up the remainder.

GECOM as a whole has a total of 383 staff members on its payroll. Of this number, 46% or 178 are of Afro-Guyanese, 21% or 80 are Indo-Guyanese, 20% or 77 are Mixed Race, while the remainder comprises of Amerindians (45), Portuguese (2) and Chinese (1).

Following the walkout from last Monday’s meeting, Benn had explained that Patterson disputed his Red House statement without offering to substantiate his own position. According to Benn, he attempted to defend his position and to put it into the context of the necessity that a critical institution of the state must be representative of the diversified peoples of Guyana for development to take place.

He said Patterson prevented him from doing so and instead adjourned the meeting for half an hour and on resumption announced that he would not recognise him.

In a subsequent statement that was issued by the Office of the Opposition Leader, Benn, Shadick and Gunraj said that as a result of Patterson’s move to censure Benn, they were “forced” to walk out of the meeting.

The APNU+AFC-nominated commissioners have, however, disputed the other commissioners’ version of events, saying that the Chairman told Benn that he would not “allow him to disrupt the meeting.”

During his interview with this newspaper, Patterson reiterated that if Benn or his fellow commissioners wanted to know the ethnic make-up of GECOM, they could have gone down to the Human Resources Department and gotten the information. “Easily and we have it in figures as well as this,” he said, while displaying a pie chart.

Asked whether he would say that Benn exaggerated when he cited the 90% figure, Patterson said, “That’s a tidy word… If it is 46 [%] and you say it is 90 [%], what have you done? Spoken the truth? And further I say not.”

Patterson, when asked whether he felt that 46% of one ethnic race employed at a specific place should be a cause for concern, said “but why only apply that to GECOM? That is my response.”

He then referred to the issues arising from the implementation of affirmative action

legislation and policies in the United States to address discrimination. “Until there is legislation here that allows me so to do, people will get employment here according to merit. I am not programmed to look at anybody and say you can’t get admission here because you are such and such an ethnic person. I am not programmed to do that and my critics know that every well,” he stressed.

Patterson added that he was disappointed with the way the issue has been blown out of proportion. “I must be but then again I shouldn’t be because… my experience is… if everything goes too smooth all the time, you relax… [it] cannot go smooth all the time, so you setting yourself up if you just relax. Human nature is not like that, you know. Life is not like that,” he said.

With regards to the way forward, he said that he will continue to hold statutory meetings and it is up to the PPP/C-nominated commissioners to attend or not. If the matter of the Secretariat’s ethnic composition arises again, it will be dealt with then. “I have no control over the thoughts or actions of anybody,” he added.

Benn has claimed that he and his colleagues have not being allowed to speak on issues at many meetings and that Patterson “shows a lot of bias” towards the government-nominated commissioners.  

When asked about this, Patterson made it clear that he will not “respond to anything Mr. Benn says.”

The PPP-nominated Commissioners in their statement stressed that Patterson’s posture towards Benn was as a “blatant attempt to censure and muzzle discussion on critical and important issues at the Commission in general, and in particular contributions on issues regarding ethnic diversity in hiring practices at the Commission,”.

“We have a constitutional mandate to execute and do not serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Commission. We hope that this is not an attempt to alter the delicate balance contemplated by the Constitution in the composition of the Commission,” they added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

GECOM’s ethnic composition reflects the realities of Guyana

June 10 2018


It is with trepidation that I venture to write about an issue such as this, which invokes controversies from all sides. To deal with it realistically though, I have to reflect on another contentious aspect of our recent history, which continues to drive fear into the minds of a vast number of people. The results of the 1992 elections alone, ignoring all the other evidence, prove beyond any conceivable doubt that all prior elections in Guyana as an independent nation were rigged. The failure of the PNC to acknowledge that past, and its role in it, has left more than a lingering sense of suspicion in the minds of a large number of people. The suspicion is, that with the PNC once again in power, rigged elections are back on the agenda. Some PNC members, supporters and sympathisers don’t seem to understand this, or if they do, don’t care about it. Rigged elections in the past aggravated ethnic disharmony by creating the feeling in one section of the population that its vote was either being stolen or was worthless. Hence the controversy over employment practices at GECOM. I am not saying anything that is not widely known and accepted, although many would not wish to acknowledge it.

Guyana’s population has had decided preferences in terms of employment. We have always had African Guyanese tending towards employment in the state sector. In the private sector, they are mostly located in administration, rather than as entrepreneurs. Notwith-standing 28 years of PNC rule, during which African Guyanese were encouraged to go into business, followed by 23 years of PPP rule, during which Indian Guyanese were encouraged to seek employment in the state sector and particularly the security services, the essential employment preferences at the time of Independence have remained largely intact today. These employment preferences are rooted mainly in history.


Throughout Guyana’s life as an independent nation there have been complaints, mainly from African rights activists, that enough Africans are not encouraged to be entrepreneurs. These complaints are based on the assertion that Indian Guyanese dominate the business sector and therefore command a disproportionate portion of Guyana’s wealth in which Africans should share. The PPP and Indian rights activists have always complained that there is ethnic imbalance in the security services which is responsible for the physical safety and security of all Guyanese, including Indians, and there is fear of discrimination. The security services alone, among the state sector, were singled out for redress because of their potential impact on ethnic security. The PNC accepted the ICJ report just before Independence, recommending the balancing of the security services, but never implemented it.   

I served on GECOM as a Commissioner for three general elections, namely, 1992, 1997 and 2001. My experience was that applicants for permanent and election day positions were mainly African Guyanese, following the established employment preferences for Guyanese. I believe that this is the same position today. There is an argument that, like the security services, GECOM is in a special category in relation to ethnic security and that efforts should be made to broaden employment practices so that its ethnic base is widened. Being very sensitive to the issue of ethnic security in relation to electoral matters, as should all other parties be, the PPP tried, largely unsuccessfully, to encourage Indian Guyanese to apply for positions in GECOM. However, the PPP never publicly advanced the argument of ethnic security in relation to GECOM so as to encourage public support for it and pressure GECOM to conduct targeted recruitment drives. Today, the PPP has to face the consequences, including the specious arguments of meritocracy or whether or not to support the inclusion of a section in application forms to denote the race of the applicant, for which it has advanced no answers.

Targeted recruitment measures to correct the situation in the security services, which took place during the PPP’s term of office, have been modestly successful. In both the cases of police recruitment and the distribution of state contracts at present, efforts to broaden the ethnic base of applicants have not been challenged on the basis of meritocracy or the need for applicants to state their race on applications. Why should meritocracy, therefore, be the excuse for failing to take steps to broaden the range of potential applicants for jobs in GECOM? Aren’t those whose votes were stolen for a quarter of a century not entitled to have some comfort that they won’t be stolen again? Doesn’t gross ethnic insensitivity constitute the promotion of ethnic insecurity?

Regrettably, with our current political system and political configuration, in a society that is politically motivated by ethnic competition, and constructed in a way to ensure the entrenchment of that competition, these disputes will never end. There is a solution. All the government needs to do is to implement its election promise on constitutional reform. No one will then ever lose political power.     


“ I served on GECOM as a Commissioner for three general elections, namely, 1992, 1997 and 2001. My experience was that applicants for permanent and election day positions were mainly African Guyanese” 

How can this banna know the applicants are black, was the application given to him or his judgement is base on names that looks like black.

Not all Singh and Persaud are Indians by name, we have a few on this site brown with straight hair that wear the Blackman cap or is a wanna be black. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

So, Indians don't have merits or they come from a shithole country? Likewise, Major Joe Singh is not "fit and proper" to sit in the chair of Justice Patterson?

The PNC is shitting on Indians the same way the PPP shitted on Blacks saying there were no qualified Blacks for certain high offices when they ruled the farm.

Guyana is a country run on a zero-sum philosophy.  That is why it remains a backward, basket case, shit-hole nation where almost everyone have their sights outside.  It's is an "I" nation where anyone in power is obsessed with living large off the backs of the suffering masses.  The Jagans might have been the only politicians genuinely concerned for the struggling masses.

Django posted:


Two things. Since when has the PNC ever used merit as a consideration in any of their decisions or actions?

Secondly, my buddy Carib always maintain that mixed race Guyanese are an extension of black Guyanese. The numbers above show 66% (blacks + mixed) Vs. 20% Indians. So what was all this hymming and hawing recently that Benn was not correct in his assessment?

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 



Old man Patterson didn't even know which end of the pen had the ink. How can he be fit and proper? The only thing fit and proper about him in Granger's eyes is that he also belonged to the PNC old timers club.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...before yuh rig yuh bullshit...hey hey hey...

deal with it banna

Ralph Ramkarran pointed out EXACTLY what i said about GECOM and ethnic hiring patterns

perhaps you are suggesting that Ralph is part of 'the rig' conspiracy

is dat rite?

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...before yuh rig yuh bullshit...hey hey hey...

deal with it banna

Ralph Ramkarran pointed out EXACTLY what i said about GECOM and ethnic hiring patterns

perhaps you are suggesting that Ralph is part of 'the rig' conspiracy

is dat rite?

Ramkarran should join the Coalition for help allay the fears of Indians.

ksazma posted:

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 


what kind of tortured, weasel, subjunctive syntax is that?

nobody made that claim . . . at least not here

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 


what kind of tortured, weasel, subjunctive syntax is that?

nobody made that claim . . . at least not here

So you still feel compelled to live in willful denial?

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...before yuh rig yuh bullshit...hey hey hey...

deal with it banna

Ralph Ramkarran pointed out EXACTLY what i said about GECOM and ethnic hiring patterns

perhaps you are suggesting that Ralph is part of 'the rig' conspiracy

is dat rite?

Ramkarran should join the Coalition for help allay the fears of Indians.

Ralph is a PPP lifer

and . . . when did goat bite PM Nagamootoo and Prakash Ramjattan?

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 


what kind of tortured, weasel, subjunctive syntax is that?

nobody made that claim . . . at least not here

So you still feel compelled to live in willful denial?

stop babbling idiotically and show me where

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

deal with it banna

Ralph Ramkarran pointed out EXACTLY what i said about GECOM and ethnic hiring patterns

perhaps you are suggesting that Ralph is part of 'the rig' conspiracy

is dat rite?

Ramkarran should join the Coalition for help allay the fears of Indians.

Ralph is a PPP lifer

and . . . when did goat bite PM Nagamootoo and Prakash Ramjattan?

Dem two skonts cussing coolies more than Crum Ewing!

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 


what kind of tortured, weasel, subjunctive syntax is that?

nobody made that claim . . . at least not here

So you still feel compelled to live in willful denial?

stop babbling idiotically and show me where

I don’t have any obligations to guide the blind.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 


what kind of tortured, weasel, subjunctive syntax is that?

nobody made that claim . . . at least not here

So you still feel compelled to live in willful denial?

stop babbling idiotically and show me where

I don’t have any obligations to guide the blind.

. . . as i watch your hind quarters with tail between your legs recede into the horizon


ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Consider another aspect. If the claim is made on GNI and perhaps other medium that the PPP also stacked GECOM with Indians between 1992 and 2015, how did the numbers flip so drastically in just three years? 


what kind of tortured, weasel, subjunctive syntax is that?

nobody made that claim . . . at least not here

So you still feel compelled to live in willful denial?

stop babbling idiotically and show me where

I don’t have any obligations to guide the blind.

. . . as i watch your hind quarters with tail between your legs recede into the horizon


LOL. That's what  he does best. He makes statements that he can't substantiate. When cornered he acts like a 

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t have any obligations to guide the blind.

. . . as i watch your hind quarters with tail between your legs recede into the horizon


Don't kid yourself. You are as significant to me as a speck on the wall.

Mitwah posted:

LOL. That's what  he does best. He makes statements that he can't substantiate. When cornered he acts like a 

Ress yuhself Mitwah. Why would you call anyone a cry baby? Wasn't it you who was deeply affected by me liking a post about you? Why would anyone be so affected by someone making a comment or another liking it on a two cents message board? So who is the cry baby now? 

Django posted:

June 10 2018


While expressing his disappointment at how the ethnic composition of the staff of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Secretariat has been misrepresented, GECOM Chairman Justice (retd) James Patterson says the elections management body will hire according to merit and not ethnic quotas.

James Patterson

Perhaps awaken from his usual long slumber to utter incoherent views and then quickly retire to sleep.

Perhaps also his statement -- will hire -- means it may happen sometime in the distant future, should the PNCR "win" the 2020 election.


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